Safe house.

Liu Sishan is sitting cross-legged, meditating.

Maybe many people immediately think of Divine Art cheats when they see meditation.

But the meditation of this world is actually the same as the meditation of Earth, and it does not have so many magical effects.

On Earth, people need to be busy with three meals a day. Most people find it difficult to calm down and meditate into concentration. The awakened in this world, because of its strong spirit strength, makes it easier to achieve concentration.

Meditation can reduce stress, depression and anxiety, improve people's concentration, memory and creativity, improve sleep, relieve body pain, and enhance immunity.

Therefore, many awakened vigils in Pearl City will meditate.

Suddenly Liu Sishan opened her eyes, and she was surprised to see that a translucent attribute panel appeared in front of her eyes, and the attribute was displayed on the left.

Shortly after she finished reading Zuo Xiangming's attributes, Fenglaixian's attribute panel appeared again.

"Zhang Ping?" She tried to shout.

However, Zhang Ping in her body did not respond, which means that Zhang Ping’s consciousness should still be on the Pearl City side at this time. She guessed that Zhang Ping used Appraisal Technique, but because of the body Here, and in her body, so she also saw the result of Appraisal Technique.

"Captain, there is the latest information."

Liu Sishan closes his eyes and compares Zuo Xiangming's and Feng Laixian's abilities in his mind. After a while, he opens his eyes and takes out the badge to contact Situ Shibai.


Pearl City.

Chen Weihua walked in front, and two awakened walked up the city wall carrying six boxes of fruits.

She quickly arranged dozens awakened to be responsible for throwing these fruits. Because these fruits are covered with spikes, the awakened she arranged are tall and strong, and the arms have various protective awakened.

"Sister Weihua, don't sell Guanzi, what is the use of these fruits?" Zhang Ping asked helplessly.

As soon as he was in the warehouse, he asked Chen Weihua once, but Chen Weihua didn't tell him, but sold it off.

Although Zhang Ping followed Liu Tiefeng's learning materials to identify and recognized many plants and fruits that Earth did not have, he really didn't know the use of the fruits Chen Weihua brought now.

This is a kind of fruit he has not seen.

"You'll find out later." Chen Weihua said with a smile triumphantly.

Zhang Ping is speechless.

In fact, he can use Appraisal Technique to directly identify the answer.

But when he uses Appraisal Technique, Chen Weihua will also see the identification result, so he is not too embarrassed to use it. The main reason was that Chen Weihua obviously wanted to pretend to be coerced, and interrupting a woman to pretend to be coerced was not a matter of grace, so he decided to watch it quietly.

Under Chen Weihua's arrangement, several awakened threw the fruits to the living corpses one after another, but these fruits were quickly blocked by a few living corpses.

When the living corpses blocked the fruits, the fruits exploded one after another.

The fruit is completely indiscriminate attack.

Three hundred and sixty degrees are all taken care of. If awakened in the vicinity, they will also be bombed.

Fortunately, the living corpse is far away from the awakened on the city wall, so the fruit explosion can't blow up the awakened at all. It only blows up the living corpse and the living corpses near the living corpse.

Of course, some of the spikes fell on Feng Laixian's body, and Feng Laixian suddenly felt that there was a toxin in his body.

"This poison!"

Feng Laixian immediately felt a different kind of pain.

The corpse poison and this unknown toxin in his body are eroding his body, but the two toxins are fighting each other again, giving him a chance to breathe.

Because another toxin is extremely destructive to his body, his recovery speed is also accelerating, but it alleviates his current embarrassment.

He tore apart the corpse poisonous flesh and blood on his body, and shouted: "Go on, come again!"

Just now, there were a lot of awakened on the city wall, seeing the attack spread to Feng. Laixian spoke to stop him, but hearing Feng Laixian's roar, these people immediately realized that it would be helpful to Feng Laixian, and they looked at Chen Weihua in embarrassment and puzzlement.

"This kind of fruit is called Thousand Needle Fruit. Once it encounters a big impact, it will explode and shoot out the needle sticks on the surface. These needle sticks contain fire poison, and the poisoned person will feel like being exposed to the scorching sun. Searing."

Chen Weihua smiled slightly, and then said to the awakened who was all around.

Burning in the sun?

Zhang Ping immediately realized that for Fenglaixian, Qianzhenguo might speed up his release of the Red Emperor's flames.

In fact, there are many abilities, which will be significantly enhanced under the cooperation and stimulation of specific substances, or some hidden abilities are more easily stimulated.

Liu Sishan once guessed that his ability hides this kind of hidden mechanism. For example, he awakened Wind Whisperer when he came into contact with the gem of wind, which makes it hard not to think, Wind Does Whisperer have something to do with his touching the gem of wind?

This type of substance that can enhance abilities or stimulate hidden properties is called a fit in Pearl City.

Actually, the simpler the ability, the easier it is to guess what one's fit is.

For example, Water Element awakened, when you are weak, you often carry several cans of water at any time, Fire Element awakened carries kerosene...

As for the awakened outside the element system, most of them don’t quite clear What is the fit of one's own, and don't even know what's the matter with one's own ability.

If the body is likened to a mobile phone, then the ability is equivalent to an APP program.

As the only user of this program, the user only needs to use it, without understanding the code structure of this program and how it works. As users continue to feedback their own usage habits, the program will automatically update, gradually conform to the user's usage habits, and finally become the version the user wants.

In other words.

Everyone uses ability based on feelings and habits, anyway, ability will gradually become the shape of awakened habit.

In fact, in Pearl City, most of the awakened who know that they are compatible are awkward. When they accidentally encounter this type of substance, they found out what they can enhance their abilities, but very few awakened will Go to study specifically.

It is mainly dedicated to research that requires a lot of time, money, and energy.

Moreover, it always depends on the fit. It is easy to gradually cultivate the ability to rely on the foreign object to be powerful.

The more awakened depends on foreign object, the ability will also tend to require foreign object stimulation or foreign object stimulation before it can be used.

For example, an awakened can release a Fireball by itself, but he always adds kerosene to the Fireball to enhance the formidable power of the Fireball. Then in the future, he may get a fireball after he advances. Oil fortification' ability.

This ability can increase the formidable power of Fireball by ten times or one hundred times after he adds kerosene, but from the result, this is not good for awakened, it will only make awakened more dependent and fit. Things.

Once there is no foreign object such as kerosene around awakened, it will be far worse than the awakened who is promoted normally.

So even if most awakened know which substances can enhance their own abilities, they will not use them often, at most they will use this type of fit when they need to work hard.

This is the situation in Fenglaixian now.

If Thousand Needles can really speed up his release of the Scarlet Emperor Flames, it will undoubtedly have the effect of turning the tide of the battle.

Behave in extraordinary circumstances.

At least for now, he doesn't mind using external forces.

Next, several awakened kept throwing Thousand Needle Fruits at the living corpses.

Zuo Xiangming is not stupid either. He immediately saw that these fruits were positively helpful to Fenglaixian, so he controlled a few living corpses to block Qianzhen Guo's attack.

However, Thousand Needle Fruit's attack is extremely penetrating, and the rate of fire after the explosion is extremely fast. Therefore, unless Zuo Xiangming builds a castle all around Fenglaixian, it is impossible to block all the needle sticks.

After a few rounds of attacks, Fenglaixian had dozens of needle sticks with a thousand needles inserted behind her, and red puss were swelled at the place where they were inserted, exuding a trace of heat.

Those needle sticks melted in the high temperature, forming a black liquid, which slowly flowed down his back.

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