Feng Lai Xian is undoubtedly a powerhouse.

So if you want to deal with him, you must use some tactics.

The old man smiled happily, all around one by one the living corpses focused on Fenglaixian, one after another invisible power was like a shackle on Fenglaixian's body.

This invisible power is actually the motivation of thought.

Nian Motive is the general ability of a panacea, and the upper and lower limits are extremely high, and it has a strong advantage in frontal combat.

An ordinary person can be said to be there's no resistance when facing the person who is thinking about it, and the neck may be broken by the invisible force of thinking when facing the person.

Feng Laixian's body is terrifying powerfully. Even if he is entangled and strangled by countless thoughts, he still gritted his teeth and slowly inserted his hand into his body, tearing apart the corpse poisonous part.

But the corpse poison spread too fast.

Densely packed green threads appeared on the surface of his skin, and these threads quickly spread towards his head.

Once the corpse poison enters his brain, he will become a new living corpse.

"Good terrifying power field, Feng Hall Master's situation is not good."


"We will go down to help out, we cannot let Feng Hall Master Fight alone."


"Don’t mess up, the old ghost is obviously top awakened, and it can create puppets by some means. Once you are poisoned, Instead, he will become his accomplice."


"Attack the living corpses all around, and break the Nian Power Field first."


"Is there anyone who can cure Feng Hall Master from a long distance? Feng Hall Master needs treatment."


"Don’t be foolish, Feng Hall The Master’s own healing ability is so powerful that he doesn’t need treatment at all. What he needs is detoxification."


On the city wall, awakened people saw this scene and started talking. No one is convinced between them, nor can they come up with a feasible plan.

As the old man said, Feng Laixian made a bad move.

He is too far away from the city wall, a full four to five hundred meters. Although someone in the awakened can attack that far, they will be blocked by the living corpse, which is basically useless.

As for going down the city wall to fight at close quarters with the living corpses, the awakened will not think about it.

The main reason is that the mysterious old man's abilities are too disgusting. Once poisoned, he will become his puppet, and the puppet can use his abilities in his lifetime.

Awakened who is not strong enough to continue to support, will soon become the opponent's thugs, but will not help.

When everyone was at a loss, Zhang Ping's will was transferred to the female awakened again. As soon as he transferred, the female awakened noticed his existence.

"Is that you?" The female awakened asked uncertainly.

Zhang Ping responded: "Well, I am a little worried here, so I shifted my consciousness to take a look at the situation."

After confirming that the absolute order can prevent him from losing and sinking, he It was greatly relaxed, and then he happened to hear the conversations of the awakened here through Wind Whisperer.

He knew very well that once Feng Laixian had an accident, the South Wall might not be able to hold it, so his consciousness shifted to the side of the blood snake, planning to see the situation first. (It is worth mentioning that he has become a pure blood form again, and his body is lodged in Liu Sishan.)

The female awakened knows what he is worried about, so she steps forward a little bit and looks at the city wall. Outside.

With Fenglaixian as the center, the air is constantly twisting, as if countless arms are holding Fenglaixian firmly, preventing him from making any movements.

Feng Laixian's body has completely turned green. He is struggling and constantly tearing the flesh and blood containing corpse poison, but it does not have much effect.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that he did it in vain.

However, Zhang Ping has identified Fenglaixian's attributes, so he knows what Fenglaixian is doing. Fenglaixian is doing self-harm and is accumulating enough injuries.

Once Fenglaixian falls into a state of dying, he can release the flames of the Scarlet Emperor and instantly recover all his injuries.

Zhang Ping estimated that the Red Emperor Flame should have a miraculous effect on the corpse poison.

"Little hero, does Feng Hall Master still have a chance?" the female awakened asked worriedly.

Actually, the awakened present are all worried. The problem is that they are not strong enough. They can only watch. The end may cause trouble to Feng Laixian. The mysterious old man is surrounded by several equivalent to top awakened. Living corpses, someone even saw the identity of these living corpses just now.

Zhang Ping sorry said: "elder sister, don't call me a hero, just call me Xiao Zhang."

"Okay, Xiao Zhang younger brother, don’t you worry Is it?" the female awakened asked.

Zhang Ping replied: "Feng Hall Master still has a hole card. As long as he can hold it till dawn, he can reverse the situation."

"Then very good." The female awakened relaxed.

Zhang Ping looked at the old man at this time and tried to use the appraisal. He didn’t expect that this mysterious old man didn’t even have any equipment to hide his own information. After more than 20 consecutive failures, he unexpectedly The identification was successful.

He immediately checked the attributes of the old man.

[Identification Successful]

[Name: Zuo Xiangming]

[Race: Living Corpse (Lost)]

[Factors : Legion of the living corpse]

[Potential: None]

[Lifespan: None]

[Level: Top awakened]

[Level: 39]

[innate talent]

[living corpse toxin (mutation): the body can continuously generate corpse venom, and those who are transformed into living corpse by corpse venom will be affected The control of the capable person. ]

[Advanced Skills]

[Intermediate-corpse poison enhancement (mutation): the toxicity of the living corpse poison is increased ten times, and the infection speed is increased by 200%. ]

[high level-Living corpse awakening (mutation): All living corpses can use their abilities during their lifetimes and retain their combat experience during their lifetimes. ]

[Top-Legion (mutation): All living corpses become a whole, and only by killing all living corpses can the controller be damaged. 】


"This is a Necromancer template, right?"

Zhang Ping looked at Zuo Xiangming's attribute and couldn't help but vomit.

Then he heard the female awakened surprised and said: "Xiao Zhang younger brother, how come that old man's attribute appears in front of me?"

"Huh, did you see it too? "Zhang Ping said in surprise.

Female awakened nodded and said: "Well, I saw it. This is your ability?"

"Well, it's my ability." Zhang Ping nodded and said, he I didn't expect to use the appraisal by myself, and the boarding object could also see it.

The female awakened looked at Zuo Xiangming’s attribute and solemnly said: "Xiao Zhang younger brother, this old ghost really strong, is Feng Hall Master really okay?"

"If It must be no problem if it can last till dawn." Zhang Ping then identified Fenglaixian again.

This time he was specially identified to female awakened.

[Successful identification]

[Name: Fenglaixian]

[Race: Human]

[Factor: Beastmaster Fist Hall ]

[Potential: ⭐⭐⭐]

[lifespan: 5000]

[level: top awakened]

[level :38]

【innate talent 】

【Crimson Emperor Immortal Body: The more serious the injury, the faster the healing speed, the higher the body temperature, and the Crimson Emperor can be released when dying The flames instantly recovered all injuries. ]

[Advanced Skills]

[Intermediate-Overspeed regeneration: wound healing speed increased by 200%]

[high level-Red Emperor Flame Blood: Yes Control the acceleration of the heartbeat, activate the red emperor flame blood, burst out terrifying high temperature, and at the same time improve the overall physical fitness. 】

【Top-Great Sun Crimson Emperor: Through resonance with the sun during the day, into the Great Sun Crimson Emperor form, all powers are increased tenfold, and the Crimson Emperor flames are sublimated into the Great Sun True Fire, which can be released and manipulated at will . 】


When the female awakened saw Feng Laixian’s attributes, she thought about opening the mouth and said: "Then we must find a way to help Feng Hall Master delay Time!"

Speaking, she turned and left the south wall, and when she got down the city wall, she asked two stronger awakened to go together.

"Elder sister, what are you going to do?" Zhang Ping couldn't help asking.

Female awakened said with a slight smile: "My name is Chen Weihua, you can call me Chen elder sister or Weihua sister. As for what I am going to do... Now, the most troublesome thing for Feng Hall Master I am afraid it is the living corpses that can use the power of mind. Only when those living corpses are solved, will Feng Hall Master have a chance to last till dawn!"

While speaking, she came to a warehouse.

After she took out the key and opened the warehouse, Zhang Ping saw a large number of fruits that resembled sea urchins.

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