Bai De was slightly surprised, but he believed Feng Laixian's judgment.

Both of them are experienced veteran awakened, naturally there will be no hypocritical behaviors that they have to be side by side knowing that they are not defeated.

Bai De retreated to Zhang Ping decisively and whispered: "Zhang Ping, how did you brat provoke her?"

"Instructor Bai De, you should be prepared first , I need you to block the fatal blow for me, just one time!" Zhang Ping did not answer, this kind of thing is not clear, it is easier for Bai De to understand.

Bai De looked at Zhang Ping, and finally nodded and said: "Damn it, you better make sure that your explanation will satisfy me."

"If you can’t be satisfied, Twist your head down to make amends for you!" Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Bai De rolled his eyes at Zhang Ping, then took a deep breath, and began to prepare to enter the battle state.

next moment. His face was flushed, his heart began to beat violently, and his hair grew rapidly, his whole body was pulled up in place, and his muscles swelled up as naked eye was visible.

In a blink of an eye, his coat shattered and turned into a lion orc.

His image is a bit similar to the lion beast in Digimon. Zhang Ping looked a bit worried that his ending might not be good.

"Okay, just do what you want, I can only maintain this state for fifteen minutes!" Bai De turned his eyes on Luo Shiyu, and then said to Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping slightly nodded, reminded: "The white instructor, you are careful!"

He released Nethermist in an instant, and then quickly converted back to flesh and blood in Nethermist . He dared not switch in front of Moon Prince because it was too dangerous.

In fact, he should have maintained a pure-blooded body, but when he noticed the appearance of Moon Prince, he almost instinctively transformed from a flesh and blood body to a pure-water body.

It can be seen from this that his pure water body training level is far higher than that of pure blood body.

But this also brings about a problem, that is, if he wants to transform into a pure-blooded body, he must first convert back to a flesh-and-blood body, and then into a pure-blooded body.

Whether it is to maintain a body of pure water or a body of pure blood, it is not easy for Moon Prince to kill him in seconds, but the body of flesh and blood is his biggest weak spot.

Once Moon Prince seizes the opportunity, he can kill him almost instantly.

So he needs Bai De to block the Moon Prince attack for him.

This is dangerous, but someone must help him.

Otherwise, if you can't see through Moon Prince's true body, Feng Laixian has no chance of winning, and everyone has to die.



A loud noise.

At the moment Zhang Ping changed form, instructor Bai De was hit by a huge force.

He didn’t even see what he was being attacked. The power was extremely terrifying. His legs plowed two long dents on the ground, and then he broke a big tree on his back and collapsed on one side. The wall finally knocked out a big gap in the wall of a house, and then stopped.


Bai De slumped on the ground, a mouthful of spit blood mixed with visceral pieces, it was already impossible to move even a little bit, and finally he lowered The sound was cursed, his head drooped heavily, and his eyes went black.

Actually, it was Moon Prince's tail that attacked Bai De.

Moreover, the tail did not stop after hitting Bai De into the air, but directly penetrated the Nethermist released by Zhang Ping.

However, because Bai De blocked a bit, Zhang Ping has completed the transformation, from a flesh and blood body to a pure blood body.

He didn't care that his abdomen was pierced by the tail, he immediately seized the opportunity to reach out and hold Moon Prince's tail, wanting to infiltrate Moon Prince's body with blood.

But this time he felt a great repulsive force.

Then the tail seemed to perceive this penetration, and immediately flicked it sharply.

The force of this flick was so great that he threw his whole person into the air, and then another tail shot. He was shot on the wall of the house not far from Bai De, his body transformed. The pure blood splashed around due to the violent impact, but soon he recondensed the blood and looked in the direction of Bai De.

Just after that blow, Bai De was already in a coma.

However, the state of mad fighting lions is indeed not weak. After all, Moon Prince is a well-known figure among the top alienated beasts, and Bai De is just a high level awakened.

Being able to block this blow without dying is enough to prove Bai De's greatness.

Zhang Ping quickly moved to Bai De's side, the blood penetrated into Bai De's body, and began to treat Bai De.

Breaks of arm bones, three broken ribs, severe internal organ bleeding.

Under his treatment, Bai De's injury quickly healed.

Suddenly, Bai De opened his eyes abruptly. He looked at the tall wild beast in the distance, his pupils opened abruptly, and then looked around for Zhang Ping.

"Instructor, I'm in your body, you should see it now, that's the situation." Zhang Ping said in a timely manner.

Bai De took a deep breath, suppressing the surprise in his heart, then first wiped his eyes with his hand, and patted his own cheek, he looked at the Moon Prince whose image had changed drastically in the distance, low He said: "Isn't this really your Illusion Technique?"

"No, the attack you couldn't see just now is actually its tail." Zhang Ping explained.

Bai De watched Moon Prince's tail sweep towards Feng Laixian, and Feng Laixian foreseeably avoided it. He believed in 90% of his heart.

All the attack trajectories are matched, and the probability of Illusion Technique is extremely low.

"What the hell is going on?" he asked in a low voice.

Zhang Ping explained the current situation of Pearl City clearly in a few words, and then solemnly said: "So now only by killing the Moon King can Pearl City be rescued."

"so that's How it is, the people who disappeared, and the human skin horror stories that circulated before, turned out to be such a thing." Bai De finally believed Zhang Ping's words completely.

Zhang Ping took the opportunity to say: "Instructor Bai, Master Feng Hall is in a very dangerous situation now. Although he can detect Moon Prince's attack, he still regards Moon Prince as a human being. I suffer a big loss. I need you to send my blood into Feng Hall Master’s body. Only in this way can he not be affected by Moon Prince’s abilities and see the true form of Moon Prince."

"You Where's your blood?" Bai De asked.

Zhang Ping immediately said: "You spread out your right hand with your palm facing up."

After Bai De right hand spreads out, he separates a part of the blood and controls it. Part of the blood leaked out of Bai De's palm, forming a small lump of blood in the palm.

"Hall Master, catch it, good stuff!"

Bai De squeezed the blood and found that the blood was very viscous. He tried the feel and then made Zhang Ping is unexpected.

He even directly threw the blood at Fenglaixian, and although the blood was thick, it was liquid after all, but under his throw, it condensed and not scattered, and even turned at high speed like a sphere. .

On the other side, Feng Laixian avoided the invisible attack, heard Bai De's roar, suddenly turned around without looking, opened his mouth to catch the blood.

This is actually a tacit understanding between them.

A good thing is something that can be eaten, and if it is a weapon, it is a big one.

As soon as Fenglaixian swallowed the blood, Zhang Ping's consciousness shifted to the blood, and then quickly penetrated Fenglaixian’s blood vessels. Fenglaixian actually felt this penetration, but he Nothing prevented.

In a word, he believes in Bai De.

Sure enough, the picture in his eyes at the next moment changed. The originally petite and cute'Luo Shiyu' turned into a huge, hideous Moon Prince in a flash.

"Feng Hall Master, I am Zhang Ping, please listen to me first, and then make a judgment!" Zhang Ping's voice sounded in his mind.

Then Zhang Ping repeated what he said to Bai De.

Feng Laixian closed his eyes after listening, and the countless information he had obtained before quickly confirmed Zhang Ping’s statement. Then he opened his eyes and said with suppressed anger: "so that's how it is, so that's how it is, I said why Lin Kedi last night gave me a faint sense of alienation, but this feeling is always uncontrollable, it turns out that even he is already...Ahhh!"

At the end, his eyes were red and he couldn't help roar towards the sky.

He was born as an orphan. Due to his excellent physical condition, he was accepted into the gate by the previous generation Hall Master.

Because of this, he has always regarded several Senior Brother, Junior Brother, and Junior Sister as family members.

Lin Benshi is his Eldest Senior Brother, and Lin Kedi is naturally his junior.

Although the two are not kissing, it does not mean that he does not care about each other.

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