
Feng Laixian made an angry shot.

He directly gave up his defense, and all his moves were aimed at Moon Prince's critical attack.

However, Moon Prince only blocked all attacks by its tail. Its tail 1 divide to 9. Each tail grows densely packed bone spurs. Phoenix’s attack hits these bone spurs. Pierced his own hand, drenched with blood.

"I'm looking for a feeling, in you...nothing." Moon Prince looked at Feng Laixian condescendingly, then suddenly opened the mouth and said.

Last night, after it was possessed by the sinker, he felt the tranquility of nothingness and an indescribable feeling.

When the sinker left with Chen Junting, it stood in the moonlight for a long time, and realized that many things it pursued were actually meaningless.

It has a feeling of'awakening'.

Actually, Zhang Ping killed its kin, and it didn't have much anger.

It is also very unexpected, but it is indeed very calm, because all this is no longer what it wants to pursue, it just wants to come back with the feeling of last night.

This is also the reason why it has already rushed to the scene, but after confirming that the same clan has died, it simply watched Zhang Ping's performance quietly.

If it was before, it would never allow other races to attack the corpses of its own race. It would consider this a shame.

But now it doesn’t matter anymore.

Of course, it will do what it should do. After all, this is the mission that its father gave it.

After speaking, it punched Feng Laixian on the forehead.

Feng Laixian didn’t even have time to react. He hit a punch almost instantly. The whole person was like being hit by a big iron ball from a demolition machine, falling back sharply and hitting heavily On the ground.

This fist doesn't have any skills at all, it's an ordinary straight punch, but the power it contains is too terrifying.

If it weren’t for Zhang Ping to quickly repair the wounds in his body, under this fist, his skull might just be cracked, but his brain and eyeballs would be shattered, even if his self-healing ability is strong, I am afraid it is also bode ill rather than well.

The external force of Zhang Ping is particularly important at this moment.

The Crimson Emperor's Immortal Body is, after all, just a superpower. Before he reaches the limit, he is not truly immortal.

"The speed is faster than the top speed awakened."

"The power is far beyond the highest power awakened."

Feng Laixian does not need to be like Zhang Ping identified Moon Prince like that, and this fist immediately made a judgment that he couldn't beat this opponent. Even if he entered the form of the Great Sun Crimson Emperor, he might not be able to do the opponent.

"Boy, please leave with Bai De, I'm afraid...I can't go." He carp stubbornly, got up from the ground in an instant, first distanced himself from Moon Prince, and then stared utterly. While holding Moon Prince, he whispered to Zhang Ping.

He has no chance to escape, but Bai De and Zhang Ping still have a chance. As long as he drags the Moon Prince in front of him for a long time, they may be able to escape alive.

Although he didn't expect that he would die today, die here, at the invitation of this unfathomable mystery.

But he does not regret it, nor does he blame Zhang Ping, at least he is dead perfectly clear, knowing why he died.

"Wait, Feng Hall Master, in fact, the time of despair is not yet reached. Next, let's try a few more times. I can take you and the instructor Bai De away." Zhang Ping said at this time. Soundtrack.

He asked Wang Jieming to invite Bai De and Feng Laixian. Of course, he didn’t let the two be cannon fodder. It’s just that he really needed a helper, and there were not many trustworthy and capable people. That’s why he thought of Bai De and Fenglaixian.

"Are you sure?" Feng Laixian eyes shined. Confirmed in a low voice.

Zhang Ping affirmed: "Don't worry, as long as you don't get killed by Moon Prince, it will be done soon!"

"Okay, take a gamble!"

Feng Laixian rekindled his fighting spirit, and he certainly didn't want to die if he could survive.

But at this time, Moon Prince couldn’t get any energy up. It was originally not interested in Zhang Ping and Fenglaixian. With the punch just now, he planned to kill Fenglaixian in seconds, but didn’t expect Fenglaixian. He was not beaten to death.

"Moonshadow, kill them, remember not to waste food, I'm going back to sleep." Moon Prince was lightly instructed.

For an instant, another silver Heavenly Fox slowly appeared in its shadow. This Heavenly Fox lowered his head and said: "Yes, Your Highness!"

"Change opponents? "

Feng Lai Xian and Zhang Ping were both taken aback, didn't expect Moon Prince to actually do it themselves.

But this is obviously a good opportunity for them. Feng Laixian squinted his eyes and didn't act rashly. He planned to wait for Moon Prince to leave.

And Moon Shadow actually stayed still, obviously with the same idea as him.

Zhang Ping will naturally not let go of the good opportunity in front of him, and quickly take the opportunity to use Appraisal Technique on Moon Shadow.

[Identification successful]

[Alienated Beast: Mutated Heavenly Fox]

[Race: Alienated Fox]

[Factor: Moon Family]

[Potential: ⭐⭐⭐⭐]

[lifespan: 33]

[Level: Top Alienated Beast]

[Level: 38]

[innate talent]

[Shadow dwelling: can live in the shadows, and peek at everything outside the shadows. 】

【Shadow Strike: Attack the enemy’s shadow, and the damage will be fed back to the enemy’s body. 】

【Shadow Guardian: Use shadow to protect yourself, and it can also be used to protect other targets. ]

[Super Agile: The speed is much faster than the same family, and the reaction speed is greatly improved. 】

【Divine sense force: It can materialize spirit strength, and the mental strength attribute is'sharp'. 】


Feng Laixian squinted slightly and said in a low voice: "This is... its attribute?"

"Yes, it looks like Not much worse than Moon Prince." Zhang Ping solemnly said.

Feng Laixian has never seen Moon Prince's attributes, so he can't comment on Zhang Ping, but if Moon Prince dares to leave moon shadows, it shows that it believes that moon shadows have the power to kill them.

"Then try first, then withdraw if it doesn't work!" Feng Laixian said inwardly.

At this moment, Moon Prince slowly walked out of the clearing, and his back disappeared at the corner.

Yueying shot instantly, it just swiped its claws, and Feng Laixian suddenly had five cut scars on her body.

"Does the mind power?"

Feng Laixian retreated, speculated in his heart.

As a super power like a panacea, mind power has a great advantage in frontal battles. Especially this kind of attribute power is extremely tricky.

The general motivation of thinking is probably like an invisible hand, you can do anything with this hand.

But some mental powers are accompanied by attributes, so there are many more changes.

For example, some mental powers are like glue, so once they are touched by this mental power, they are like glue stuck. There are also different attributes such as sharpness, burning, thickness, etc., which are all Very difficult.

Lunar Shadow’s thought power comes with a sharp attribute. It is like being cut by a sharp blade. If the defensive power of the body is not enough, the body will be cut in half by its thought power in an instant.

Next, Moon Shadow attacked frantically.

It turned out to be faster than Moon Prince. In just a few seconds, Feng Laixian had become a blood man, with no good meat on his body.

"The attack power doesn't seem to be very high."

Feng Laixian didn't care about the injuries on his body, and said to himself at this time.

next moment, he looked up at the sun.

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