In fact, Zhang Ping has a lot of expectations for his abilities.

Especially for advanced abilities, he has a big brain and tried a lot of operations.

For example, he tried to store a weapon in the deposit deed, and then swallowed the deposit deed, hoping to get the weapon's ability after digestion.

The result is indigestible.

The hardness of the storage contract is extremely exaggerated, and it is a contract gem that cannot be eaten, and it cannot be digested even if it is eaten.

So this is the end of his dream.

Then he thought of another crooked idea, which is to store the ability in the Wu Qi first, then swallow the Wu Qi, and then use the ability.

The result was a big hole in his stomach.

If it hadn't been for him to quickly transform into pure water form, every minute of it would not be safe.

After various attempts, he only found a few useful methods, among which'fat escape technique' is one of them.

To be honest, he also couldn't understand why Zhang Shouzhong's fat energy had been clearly collected into the martial arts, and there was still such a strong traction, even pulling him in the direction of Zhang Shouzhong.

But there is no doubt that this is a good ability, although it is a bit dangerous for Zhang Shouzhong.

For example: In case Zhang Ping didn’t have time to use Wuqi, Wuqi would let go of him again...

Imagine a fatty walking in carefree and innocent On the road, a round gem suddenly flew in the distance at a speed of more than fifty times the speed of sound, and hit this fatty body in an instant. How bloody was the picture?

In fact, Zhang Ping thought about this hypothesis, but he did not dare to tell Zhang Shouzhong, because he felt that if he said it, Zhang Shouzhong might not agree to help him.

Zhang Ping recalled Zhang Shouzhong's innocent face and waved goodbye to him. He felt a little ashamed. Fortunately, nothing happened.

But ashamed to shame, next time he goes out alone, he will still borrow fat energy from Zhang Shouzhong just in case.

After all, this escape technique is used well, it can save lives in minutes.

At this time, Bai De and Feng Laixian began to fall gradually.

Although the two of them were still flying forward because they were too fast before, they were slowly falling to the ground under the influence of gravity.

If there is no accident, they will fall in the woods.

Good luck, probably survived, bad luck, if the head is hit, Zhang Ping can’t help it.

"I knew I would eat more chicken wings back then." Bai De looked at the woods getting closer and closer, and couldn't help but vomit.

What does he eat? He ate a lot of wolf meat in the early stage, then a lot of lions, and then a lot of donkey meat. Don't ask him which part of the donkey he eats.

Anyway, he regrets it now. If he eats more wings, he might actually grow wings.

"Wings? As if I can!"

Zhang Ping came up again and said.

Then he controlled the blood to quickly gather on Bai De's back, and a pair of blood-made wings quickly formed.

Although the wings formed by blood are not reliable, it slows them down a lot.

Finally, the three swayed and hit a tree.

Because the impact speed is not particularly fast, all three people were not injured.

"Don't be careless, be careful of alienated beasts."

After landing, Feng Laixian immediately observed all around and continued.

In the wild, no more than in the city, any kind of alienated beast can kill people.

"I remember the first time I came to the field to experience, my companion, a guy named Wang Ancheng was killed by a caterpillar, yes, caterpillar, it's funny." Bai De is right Zhang Ping said.

Zhang Ping was surprised: "Is it poisoned?"

"No, he saw the caterpillar, so he wanted to trample it to death, and then went on the caterpillar. The burr instantly grew longer and just pierced in his eyes, and then he was not saved." Bai De explained.

Zhang Ping feels that this method of death must be painful.

"Okay, where should we go now?" Feng Laixian made sure that there is no threat all around, and then looked at Bai De, but asked Zhang Ping.

Bai De frowned: "By the way, Zhang Ping, how long you brat want to stay on me, come out soon."

"Oh, come out now!" Zhang Ping reacted , Quickly agreed.

In fact, he doesn't want to stay in Bai De's body either. This is not because Bai De's posture is wrong when he lands. What if he dies.

He stayed in Bai De's body completely out of good intentions.

In an instant, a large amount of blood spurted from Bai De's neck, and the blood fell on the ground, forming a human form in a blink of an eye.

Nethermist sprayed out of the blood, Zhang Ping dressed in Nethermist and put on the gold treasure house bracelet, then his face was revealed.

"Zhang Ping, where should we go now?" Bai De repeated Feng Laixian's question.

Zhang Ping pointed to the front, said with a smile: "Probably in that direction, let’s go."

In fact, where they are going, the direction in which the fat energy flies is Consistent.

However, Zhang Ping didn't want to waste too much Nethermist, so he let it go in the middle of the way, otherwise he might have reached his destination now.

"Let's go then." Feng Laixian walked ahead and said directly.

Bai De asked as he walked, "Zhang Ping, it’s okay for Wang Jieming to stay in the city, right?"

"I have asked him to go with my Uncle Waiting for my news in a camp outside the city, the problem shouldn't be big." Zhang Ping replied.

Wang Jieming and Qiu Qiang, he has arrangements.

As for Chen Weihua’s accident, Zhang Ping believes that she must have a way to solve the problem.

After all, she is a smart person. As long as it is not an immediate threat of killing her, she should be able to use her ingenuity to turn good luck.

Next, the three Zhang Ping did not speak tacitly, mainly because their voices could easily attract alienated beasts.

They don't need to provoke alienated beasts, it is best to reach the destination without any surprises and avoid extraneous branches as much as possible.

"What sound?"

After walking for more than ten minutes, Bai De suddenly stopped and said solemnly.

I have to say that Bai De has the best hearing among the three. He has eaten a lot of animal ears. Even if it is normal, he has a hearing that far exceeds the overwhelming majority awakened.

Although Zhang Ping has the blessing of Wind Whisperer, his hearing is still far inferior to Bai De.

"Which way?" Feng Laixian asked in a low voice.

Bai De simply squatted on the ground, his ears against the ground, opened the mouth and said: "There are both sides, the sound is not loud, but very, very many, the situation is not right."


"Go, hurry!" Feng Laixian ran immediately.

The three of them swiftly shuttled through the forest, and then found that many animals were also alarmed, all running away.

Zhang Ping completely covered his body with Nethermist, and flew up in a blink of an eye. He flew to a higher place and immediately saw densely packed black ants moving in the distance.

These black ants are all alienated beasts!

Zhang Ping does not need to use Appraisal Technique at all, because these black ants are about the size of an adult's thumb. Normally, there is no such big ant.

"There are a large number of black ants, the size of a thumb, they should be all alienated beasts." He landed next to Bai De and said quickly.

Bai De complexion slightly changed and said: "We won't be so unlucky, just happened to meet the Black Ant Dynasty?"

"Black Ant Dynasty?" Zhang Ping asked with doubts. .

Bai De explained as he ran: "The Black Ant Dynasty is actually just what we call those black ants, because there are too many of them. Once they come out for food, all animals within a hundred miles They will all become their prey. They are actually not strong individually, but they will be terrifying when the number is large. Even the top alienated beasts can be killed."

"So abnormal!"

Zhang Ping is really surprised, putting it that way, the real overlord of this forest is these ants!

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