"The sun is scorching the sun, the sun is scorching the scorching sun, the Chao is the Dongjun, and the evening is the Crimson!"

A trace of bloody flames flowed from the corner of Fenglaixian’s eyes, In a low voice, he recites the ancient ballads that Pearl City has sung from generation to generation.

In Pearl City’s Myths and Legends, the Spiritual God who holds the power of the sun is called the Sun King. The Sun King exists in the form of Dongjun in the morning, and then appears in the form of the Red Emperor in the evening.

The East Monarch is born, and the Red Emperor is dead.

The red emperor in the myth, once burning the heaven and boiling the sea at the dusk of the kings, killing millions of Demon God alive, is not just in name only, but also in reality War God .

At this time, with the sound of the ballad, Feng Laixian's hair turned into crimson, and billowing waves of fire radiated from his body, all around forming a piece of scorched earth.

"This is..."

Yueying's eyes narrowed slightly, feeling Feng Laixian getting more and more dazzling.



There is no light, why is it so...dazzling?

Yueying couldn't understand Fenglaixian's change, but its fighting consciousness made it understand that Fenglaixian's transformation must be interrupted.

In an instant, it manipulates the invisible power of thought to form a large net to Fenglaixian, because its thought power attribute is sharp, so once the prey falls into the net, it is equivalent to be dismantled.

Although Feng Laixian can't see the power of mind, he can feel the murderous intention everywhere.

But he still didn't dodge, instead he closed his eyes and carefully felt the sun hanging in the sky.

He needs to resonate with the sun to be able to enter the form of the Great Sun Red Emperor. Whether it is reciting ancient ballads or looking directly at the sun, it is a means of resonance.

"The sun is scorching, the sun is scorching, the morning is Dongjun, and the evening is the red emperor!"

When the Nianli Net is about to cut into Fenglaixian’s skin, a crimson The flame was born out of thin air, and the power of thought was burnt in a blink of an eye.

Then the red flame formed a flame tornado, which revolved madly around Fenglaixian.

When the flames dissipated, Fenglaixian's image had changed drastically.

His height soared to three meters. At the same time, his clothes were all made of scarlet flames. His hair burned like flames, and his eyes seemed to hide the sun, exuding a terrifying divine light.

The temperature of the entire open space is rising rapidly. Starting from the soles of his feet, cobweb-like cracks appeared in the charred ground. The cracks glowed slightly, and there seemed to be lava flowing.

"Sorry, I kept you waiting!" He looked at Yueying, slowly opened the mouth and said.

Moon Shadow moved her nose and looked at her beautiful silver fur violently. Its fur smelled of burning.

Then it grabbed the ground with both hands and pulled it, and the shadow of all around was pulled to its body by it like running water, forming a black cloak capable of isolating the heat.

It has no interest in talking to its prey. Moon Prince’s order is to kill Fenglaixian and the others. All it has to do is fight!

In an instant, both parties acted at the same time.

Feng Laixian controlled the Great Sun True Fire to sprinkle on the moon shadow with his hand, leaving a red fire sea wherever he passed, but the moon shadow jumped into the air, and then controlled the shadow cloak to spin up, carrying it Instantly dived towards Fenglaixian.


Yueying's claws fell on Fenglaixian's chest, and her long fingers were inserted into Fenglaixian's body.

What about the heart?

Moonshade has killed many people, and it knows the human heart very well.

It had just noticed where Feng Laixian’s heartbeat sounded, so it attacked this position of the chest, but it did not get Feng Laixian’s heart.

"In the form of the Red Emperor, my physical fitness has improved in all aspects, including reaction speed, hearing, smell, etc. Your intention to attack is too obvious. Didn't the senior teach you? , Don't look at the position you want to attack, just look at the overall picture!" Feng Laixian took the opportunity to grab Yue Ying's wrist, and then slowly said.

The speed of Moon Shadow is too fast, even if he enters the form of the Great Sun Crimson Emperor, there is still no advantage in speed.

So when he saw the moon shadow swooping in, he knew the target of the moon shadow in his heart.

If he is alone, it is really difficult to defend against Moon Shadow’s attacks. The problem is that he still has Zhang Ping in his body. Before Moon Shadow attacks, Zhang Ping directly manipulates the blood to move his heart away. , So Moon Shadow’s attack failed.

One punch!

Two punches!

Three punches!

Feng Laixian smiled, holding Yueying's wrist tightly with one hand, and hitting Yueying's head with the other hand three times in a row.

If it is an ordinary opponent, these three punches are enough to solve the battle.

However, Yueying only felt dizzy. It immediately pushed its legs towards Fenglaixian’s waist, trying to break free from Fenglaixian’s confinement, but Fenglaixian grabbed it with the other hand. With the other hand that was not grasped, the two sides were in a state of wrestling, which looked like the word'mutual'.

Yueying's legs stepped on Feng Laixian's abdomen to exert force, but Feng Laixian held her hands tightly to prevent it from getting out of her control.

"Fighting with wild beasts is really different from fighting with people." Feng Laixian suddenly sighed.

If it is a human, because of the difference in physical fitness, it does not need to be so troublesome, but the alienated beast is not only powerful in superpower, but also physically stronger than humans.

If humans do not have wisdom, most alienated beasts can easily prey on humans.

Feng Laixian looked at Moon Shadow, then took a deep breath, her chest bulging rapidly.

"Not good!"

Yueying perceives the danger, the muscles of her legs burst, blood vessels bulge sharply, but Fenglaixian's hands also bulge. Obviously, he held on to it with all his strength.

Chaos in one go!

Feng Laixian opened his mouth and sprayed a shot directly at the moon shadow.

This is really a shot, the formidable power is ten times stronger than the Chaos last night, and it also comes with the Great Sun True Fire, which is extremely lethal.


A loud noise.

The clearing all around the gusty wind, the red flame mixed with bursting air flow fell on the moon shadow's body, the moon shadow's originally beautiful silver fur was scorched suddenly, it struggled madly in the flame, and finally tore The sound suddenly sounded, and it flew out in an instant, and fell heavily on the wall in the distance, smashing the wall through a large hole.

Feng Laixian suddenly raised his head along the trajectory of the moon shadow, the flame swept to the distance, passed through the big hole and fell into the distance, and it took a long time to stop attacking.

"Too strong!"

Zhang Ping couldn't help sighing as he watched all around the smoking ground and the rolling lava.

Especially the traces left by Fenglaixian attacking the past along the inverted trajectory of the moon shadow, now it looks like a three-meter-wide lava river.

If he fights against Feng Laixian, it is estimated that Feng Laixian's normal state is enough to beat him.

After all, most of his abilities have been defeated by Fenglaixian, and the only fire eater that can restrain Fenglaixian can only be used by flesh and blood.

But with the physical quality of both sides, he is more likely to be beaten by Feng Laixian if he maintains a flesh and blood body.

Zhang Ping pondered for a while, and found that his biggest weakness at the moment was his inability to deal with opponents like Feng Laixian.

At this time, Feng Laixian threw the fox arm in his hand into the lava, and then strode towards the direction where the moon shadow flew out.

When he walked to the wall, suddenly densely packed shadows interspersed from both sides. These shadows were not attacking him, but the shadows behind him.

In an instant, his shadow was punched through several big holes.

At the same time, the exact same blood hole appeared in his body, and blood spewed out immediately.

"Be careful!"

Zhang Ping quickly began to recover the physical damage for Fenglai's immortal cultivator.

"It doesn't matter, this little injury is not in the way!"

Feng Lai settled down, slowly stepped back to a place with the sun, and used Great Sun True Fire to disperse all The shadow of around.

In fact, his ability is just right to restrain the Moon Shadow. It was just that he was careless. He didn't expect the ability of Shadow Guardian to be superimposed with Shadow Strike.

The ability of Shadow Guardian does not mention attack in the attributes identified by Zhang Ping. It seems to be just a defensive skill, but in actual use, it can obviously not only be used for defense, but also can cooperate with Shadow Strike. , Produces a strong sneak attack effect.

If he hadn't maintained the form of the Great Sun Crimson Emperor, the sneak attack just now was really enough to kill him.

However, this injury can only be regarded as a minor injury in the form of the Red Emperor.

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