From a high altitude, black ants surrounded the entire hill.

They are like black tides, gradually moved towards the highest point of the mountain from all directions.

Countless startling birds flew individually, and the wild beast fled in panic in the forest, without knowing that they were already surrounded.

Zhang Ping floats in the air, following Fenglaixian and Bai De.

Because of his ability to fly, he is not particularly nervous, and he even has the mind to use Appraisal Technique on these black ants.

After several consecutive failures, the attribute of the black ant was finally identified by him.

[Identification successful]

[Alienated Beast: Black Mountain Arched Ant]

[Race: Alienated Ant]

[Potential: ⭐]

[lifespan: 5]

[level: primary level alienated beast]

[level: 5]

[ innate talent 】

【Spiked carapace: The defensive power of the carapace is greatly improved. If the carapace is crushed, harder spikes will grow at the crushed position. 】

【black formic acid: The body can secrete highly corrosive formic acid. 】

【Unified March: Individuals and ant colonies have instinctive induction, can understand the movements of the ant colony, and cooperate with the march. 】


These ants' single attribute is really not very strong, it can even be said to be very weak.

The problem is that there are too many.

At a glance, there is no end in sight.

Whether it’s an awakened or an alienated beast, apart from having one more superpower than ordinary creatures, it’s actually not very different from ordinary creatures. You need rest when you’re tired, you also need to eat when you’re hungry, and you still need to drink when you’re thirsty. water.

Any ability, activation is costly.

For example, Fenglaixian's Crimson Emperor's immortal body, while repairing his body, will also consume his physical strength.

Zhang Ping has many abilities, although there is no indication of the required consumption, but they are actually consumed when used. Even the Appraisal Technique will consume a small amount of his spirit strength.

The most terrifying aspect of these black mountain ants is the quantity.

They may die a lot when attacking their prey, but they will definitely win in the end.

"Instructor Bai De, I look like the whole mountain is surrounded." Zhang Ping landed next to Bai De and said at this time.

Feng Laixian ran at the forefront, and blunt said: "Then make a bloody road and follow me to break through!"

"I support in the air!" Zhang Ping immediately Said.

He flew into the midair seven or eight meters high, looking down from the air, ready to guide the two of them, and choose a breakthrough route with the least number of black ants.

But soon he discovered that these ants did not attack the animals that were escaping for their lives.

"Aren't these ants hunting for food?"

He immediately observed the direction of the black mountain ant, and then he found something wrong not far away: there are five black mountains The archback ants fought inwardly, but those black mountain archback ants that attacked the same kind were quickly overwhelmed by the ant tide.

"Is this killing each other?"

Zhang Ping fell on a tree, staring at the infighting direction of the few ants in the distance.

Sure enough, after the ants were resolved, the colony continued to march forward.

Zhang Ping looked in that direction, and there was a touch of white hidden among the lush and green shrubs.

He glanced at the colony of ants, and then flew to the side of the shrub, cautiously pulling away the leaves...

At this time, a small dog-sized, white jade-like crystal clear and The near-transparent ant immediately jumped out from it, opened his mouth and bit his hand.


Zhang Ping quickly stepped back and avoided the ant's attack in a thrilling manner.

Then he curiously observed the white ant. The main reason was that the ant's appearance was too high. Not only was it white and fat, but the carapace was like a white jade, without any blemishes.

Too perfect, just like a work of art.

Its eyes are very beautiful, completely different from the eyes of an ant, like two rubies.

next moment, this white ant launched a series of attacks against Zhang Ping: bite, bite, bite, bite, bite again!

Zhang Ping's coping method is very simple: I retire, I retire, I retire, I retire, I retire again!

He said with a smile: "Little fellow, are those black ants looking for you?"

But this little fellow shook his head and shook his head, still posing as an offensive posture, just six legs They were all trembling, exposing their lack of confidence.

Zhang Ping simply used it to identify it.

Who knows that this little fellow is quite difficult to identify. After more than 20 consecutive failures, he identified its attribute.

[Identification Successful]

[Alienated Beast: Mobile Fortress Ant·Queen]

[Race: Alienated Ant]

[ Potential: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐]

[lifespan: 300]

[level: primary level alienated beast]

[level: 1 】

【innate talent 】

【Iron Body: The body is extremely hard, the larger the body, the higher the defensive power. 】

【Dimensional belly: The abdomen is the nest space, which can be expanded as the strength increases. There are six entrances and exits on both sides of the abdomen. 】

【Queen ant reproduction: It can reproduce asexually in adulthood, and lay eggs continuously in the belly of the dimension, and there is a very low probability of producing mutant ants. 】

【Queen's majesty: It can completely control the colony of ants under her command, and the foreign ants also have a strong deterrent power, which is related to body shape. 】


Zhang Ping immediately eyes shined after reading the attributes, there is a feeling that he draws a card at random but draws an SSR.

There is no doubt that the little fellow in front of me is a unique alienated beast. It is likely to be the same nest of ants as the black mountain archback ants, but it has mutated.

So, the black mountain ants encircled this heresy.

"little fellow, why don't you mess with me in the future."

Zhang Ping smiled and looked at the chubby white ant in front of him, instantly condensing a contract gem in his hand.

However, the white ant saw his hand stretched out and immediately bit his hand.

As soon as he shrinks his hand, the contract gem is bitten by the white ants.

"Right, right, swallow, be good!"

Zhang Ping looked at the white ant expectantly. From the fact that it is only Level 1, it can be guessed that it is probably just born. Soon, in case it's easy to cheat!

However, the mobile fortress ant turned his head and spit the contract gem on the ground. When he turned his head, he continued to stare at Zhang Ping, with stubborn ruby ​​eyes.

Zhang Ping picked up the contract gem disappointedly, wiped the saliva on it, and then put it in his mouth and ate it.

"Look, it's delicious, Big Brother didn't lie to you." He said sincerely after eating.

The Mobile Fortress Ant tilted its head. Just now, it didn't want to eat at all. It felt uncomfortable to see it. Why did this human eat it?

It couldn't understand it, so it snapped at Zhang Ping.

At this time, Zhang Ping's body directly turned into a pure-blooded body, which quickly poured into its body from its mouth, completing the infiltration in a blink of an eye.

The little fellow was taken aback, hurried around in place, and then looked at all around blankly.

"Baby, come on, eat!"

Suddenly, a hand grew from its body surface, and a contract gem was condensed at the same time.

In this state, the mobile fortress ant is like the water-eating bullet rabbit that was parasitized by Zhang Ping. It is understandable that Zhang Ping means.

But it doesn't want to eat the contract gem at all, and even feels annoyed when it sees the contract gem.

It stared at Zhang Ping's hand and shook its head, and suddenly threw forward, trying to bite Zhang Ping's hand, but the problem was that it couldn't reach it.

It moves forward, because this one grows on its body, so the arm also moves forward.

The situation is like hanging a carrot on the head of a lazy donkey. The donkey can see but not eat the carrot.

So it chased for a long time without being able to bite Zhang Ping, so it simply found a low bush to hide, and lay down on the ground in despair.

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