Originally, Fenglaixian’s self-healing ability was extremely powerful, but in the form of the Great Sun Crimson Emperor, this self-healing ability was also increased tenfold.

In just a few breaths, the injury on his body has been automatically recovered completely, and it is completely invisible that he has been injured before.

At this moment, Yueying's body was wrapped in a cloak of shadow, and slowly walked back from outside the wall.

Feng Laixian looked at Yueying, couldn't help but smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and beckoned to it.

But at this moment, a few Heavenly Fox appeared not far away. After a while, more and more Heavenly Fox appeared one after another, enclosing the open space in the blink of an eye.

Actually, Feng Laixian and Yueying fought for a short period of time, to put it bluntly, it was only five or six minutes.

These Heavenly Foxes are naturally impossible to come over so quickly. They were attracted by the loud noise caused by Bai De's previous impact, but they arrived at this time.

"Boy, can you use the way you said to leave now?" Feng Laixian looked at Heavenly Fox who was all around, and then asked in a low voice.

He is indeed not weak in the form of the Red Emperor.

But there are at least fifty Heavenly Foxes here. Even if he runs out of energy, he can't beat so many Heavenly Foxes.

"It's fine." Zhang Ping replied.

Feng Laixian stepped back slowly and asked: "Then what should I do?"

"First bring instructor Bai De, and then we will withdraw immediately!" Zhang Ping replied immediately.

Feng Laixian looked at Bai De, Bai De immediately understood, the two quickly ran together to guard against Heavenly Fox who was all around.

Actually, Bai De couldn’t tell whether the people around him were human after Zhang Ping’s consciousness left, but he only needs to observe Feng Laixian’s expression to be sure that these suddenly appearing “people” are not Not a person, but an enemy.

The enemy, those eight achievements are Heavenly Fox.

At this moment, Moon Shadow came step by step, opening the mouth and said hoarsely: "They are the prey given to me by His Highness, you are not allowed to shoot!"

"And this Kind of a good thing!" Zhang Ping couldn't help being whispered.

Feng Laixian shook his head and said: "Don't think too much, even if you solve it, other foxes won't stand by and watch. While I'm still in a state now, it's the right way to evacuate quickly."

"Then I will return to the body first, senior you and the Bai De instructor hold on to each other, don't let go of each other." Zhang Ping said immediately.

Fenglaixian was nodded, and then I felt Zhang Ping’s consciousness leaving. At the same time, I saw the image of Heavenly Fox all around changed drastically. Each of these Heavenly Foxes changed from foxes on human skins. Humans of different looks.

When he thought that these people had all been killed by Heavenly Fox, a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

But now is not the time to be willful, he is impossible to kill these Heavenly Foxes, this matter can't come in a hurry.

At this time, Zhang Ping's consciousness returned to Bai De's body, and then a mass of blood oozes from Bai De's shoulder, turning into an arm in a blink of an eye, and it looks like Bai De has grown a new one. Arm.


As soon as Zhang Ping's consciousness moved, the gold treasury bracelet that fell on the ground in the distance flew into his hand instantly, and then he took out a square contract gem.


He thoughts move, the square contract gem immediately dissipated, and a long sword appeared in his hand.

Following the rapid collapse of long sword, it turned into a peculiar energy.

Zhang Ping had been prepared for a long time, and immediately used the round contract gem to collect energy. After that energy was collected into the round contract gem, it immediately produced a strong traction force, which was continuously multiplied. rising.


Zhang Ping said to Bai De.

next moment, he held the bead tightly, Bai De was taken up instantly, and Feng Laixian was taken up because he held Bai De's hand tightly.

"Don't let... so fast...ah this... is gone!"

Heavenly Fox reacted and just wanted to stop Bai De and Feng Laixian from escaping, the next second It was found that the two had already flown away.

All the Heavenly Foxes were dumbfounded, only Moon Shadow gritted their teeth and chased in the direction where they were flying, but after chasing a section of the road, it knelt on the ground in despair.

Can't catch up at all.

That speed is not normal at all, it is too fast...

In the air.

Bai De and Feng Laixian held each other's hands tightly, and both of them had a single thought in their hearts: How to land later?

They were flying too fast at this time, and it was not normal at all. Bai De felt that his hair was being blown off by the wind, and even his clothes were tattered, extremely embarrassed.

Fortunately, Zhang Ping's hand is at the forefront, breaking the wind of overwhelming majority, otherwise he will definitely be worse.

And Zhang Ping is not good either. He holds the contract gem tightly with his hand and only uses a small amount of Nethermist to resist the impact of the wind, but the consumption rate of Nethermist is very fast, it consumes a thousandth in a blink of an eye One, it will be troublesome to consume like this.

"Instructor Bai De, we should have left Pearl City?" Zhang Ping asked.

Bai De rolled the eyes, isn’t he opening his mouth now for courting death?

If the wind blows into his mouth, his abdomen will be swollen or even exploded in an instant.

There is no way to answer.

What he wants to ask most now is what the hell Zhang Ping uses, the speed is so exaggerated, and the safety measures are so silly.

Zhang Ping saw that Bai De did not answer, so he simply calculated it in his heart.

Now that he has been flying for almost half a minute, he thinks the distance should be fine.

So, he used the contract gem decisively.

In an instant, the round contract gem exploded in his hand, and a cloud of energy quickly disappeared in a blink of an eye.

After losing the contract gem traction, the speed of Bai De and Fenglaixian quickly slowed down, and the surrounding scenery gradually became visible.

"This is the mountain?" Bai De saw the lush and green woods below, and immediately made a judgment.

Feng Laixian squinted and said: "We are still too fast now, I am not a big problem, but if you fall on the ground, Bai De, I’m afraid you don’t die also seriously injured."

"I can treat a serious injury, but I'm afraid that instructor Bai De will fall to death on the spot!" Zhang Ping's head grew out of Bai De's shoulder, and he said.

Bai De said ill-humoredly: "Zhang Ping, what the hell did you brat just use? The speed is so fast, which is too exaggerated."

"Hey , Is actually the fat of a new friend."

"His fat can be turned into various weapons, and I happen to have the ability to collect weapons."

"His fat has changed 'S weapon can’t leave him within 100 meters. Once it leaves, it will change back into energy and return to his body."

"I stored the weapon he made, tried it a bit, and it happened. Leave within one hundred meters."

"But the moment the weapon is taken out, the weapon will change back to energy, and it happens that I have a means to collect energy. You said it was a coincidence."


"So only with his consent, I can collect that energy."

"In other words, as long as the reaction is fast enough, the energy can be collected before it flies away. "

"It just so happens that the nature of this energy doesn't seem to change because of my ability, so it will still automatically return to the direction where my friend is, and the speed will get faster and faster."

Zhang Ping crackle, explain it all in one go.

Mainly in the air, he has nothing to do except talking.

Bai De couldn’t help but vomit after hearing it: “It’s so long, I don’t understand at all, can’t explain it simpler?”

“so that’s how it is, hehe, It's really an interesting combination." Feng Laixian and Bai De said at the same time.

Bai De's face changed slightly, and after a cough, he changed his mouth and said: "Actually, I understand it too, so I don't need to explain it."


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