North of Pearl City, there are countless magical lives in the endless mountains.

Under the sun, a group of little wild boars followed mother across the grass, and then there was a stream with thin arms in front. The female wild boar strode across the stream, but the one in front of the little wild boar was terrified and stopped. In front of the stream.

The little wild boar at the back hits the front little wild boar's butt. This bump suddenly knocked the little wild boar in front into the water. It flipped a somersault in the water, and suddenly an arm made of water Lifting it up, it hurriedly used all fours and ran to the opposite bank in fright.

The other little wild boars stared blankly at the stream, until the female wild boar urged them to cross the stream cautiously.

The water in the stream is clear and transparent, still flowing slowly, and finally merges into a larger water vein, which flows down the mountain and gradually penetrates under the rocks and enters the dark In the river.

This underground river is one of the most important water sources in Pearl City.

Pearl City's water plant draws water from this underground river, and then sends the water to thousands of households through water pipes.

In the patrol team, a few awakened opened the faucet, filled a pot of water, and then took the water to boil. A few Heavenly Fox watched them walk into the kitchen, and then walked to the faucet. Open the tap and drink directly.

The original patrol team had no living people, only Heavenly Fox.

In order to cut out outstanding human beings as quickly as possible, Moon Prince recruited many awakened in the name of patrol team.

But you can’t do it too fast this time, because if too many awakened disappear all of a sudden, it will definitely arouse the suspicion of those human powerhouses, so Moon Prince intends to slowly remove the awakened from these patrol teams. Then batch after batch of specially recruited awakened to join, it takes a year to solve these potential threats.

One Heavenly Fox finished drinking, and the other leaned forward to drink. Suddenly its eyes widened and its claws kept dancing, making a sound of'wu wu'.

Another Heavenly Fox wrinkled frowned and asked hoarsely: "What's wrong, you can't drink water and can swallow it?"

The Heavenly Fox grabbed it with both hands On his neck, he got up and looked at Heavenly Fox next to him. Then his eyes suddenly protruded and his body fell weakly.

"Monthly fifty-seven? Don't pretend, get up quickly." Heavenly Fox scolded while looking at Heavenly Fox on the ground.

But next moment, an arm made of water protruded from the eye socket of the fallen Heavenly Fox, and instantly grabbed the neck of another Heavenly Fox. Then the water slowly flowed out of Heavenly Fox's body, forming a fuzzy human form.

"Where is Su Jingyao?" Zhang Ping stared at the intermediate Heavenly Fox and asked.

Heavenly Fox naturally knows who Su Jingyao is. It immediately thought of revenge, but it quickly rejected the idea.

Su Jingyao's interpersonal relationship has long been figured out by them, and it is impossible to have such a powerful enemy.

In other words, this awakened is preparing revenge for Su Jingyao!

"Human, you are courting death!"

It has a fierce look in its eyes, and immediately grabs Zhang Ping's head with its paws.

Pu chi!

A water arrow shot through the paws of Heavenly Fox, and blood suddenly flowed to the ground.

Zhang Ping said impatiently: "I asked the last time, where is Su Jingyao?"


This Heavenly Fox is not at all Cooperate, just open your mouth and want to ask for help.

Zhang Ping directly activated its abilities immediately before it yelled, and the hand holding its neck turned into a sharp water blade. With a strong grip, the Heavenly Fox's body and head separated.

He glanced at the dead fox, and his body slowly fell, following the current into the sewer.

Within one minute, Moon Prince rushed over quickly, looking down at the two dead Heavenly Foxes, said solemnly: "Moonshadow, don’t waste it."

" Yes, Your Highness." Moon Shadow's voice came from its shadow.

After last night, Moon Shadow found that Moon Prince was very wrong. He was always in a daze, and there seemed to be no difference in the eyes of all creatures.

'Don't waste it. '

This sentence, Moon Prince used to only use food for food, but this time it was even used with the clan.

However, Moon Shadow does not need to think, it only needs to obey Moon Prince's orders.


In the sewer, Zhang Ping flows along the dirty water.

He was a little worried. If the Heavenly Fox who killed Su Jingyao was replaced with a human skin, he would still be able to recognize him.

"I hope it won't be changed, otherwise..."

Zhang Ping this time came back to avenge Su Jingyao. As long as you don’t meet Moon King and Moon Prince, don’t even think about it. Stop him.

If he couldn't find the Heavenly Fox, then he had to kill all the Heavenly Fox in the entire patrol team.

But doing so is likely to cause very bad consequences.

After all, the residents of Pearl City are equivalent to being hostages in the hands of Heavenly Fox.

It is not a wise choice to excite these foxes too much now. Zhang Ping thought for a while and decided to mobilize the power of contacts.


He has a fart network.

From the time I traveled to the present, it was only a few weeks and a half months in terms of time. The only friends who were considered friends were Wang Jieming and Liu Sishan.

However, Zhang Ping did not intend to contact Wang Jieming. He closed his eyes and realized teleportation to Chen Weihua's body, and then he saw a familiar human skin.

"Ah, I forgot to pour you a glass of water, you wait." Chen Weihua's eyes widened suddenly, and then said with a smile to the'girl' in front of him.

She got up and walked into the tea room, her hands began to tremble immediately, and her heart beat violently.

"Don't be nervous, why does it appear with you, Sister Weihua?" Zhang Ping asked.

He also didn't expect that things turned out to be so coincidental. The Heavenly Fox he wanted to find was right here with Chen Weihua, and it seemed that Chen Weihua was also targeted by the other party.

"I met last night, what should I do?" Chen Weihua replied in a low voice.

Last night, the patrol team surrounded all those who were fighting. Because she was not good at frontal combat, she hid in the corner and happened to encounter the Heavenly Fox who killed Su Jingyao.

But when Zhang Ping's consciousness did not transfer to her, Heavenly Fox looked like Su Jingyao in her eyes, but Zhang Ping's consciousness transferred, and the picture suddenly changed.

"Sister Weihua, be careful, try to delay as much as possible, I will come right away!" Zhang Ping said immediately.

After speaking, his consciousness left Chen Weihua's body and returned directly to the main body.

In the sewer, he opened his eyes and then smiled. If it wasn't for the conditions, he would miss a few poems.

The crowd searched for him thousands of Baidu.

Suddenly looking back, the person was there, dimly lit.

Zhang Ping originally wanted to use Chen Weihua's contacts to see if he could inquire about the situation of the patrol team today, in order to figure out where the Heavenly Fox who killed Su Jingyao was.

Who would have thought of the transfer of consciousness and saw the Heavenly Fox he was looking for.

It's really unintentional positive outcomes.

Zhang Ping controls the body of pure water, directly turning into a shape similar to a hairtail, and quickly moving towards the Pearl Hospital where Chen Weihua is located.

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