Mingzhu Hospital.

Chen Weihua came out with a cup, said with a smile: "Jingyao, come and drink water."

"Thank you."

'Su Jingyao' Polite nodded and said.

Chen Weihua's determination is very strong. Even though the painting style suddenly changed before her eyes, she did not show much weak spot. At this moment, she has a natural posture, and she can't see any clues at all.

She said curiously: "Jingyao, what did Captain Lin do about last night?"

"Fenglaixian has done a good job in defending the city, maybe he will be specially recruited into the patrol team. Vice President Captain, the other awakened, and the awakened who killed in the internal conflict, are all temporarily taken into custody, and the judgment will be made after the specific situation is clear."'Su Jingyao'replied.

Then it stood up, walked slowly to Chen Weihua's side, lowered its head and sniffed Chen Weihua’s hair, and asked, "Do you know? When humans are in fear, the taste is actually different from normal , Your acting skills are very good, but your body is exuding the taste of fear."

After speaking, it curiously observed Chen Weihua's reaction.

Actually, it is an admirer of Moon Prince.

It eats any prey itself, but since Moon Prince only eats girls, it has imitated Moon Prince and also only eats girls.

But it soon discovered that most of the girls in Pearl City are in the Pearl Ability Academy, and the Pearl Ability Academy is the hunting ground of Moon Prince, so it had to relax a little bit on the "girls" Definition, such as the scope locked to young women.

But even so, Su Jingyao is still the most beautiful one it has killed so far, so it has never replaced human skin.

In fact, it doesn't care about the beauty of human skin, but since the human skin used by Moon Prince is the Peak beauty among humans, it should naturally be pursued.

This time it decided to replace the human skin, because Chen Weihua is more mature and beautiful than the slightly green Su Jingyao, at least for humans.

Chen Weihua clenched a fist slightly and said with a smile: "Jingyao, what are you talking about, why do I not understand?"

"Stop pretending, tell me, you How do you see through my disguise?" Heavenly Fox said coldly, bending over to look at Chen Weihua directly.

This is also the reason why it didn't do it immediately. At the beginning, it was certain that Chen Weihua had never seen his identity, but half a minute ago, Chen Weihua suddenly discovered its disguise.

Too abnormal.

Heavenly Fox looked at Chen Weihua, eager to know where his weak spot was exposed.

Did humans discover their existence through this weak spot?

Fear is a very useful weapon.

Heavenly Fox simply withdrew its abilities and exposed its true body in front of Chen Weihua. The blood on its forehead had already turned black. The eye sockets without eyeballs and the hollow mouth seemed to have issued before death. Unwilling wailing.

Compared with the huge body of Heavenly Fox, this human skin looks a little petite, but for Chen Weihua, the horror of human skin is far more than Heavenly Fox itself, even if her city’s scheming is far beyond ordinary people, see To this scene, still trembling in fear.

"I investigated your files before I came here. Your ability is well-remembered. You have the ability to remember your past and your ears. Maybe you can use your abilities to try to resist "Heavenly Fox showed huge fangs, said with a smile.

Chen Weihua kept praying in her heart, Zhang Ping, hurry up, Zhang Ping, hurry up.

"There is hope in your eyes, let me think about it, don’t you want other people to save you? Don’t dream anymore, my ability is now aimed at the outside world, in this room They will not be suspicious or curious about all the sounds of, so...no one will come to rescue you!" Heavenly Fox said in a hoarse voice slowly as he looked at Chen Weihua.

It wants to appreciate Chen Weihua's gradually desperate expression, which is similar to a cat teasing a mouse.

If eating young women is a habit that it worships Moon Prince, then teasing each other before killing its prey is its true hobby.

Of course, this kind of hobby will only show up when facing a prey that cannot be resisted. If the prey is not weakly lethal, it will quietly eat the opponent.

"Look, what did I find, a big yellow-haired fox standing alone!"

As soon as Heavenly Fox finished speaking, a terrifying voice suddenly came from behind. The sound is even more terrifying than the sound it makes.

For an instant, Heavenly Fox turned around abruptly, and saw a Death God wearing a black cloak floating behind it.

As soon as it wanted to retreat and pull a distance, a hand made of blood grabbed its neck, and at the same time it could clearly feel something seeping into its body.


Heavenly Fox eye shows the ominous light, immediately grabbed Death God's heart with a paw, but was blocked by the black mist.

"The palace......"

It realized that it could not beat this Death God, and immediately wanted to call for help.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, his throat swelled fiercely, and then exploded like a pustule. The blood from the explosion fell on the ground, and all quickly returned to the black cloak.

Zhang Ping tore off Su Jingyao's human skin, carefully put it in the gold treasure chest bracelet, and then nodded to Chen Weihua, pulling Heavenly Fox quickly out of the balcony.

To kill this Heavenly Fox in Chen Weihua's house, Zhang Ping can of course pat his butt and leave, but Chen Weihua is in danger.

So even if you want to kill this Heavenly Fox, you can't kill it in Chen Weihua's house.

He took Heavenly Fox quickly through the air, and then landed in a clearing. He threw Heavenly Fox on the ground, his arm instantly turned into a Blood Blade Slash under the opponent's arm, and then he muttered to himself Said: "Death is not so terrifying. What really terrifying is the pain experienced before death. Don't worry, I will treat you well."

while speaking, his fingers turn into pure blood and spiral. Turn, grab Heavenly Fox's foot when it wants to climb away.


Heavenly Fox suddenly raised his hair to make a mournful scream sound, and its hind legs were drilled with five blood holes by Zhang Ping's fingers.

"Do you know? Although I didn't know her for a long time, but because of her, I reluctantly accepted the facts and accepted this identity. It was her who made me feel at ease and not panicked. All day long."

"In my memory, I have learned so much about her, as if she really became childhood sweethearts with her, her whole person is shining, and compared with my kind of dead salted fish , It’s like a fairy in the sky, unattainable."

"She just wants to protect this city, and she doesn’t want tragedies like her own again, why are you hurting her?"


"It’s better for you to hurt me than to hurt her."

"You said I didn’t listen to what I said, right?"

Zhang Ping side He told him that he slapped Heavenly Fox's body with his hands, and even helped Heavenly Fox to hug the other's shoulders, just like talking to a friend in a previous life.

However, Heavenly Fox is a bit unpleasant.

Every time he took a shot, he would make a scream to interrupt him, so he shot faster and harder.

In the end, only a pool of minced meat mixed with fox fur and drenched with blood remained on the ground.

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