Zhang Ping's long exhales one breath saying, as if this breath has been in his heart for a long, long time.

He slowly got up, then glanced at the tall beast shadow not far away, opened the mouth and said: "Sorry, I made you wait for a long time."

Moon Prince stood Not far away, the eyes behind the skin looked at Zhang Ping indifferently. It opened the mouth and said hoarsely: "This is the second time. You killed my compatriots under my nose. This time I don’t Will give you any chance to escape."

"Then try it!" Zhang Ping took a deep breath, and then calmly said with a smile.

When he decided to avenge Su Jingyao, he was actually mentally prepared to line up with Moon Prince.

He thoughts move and directly used Appraisal Technique on Moon Prince.

[Identification failed]

[Identification failed]

[Identification successful]

[Alienation: Heavenly Fox · Moon Prince · King bloodline]

[Race: Alienated Fox]

[Factor: Moon Race]

[Potential: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐]


[lifespan: 300]

[Level: Top Alienated Beast]

[Level: 39]

[innate talent]


[Cognitive Distortion: You have a position that distorts biological perception and you can modify the cognition of the target]

[Common sense subversion: When you do behaviors that do not conform to common sense, you can subvert the target Common sense, force the target to be unable to detect the abnormality]

[Same family perception: When a nearby family member is killed, you can quickly perceive the death location of the same family member]

[Change The tail: The tail has very strong activity, which can be Myriad Transformations. 】

【Super Charm: Most creatures will be charmed by your charm and love you from the bottom of their hearts. 】

【Inexplicable closeness: Overwhelming majority creatures will spontaneously get close to you, and your charm will be greatly improved】

【Top strong: Your body is much stronger than your family, and you have Very strong healing ability. 】

【Divine sense force: It can materialize spirit strength, and the mental strength attribute is'sticky'. 】

【Blood of King: All abilities have super-level effects, and there is no immunity below King. 】


Very strong.

The point is that I don’t know how Moon Prince will use its abilities. It’s impossible to imagine just looking at the text description.

But Zhang Ping didn't panic after reading the attributes of Moon Prince.

He took the lead instead, and two round contract gems were thrown out of his hands.

Moon Prince did not dodge at all, but instead grabbed the two contract gems with his hands.

In the next second, the contract gem exploded in its hand, and two water flow rings appeared out of thin air. The water flow ring appeared out of thin air like a chain saw frantically cutting its hands, but even its hands Not a single fox hair has been cut.

The two current loops are stored by Liu Sishan. The storage method is very simple. Hold the contract gem-Wuqi in one hand, and use the ability in the other hand. When you are willing to store it, you can use the ability. Store it in the contract gem.

If Liu Sishan is unwilling to store, then the contract gem cannot collect the ability.

This also means that Zhang Ping impossible uses this method to absorb the enemy's hands-off attacks.

"Humans, is this what you rely on?" Moon Prince casually slapped the water around, and then asked.

Zhang Ping calmly said: "No, I just try their formidable power."

Contract gem-Wuqi can increase the damage of the ability, but because he himself is only intermediate awakened, so the ability of high level awakened can't be strengthened much.

Liu Sishan's current ring just now, he felt that it was only strengthened by about 10%. It obviously didn't have much effect on the top alienated beasts like Moon Prince.

At this time, Bai De and Feng Laixian walked out of an alley.

When Bai De saw Moon Prince and Zhang Ping, he glanced at Zhang Ping vigilantly, opened the mouth and said: "What is going on, Luo Shiyu, Zhang Ping?"


"Instructor Bai, I am here!"

The Nethermist on Zhang Ping's body dispersed, but still maintained a pure water state.

He looked at Moon Prince and said with a slight smile: "This is what I rely on!"

Since he is ready to line up with Moon Prince, how can he It may not be arranged for a second hand.

After entering the city, he did not immediately go to the patrol team to find the Heavenly Fox who killed Su Jingyao, but to Wang Jieming, and he asked Wang Jieming to find the instructor Bai De, so as to contact Feng Laixian through the instructor Bai De. .

Actually, he will kill the Heavenly Fox of Su Jingyao and take this open space with him. It is not a random choice, but he decided to kill the Heavenly Fox here a long time ago.

Because this is the place where he and the instructor Bai De and Feng Laixian met.

"Thanks, Zhang Ping, what the hell are you doing?" Bai De glanced suspiciously at'Luo Shiyu' and asked inexplicably.

Feng Laixian held Bai De's shoulder at this time, opened the mouth and said: "Don't be careless, they are facing each other, life and death battle."

"... …"

Bai De's eyes changed.

At first, he thought Zhang Ping and Luo Shiyu were secretly dating, so he didn't take it too seriously.

At this moment, he realized that he noticed a pile of minced meat not far from Zhang Ping. In his eyes, it was a human corpse.

"Hall Master, what is going on?" He asked in a low voice.

Feng Laixian said indifferently: "He invited me through you, you asked me?"

"Wang Jieming, the dead boy, just said that Zhang Ping is very important. I didn't care at first, but he took out the knife to press his hand against me, what else can I do?" Bai De sighed.

In fact, Wang Jieming really spared no effort in order to beg him to bring Feng Laixian to this open space to meet Zhang Ping.

Bai De can be sure that if he did not agree to Wang Jieming at that time, Wang Jieming would definitely cut off his hand to him at that time.

Although he didn't like Wang Jieming's dullness, he was impossible to see that the student he taught was missing an arm, and finally agreed to Wang Jieming in desperation.

"They are your refuge? A human being barely able to see, a trash." Moon Prince glanced at Feng Laixian and Bai De, and said disdainfully.

Zhang Ping slowly stepped back to not far from Fenglaixian, opened the mouth and said: "Instructor Bai De, Master Feng Hall, please believe me once, once is enough, she is ours Enemy!"

"I really can't help you. Remember, I will pay me the tuition for the middle three and the last three." Bai De instructor frowned, rolled up his sleeves, and sighed. .

His relationship with Zhang Ping is actually pretty good.

Although the current situation is a bit wrong, he is still willing to believe Zhang Ping.

Feng Laixian was more cautious. He looked at Luo Shiyu and asked Zhang Ping: "Our enemy?"

"Yes, our enemy!" Zhang Ping nodded and said.

Feng Laixian looked at Bai De, Bai De gritted his teeth and said: "Zhang Ping is my student, I believe him!"

"Then...little girl, sorry!" Feng Laixian chose to believe in Bai De.

The two slowly stepped forward and showed a tendency to outflank'Luo Shiyu'.

Moon Prince was still staring at Zhang Ping, and seeing the two of them surrounding him, he flicked his tail casually. Bai De and Feng Laixian couldn't see the attack, but at the moment the tail struck, they all jumped up at the same time, just to avoid the tail attack.

Although they didn't know that the girl in front of them was an alienated beast, they all showed excellent coping ability.

"Invisible attack? Mind power?" Bai De opened the mouth and said.

Feng Laixian squinted his eyes and said: "The situation is not right, the enemy your student provokes is very strong, you go back to protect your student, she will be solved by me!"

With one move, Feng Laixian felt a dangerous aura.

This move is obviously a random blow from the opponent, otherwise Bai De may don't die also seriously injured.

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