chi chi!

Suddenly Feng Laixian’s back heard a sound similar to lighting a match.

next moment, Fenglaixian's eyes shot red light, raised his head and roared loudly, the black liquid on his back burned fiercely, and the flames of crimson spread quickly all over his body, turning him into a burning man.

In the flames, the corpse poison was burned out in no time.

"Not good!"

Zuo Xiangming saw this scene, his face suddenly changed slightly, and his left hand quickly pointed at Fenglaixian.

A living corpse on his left hand immediately pressed his hands on the ground. Starting from the living corpse’s hands, a wave of waves quickly extended to where Feng Laixian was standing, and the living corpse with the power of mind used his mind to death. Press and hold Fenglaixian forcefully, not to let Fenglaixian move even one inch.

"Beastmaster Fist, a stubborn body!"

Fenglaixian is loudly roared, and the body's muscles and muscles are like dragons and tigers, and the whole person is like a peerless beast.

Beastmaster Fist is a Last Style besides Profound Truth. This is a break free technique that can gather the power of the whole body and break free from all constraints in an instant.

At this time, Feng Laixian's body shook slightly before breaking free from the shackles of thought power, and then he suddenly raised his head, took a deep breath.

His upper body is like an inflated balloon, and the next moment spit out chaotically, accompanied by flames blasting forward.

A living corpse holding a shield quickly stopped in front of Zuo Xiangming’s body, and then was bombarded by flames, but the flame fell on Zuo Xiangming’s body, still being resisted by invisible power, but far away A living corpse exploded directly.

However, Feng Laixian didn’t panic at all. He twisted his waist, shaking its head and wagging its tail. The flames swept all around along with the air current. Those living corpses that used the power of mind were directly burned by the flames. ashes.

With this breath, he sprayed for half a minute before it slowly ended.

"Ha, I feel comfortable."

He opened his mouth, with white smoke coming out of his mouth, and his eyes swept to the left.

The smile on Zuo Xiangming’s face is gone, and he looks at Feng Laixian yinly. He just wanted to order the living corpse on his left to make a swamp and trap Feng Laixian in the swamp first. It’s a pity Feng Laixian exploded too fast, before the power of the living corpse spread, Feng Laixian got out of trouble first.

On the city wall, the awakened all showed joy when they saw Feng Laixian get out of trouble.

Zhang Ping asked curiously: "Sister Weihua, how did you know that Thousand Needle Fruit is the fit of Phoenix Hall Master?"

"Of course it’s because of Xiao Zhang, younger brother, you Show me the attributes of Feng Hall Master, otherwise how would I know." Chen Weihua said with a smile triumphantly.

Then she whispered: "Tell you a secret. As long as you are knowledgeable enough and have information about the opponent's abilities, it is not difficult at all to figure out what the opponent's fit is. "

Damn it, she pretended to be.

Zhang Ping is speechless, even if he knows this secret, he won't use it.

"By the way, Sister Weihua, do you want to see your own attributes?" He suddenly remembered that he could also identify Chen Weihua's attributes.

Chen Weihua said casually: "You can watch it if you want, but my attributes are not very good-looking."

"Maybe you can know your fit through this method?" As Zhang Ping said, he simply used the appraisal on Chen Weihua.

In an instant, two panels pop up at the same time, one is his own attribute panel, and the other is Chen Weihua's attribute panel.

"Xiao Zhang younger brother, your attribute is too luxurious." Chen Weihua said with wide eyes, surprised.

Zhang Ping said nothing, and quickly closed his attribute, and then he looked at Chen Weihua's attribute.

[Successful identification]

[Name: Chen Weihua]

[Race: Human]

[Factor: Pearl Hospital]


[Potential: ⭐⭐⭐]

[lifespan: 87]

[level: high level awakened]

[level: 23 】

【innate talent 】

【Bowen strongly remembers: It can greatly enhance one's own memory and information processing ability. ]

[Advanced Skills]

[Intermediate-Unforgettable: All the sounds that have been heard will not be forgotten. 】

【high level-never forget: all the pictures that have been seen will not be forgotten. 】



Zhang Ping knows that even if he closes his attributes, Chen Weihua probably has read everything he should read.

It is no wonder that Chen Weihua is responsible for the unified dispatch of all supplies at the South Wall, because her ability is invincible in terms of logistics.

"Sister Weihua, are you a doctor?"

When Zhang Ping saw that Chen Weihua belongs to Mingzhu Hospital, he asked curiously.

Of course. He also meant to divert the subject.

Chen Weihua said with a smile: "Yeah, don't you think my ability is very suitable to be a doctor?"

"Suitable." Zhang Ping agreed.

Chen Weihua did not mention Zhang Ping's ability.

After seeing Zhang Ping's ability, she instantly realized that Zhang Ping is definitely not an ordinary person. With such exaggerated attributes, even the three major organizations will rush for important people and compete for training.

The problem is that Zhang Ping does not belong to a force, which is very intriguing.

She thinks she'd better be hardly confused, just pretend she didn't see it.

But even so, her liking for Zhang Ping has increased a lot, after all, which woman would not like a younger brother who is pleasant to talk and has amazing potential.

The night is still very long.

Zhang Ping and Chen Weihua chatted for a while, seeing that Feng Laixian and Zuo Xiangming were in a stalemate, so they decided to return to the safe house.

He is still a little confused. Even Zuo Xiangming is a lost person. Why did he choose to attack Pearl City at this time? What is his purpose? Isn't he afraid of Situ Shibai?

When he consciously bid farewell to Chen Weihua and returned to the safe house, Liu Sishan opened his eyes and said indifferently: "Zhang Ping, how is the situation in Pearl City?"

"Feng Laixian is already out of trouble, but the enemy is very difficult to entangle. I have seen the enemy's attributes..." Zhang Ping immediately replied.

But when he talked about attributes, Liu Sishan opened the mouth and said: "I have to tell you one thing. When you use authentication, it may be because the body is in my body, so I also saw the authentication. The result."

"Ah, did you see Sister Sisi?" Zhang Ping was taken aback, then surprised.

Liu Sishan nodded and said: "So...your blood snake is now boarding on Chen Weihua?"

Just now Zhang Ping used the Appraisal Technique on Chen Weihua, and Liu Sishan also looked at it here. Here comes the attributes of Chen Weihua and Zhang Ping.

"en. ”Zhang Ping nodded and said.

Liu Sishan said indifferently: "Chen Weihua, the chief coroner of the Pearl Hospital, is known as the invisible Chen Weihua who laughed and killed the invisible. When you contact her, keep an eye on her. Don't be sold by her and help her count the money."


"The coroner? Killing with laughter is invisible?" Zhang Ping was very surprised.

To be honest, he really didn't feel any danger in contact with Chen Weihua, and is the coroner a doctor?

"Actually, there are three unsuccessful cases related to Chen Weihua in the sweeping team, but the sweeping team has no direct evidence to prove that these cases are Chen Weihua's work. We can only speculate that Chen Weihua should be extremely good at strategy. Planning strategies, killing is invisible." Liu Sishan said.

Zhang Ping thinks about it carefully, if Chen Weihua wants to kill someone, he can only use tactics.

After all, Chen Weihua’s ability is well-remembered. She knows the partial knowledge that many people don’t know at all, and holds information that many people don’t.

Just make good use of the knowledge and intelligence that you have mastered, it is indeed possible to kill people invisible.

But when he thought of Chen Weihua using his knowledge to kill innocent people, Zhang Ping suddenly had no good feelings for Chen Weihua.

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