Previously, Zhang Ping felt that Chen Weihua was knowledgeable and well-versed. He gets along well with each other and should be able to be friends.

But now he just wants to quickly control the blood snake from Chen Weihua's body. After all, the more information the other party knows, the more people may be victimized in the future.

"Sister Sisi, is there really no way to bring Chen Weihua to justice?" The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became, so he asked.

Liu Sishan said indifferently: "Why should Chen Weihua be brought to justice?"

"But didn't she kill someone?" Zhang Ping asked rhetorically.

Liu Sishan lightly said with a smile: "She did kill a lot of people, but the investigation confirmed that those people were death cannot wipe out the crimes, and several of them were gangsters who squeezed farmers Poppi, and the other three are awakened, once ambushed other adventurers outside the city, and killed several families as a result."

"The sweeping team does not care about these people?" Zhang Ping frowned.

Liu Sishan explained: "The sweeping team is classified as a secret force. How could it be possible to manage this kind of thing? Even the investigation team and the patrol team will not take care of these trivial things."

Investigation The team and the patrol team are actually aimed at alienated beasts.

City Lord has agencies to manage such incidents, but in fact there are no reporters, no evidence, and it is difficult to intervene.

"Then no one can control these bad guys?" Zhang Ping was upset.

Liu Sishan said with a smile: "How can no one care, the wicked have their own troubles, Chen Weihua does not care. You need to know that Pearl City is also respected by the powerhouse, and the law is respected by the overwhelming majority. As far as powerhouse is concerned, in fact, the binding force is not great. What can really maintain the order of Pearl City is the moral consensus in everyone's mind."

Why did the sweeping team not delve into what Chen Weihua did?

The fundamental reason is that during the investigation, they determined that the person Chen Weihua killed was worthy of death.

The meaning of the sweeping team is to sweep all the dangerous factors that threaten Pearl City, and good people are not within the sweeping range of the sweeping team, and even provide assistance when necessary.

"Sister Na Weihua is actually a good person?" Zhang Ping meditated.

Liu Sishan couldn't help laughing, she teased: "Zhang Ping, if one day I commit a crime, will you stop calling me Sisi sister?"

Just now Zhang Ping changed his slogan after knowing that Chen Weihua had killed someone and called Chen Weihua’s name directly. Now that he knows that Chen Weihua is a good person, he immediately changed his slogan to Sister Weihua.

"Sister Sisi is different, how could Sister Sisi commit a crime." Zhang Ping said quickly.

At this time, Liu Sishan's badge was slightly shiny, she immediately took out the badge, and lightly tapped the pearl on the badge.

"Sisi, it's dawn, you will now take people to look at Mount Everest and prepare to ambush two targets. They will pass blue clothes and red clothes separately, and I will pass their image to your consciousness , Execute the order immediately.” Situ Shibai said quickly.


Zhang Ping and Liu Sishan were both taken aback. Liu Sishan immediately walked to the door and opened the door to see that the outside was really bright.

A huge ball of light hung high in the sky above Pearl City, and the rays of light spilled down. With Pearl City as the center, the area is bright for thousands of kilometers, just like daylight.

Situ Shibai has always emphasized before that, make arrangements after dawn.

But neither Zhang Ping nor Liu Sishan didn't expect the so-called dawn to be this kind of dawn. It's actually just past three o'clock, and there are still several hours before the morning.

"Captain, what about Zhang Ping?" Liu Sishan asked as he looked at the sun-like sphere of light in the distance.

Situ Shibai pondered for a moment, opened the mouth and said: "Let Zhang Ping also act with you. As for Liu Tiefeng, I will arrange someone to protect him."

"Understand ." Liu Sishan nodded and said.

Zhang Ping is a bit worried about Liu Tiefeng's safety, but he knows that the safe house is not the center of the incident. With the protection of the manpower arranged by Situ Shibai, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Therefore, he is not opposed to acting with Liu Sishan.

After Liu Sishan and Situ Shibai finished contacting, she asked: "Zhang Ping, you must not act with me. If you want to stay, I can let you stay. After all, you are not sweeping. A member of the team."

"Let’s act with Sister Sisi, and I also want to know what is going on in this incident." Zhang Ping directly replied.

This is what he really thinks.

Liu Sishan nodded and said: "Well, let’s go."


Wang Everest is in the north of Pearl City, and the safe house is in the south .

If you want to reach Mount Everest as soon as possible, you must go all-out.

Liu Sishan manipulates the water to form a circle, and then makes a surfboard out of ice. She steps on the surfboard made of ice, and the next moment enters the circle of water.

The water current circle rotates at a high speed, leading her to quickly slide towards Mount Everest.

"By the way, Sister Sisi, I will try how many of my various abilities can be used in this state, maybe we were unexpected when the time comes, and can hit the other party completely unprepared." Zhang Ping this Said when.

Liu Sishan controlled the current loop, and said lightly: "Then you try."

Next, Zhang Ping began to experiment with his various abilities.

First of all, he cannot be converted back to flesh and blood in the body of others, so a pure blood body cannot be transformed into a pure water body.

The ability of the fire eater also seems to be unusable. The reason is that the pure blood body does not have the Fire Element energy, and all the Fire Element energy is converted into blood along with it.

After some attempts, he determined that there are four abilities he can use now, namely: contract gem, Wind Whisperer, Appraisal Technique, and Nethermist.

Among them, the contract gem can be manufactured, but it will appear outside of Liu Sishan.

And Wind Whisperer does not actually have to rely on ears to use the ability, because the sound brought by Wind Whisperer is in fact inaudible to other people. This is simply an unknown method of information gathering.

There is also Zhang Ping. Even in Liu Sishan's body, Liu Sishan still cannot hear the sound from Wind Whisperer, and cannot share information like Appraisal Technique.

As for Appraisal Technique, Zhang Ping has tried it before, so there is no need to talk about it.

The last body of Nethermist was Zhang Ping didn't expect.

He originally thought that the body of Nethermist should be as unusable as the body of pure water, but when he wanted to secrete Nethermist, he actually secreted it.

He can control the gathering of pure blood bodies on Liu Sishan's body surface, thereby releasing Nethermist into Liu Sishan's body and controlling it.

In this way, after a while in the fight, there is a real chance to yin the enemy, after all, who would have thought that Liu Sishan still had a savage man hidden in his body.

Zhang Ping and Liu Sishan discussed the tactics, and then he stayed quietly in Liu Sishan's body, conserving strength and store up energy.

Because Pearl City was besieged by living corpses, in order to avoid trouble, Liu Sishan bypassed Pearl City and went straight to Mount Everest from the mountains.

On the way, members of the fighting team under Liu Sishan's command also gathered one after another.

The first person who rushed over was Lu Han, whom Zhang Ping knew.

Lu Han carried a long sword on his back, and his shoes glowed slightly. With a single step, he floated dozens of meters away. It looked like he could use Lightweight Art.

But in fact, this is the result of Lu Han's ability to bless his shoes. Although his psionic power is not as versatile as mind power, he has more control over items.

Then the second person who rushed over was a girl.

This girl wears a mask like Liu Sishan, but her mask is an iron mask. At the same time, she runs purely on the road. She is obviously slim and slender, but she has a strong explosive power and runs faster than a cheetah. Exaggerated, but also terrifying endurance, she did not catch her breath all the way.

The third person who rushed over was a strange young man.

He is fat on the upper body, but thin on the lower body, and riding a bicycle, he walks flat on the rugged mountain road.

Because of being too curious, Zhang Ping quietly used Appraisal Technique on this young man.

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