When she recalled the content of the case, she looked towards Zhang Ping to tell.

About a year and a half ago, she became an official combatant of the sweeping team, and she can read various case files in the past.

Some of the cases recorded in these files have been resolved by members of the sweeping team, and some cases are pending, and there is still no result.

Among them, thirty years ago there was a case of a missing body that was very strange.

Because the accumulation of a large number of corpses is easy to attract corpse dogs, Pearl City implements cremation.

But in most cases, if someone dies, Pearl City's funeral management office will set aside four days for the family of the deceased to remember the deceased.

This case is strange because the corpse disappeared one after another.

At first, this incident alarmed the patrol team, but the patrol team searched the city and found no clues. In the following month, there were missing bodies. Finally, the case was transferred from the City Lord to the sweeping team. , The sweeping team is responsible for investigating the case.

But the result of the investigation of this case is nothing.

Liu Sishan couldn’t understand this case, so he took the file to ask Situ Shibai. Situ Shibai told her that this case was done by the lost person. Unfortunately, the lost person was very cunning and found his own The action has alarmed the three major organizations of Pearl City, and they have decisively escaped.

So this case became an unsolved case.

"Sister Sisi, what kind of monster is the lost?" Zhang Ping couldn't help asking after listening.

Liu Sishan solemnly said: "The lost are also awakened. Captain told me at the time that the ability will slowly change according to the user’s habits, and finally become the most suitable and most accustomed form for the user. If the user's mind is not strong enough and is gradually controlled by the ability, what will it become?"

"The lost?" Zhang Ping widened his eyes and asked in surprise.

Liu Sishan nodded and said: "Well, the lost are awakened who are unable to control their own power, but become a slave of power."

"There will be this situation." Zhang Ping was shocked.

But thinking about it carefully, he was actually unconsciously affected by his ability.

In his previous life, although he was not particularly lazy, he always took time out and had some fun for himself, but after coming to this world, especially after eating the contract gem, his greatest pleasure seemed to be exercise Body.

Thousands of push-ups, thousands of sit-ups, replaced by a previous life, he can't even think about it.

Think about it again, since he got the fire eater ability, he especially likes to stay by the stove. After getting the nightwalker, the night sleeps less and less. After getting the Appraisal Technique, he always likes to use the appraisal of other things. Curiosity is far greater than before.

And the pure-blooded body he just got...

A few minutes ago, he was thinking of finding a reason to stay in Liu Sishan's body again, and he couldn't come out at all. Up.

In fact, he is indeed unconsciously affected by his ability, but this change belongs to unnoticeable influence and moisturizes things silently.

"Sister Sisi, do you think I will become a lost person in the future?" He asked a little worried.

Liu Sishan lightly said with a smile: "You think this is still too far away. Generally, the lost are top awakened, but Captain said, as long as you stick to your inner justice, don’t trample on your own settings. Under the bottom line, then there is no risk of getting lost."

Simply put, it is the ability to control, not the ability to control.

Because the stronger the individual, the less binding morality and law will be on him, so once this kind of powerhouse tramples on the bottom line it has adhered to in the past, it will inevitably trample it over and over again .

This is very dangerous.

The most correct way is to stick to the bottom line of your heart, do not give yourself the opportunity to challenge the bottom line, and fundamentally eliminate the risk of getting lost.

For example, Situ Shibai, his way to stick to the bottom line is to never copy the abilities of others without the permission of others.

This is a limitation.

You can prevent yourself from doing evil because your ability is getting stronger and stronger, and finally gradually becoming a slave of ability.

"I remember it!"

Zhang Ping couldn't help but think of the dead Zeng Xiaofan.

Because of the increase in strength and the knowledge that he will not be punished, he actually used lynching at the time. The correct approach should be to knock Zeng Xiaofan stunned and hand it over to the sweeping team for trial.

The absence of the patrol team does not mean that Pearl City’s laws are invalidated. He actually has other options.

"Sister Sisi, I actually did something wrong tonight and I killed someone."

Zhang Ping clenched his fists and looked at Liu Sishan after reflection. Very seriously, he told Liu Sishan about killing Zeng Xiaofan tonight.

"Well, I see, although the use of lynching is wrong, but since the other party is doing a lot of evil, then just this once, I will not ask Captain for credit for this matter, your reward is gone." Liu Sishan listened. After that, I couldn't help but reached out and rubbed Zhang Ping's head, faintly smiled and said.

Zhang Ping reacted, frowned: "Is there a reward?"

"The Zeng Xiaofan you mentioned, if it is the flower thief I know, then he not only died cannot wipe out the Crimes, and regardless of life or death, you can receive rewards from the patrol team or the sweep team. I remember his bounty is quite high." Liu Sishan replied.

Zhang Ping felt a pity at first, but when he thought about the lost, he felt like it should be.

If he knew beforehand that Zeng Xiaofan was a flower-destroying thief and could live or die, then it was reasonable to kill Zeng Xiaofan, but at the time he was taking advantage of his anger to kill and vent his anger, which would be wrong.

This is two different things from the previous murder to rescue Chen Junting. The former was to save people. Moreover, the gangsters had obvious tendency to resist and attack. He was purely self-defense.

The latter has been frightened by him, and his life will not be threatened if he does not kill.

"Sister Sisi, besides becoming a lost person, is there any other potential danger to awakened?" Zhang Ping asked, a little worried.

Liu Sishan said with a smile: "Generally, there is no danger. After all, awakened has more control ability, and the lost will only appear with a very small probability. However, if the lost gets worse, then Will become a monster not just in name only, but also in reality, the sinker!"

"Can it evolve?" Zhang Ping was surprised.

Liu Sishan nodded and said: "I was also startled when I knew it at the time. In fact, the lost are more like patients suffering from mental illness, while the fallen are the ability to truly have their own consciousness. Strengthen oneself and constantly transform the Fleshy body, and finally become...monster!"

"The ability has its own consciousness?"

Zhang Ping feels have one's hair stand on end, As if his abilities opened his eyes in the dark, he was peeping at himself quietly.

In the black and white light, Liu Sishan looked at Zhang Ping with a pale face, couldn’t help but smile, and said quietly, “Because the ability will gradually become the form that the user is accustomed to, if the user is accustomed to Is the form itself abnormal? An abnormal state will create an abnormal ability form. This is the sinker!"

"Awakened actually has such a scary hidden danger, too terrifying." Zhang Ping swallowed his saliva, feeling as if he would lose control at any time.

Liu Sishan can’t help saying with a smile: "Zhang Ping, what are you afraid of, can’t you control your body and mind with 100% control? The next order, don’t get lost, don’t sink, this is not That's it."


Zhang Ping as if was struck by lightning, the whole person seemed to be petrified.

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