In the woods, countless animals are looking for food, resting, and watching the excitement.

Three pink rabbits are eating young grass, and a lone wolf walks by not far from them, not looking at these rabbits.

Generally speaking, in fact, alienated beasts rarely take action against alienated beasts. In most cases, alienated beasts prey on ordinary animals. Only under territorial contention or under certain special conditions can alienated beasts live and die with each other. Beat.

Of course, there are also some particularly powerful alienated beasts that will break this rule and prey on all animals or alienated beasts indiscriminately.

At this time, a huge lightning thunderbird fell in the sky, and all animals within ten meters of the landing position were attacked by lightning, and they were all familiar in an instant.

It picked a few prey to swallow, then spread its wings and soared into the sky.

The lightning thunderbird strictly speaking is actually a mutant bird. It has a huge electricity storage nucleus in its body, which can store lightning and release it when hunting.

Pearl City has a lightning thunderbird nucleus, and the overwhelming majority in Pearl City require electricity from this nucleus.

At this moment, not far from the lightning thunderbird's attack range, Zhang Ping and Little Theron hid in the grass and witnessed the exaggerated picture of lightning and thunder hunting with their own eyes. One person and one ant were shocked.

"It's dangerous. If we were just in that position, we might be attacked by a lot of lightning in an instant, Little Theron, are you afraid?" Zhang Ping whispered to Little Theron.

Little Theron repeatedly nodded agreed, and then a little missed the comfortable and safe feeling in the deed.

"Okay, let's go." Zhang Ping laughed, and then went on.

Suddenly, a group of fire birds fly by in the sky, Zhang Ping watched eagerly, and finally sighed.

The corpse of the fire bird he picked up in a mortal danger before was identified by Liu Tiefeng after returning to Pearl City. The layer of frost on the feathers of the fire bird has completely destroyed the feathers of the fire bird. Active, those feathers are all lost.

The speed of the fire bird is too ridiculous.

Even if he has the ability to fly now, he can only look at the birds and sigh, and he has no idea of ​​chasing him.

At this time, Little Theron seemed to notice something. It grabbed Zhang Ping's clothes with its forelimbs and pulled it, then stared at Zhang Ping's right hand, seeming a little nervous.

"Don't worry, it's just a fox." Zhang Ping glanced at it, then said with a smile.

In the gloomy grass, a gray fox is staring at Zhang Ping and Little Theron. Its main target is Little Theron, but Zhang Ping is not its target.

It gradually emits a layer of golden rays of light from its eyes, and then a Nethermist flying knife is instantly inserted into its head.

"Really, I have to court death." Zhang Ping stepped forward slowly, vomiting at the same time.

This is a dangerous fox with the ability to subvert common sense. Just now, it wanted to confuse Zhang Ping's common sense and induce Zhang Ping to put down Little Theron.

So it died.

The two abilities that Zhang Ping hates most happen to be cognitive distortion and common sense subversion.

Peeling, cramping, and digging out the two eyes of the fox for storage.

Zhang Ping completed the rusty collection of materials, and then picked up the little Theron and continued to move forward. As for the carcass of the dangerous fox, other animals will naturally help to deal with it.


"cough cough, Xiaoyu, I can’t do it anymore. After you go back, tell Aoxue Your Majesty for me, Hongying has failed, I’m sorry... I’m sorry... Your Majesty."

In a dark tree hole, Guan Hongying's face flushed, and the fierce abdomen wound has a scorching breath from time to time. It is this aura that is destroying the vitality of her body.

She knew she would not last long, so she could only entrust her last words to her niece.

Zhong Xiaoyu’s crying eyes are all swollen. She wiped her nose and weeped: "Hongying Aunt, don't die, I'm not angry with you anymore, don't die, wu wu wu. "

"cough cough, I underestimated Feng Laixian, his strength is probably not weaker than General Yu, you remember to remind Your Majesty, be careful of Feng Laixian, he is likely to become the biggest of our great cause Obstacle." Guan Hongying said seriously.

Zhong Xiaoyu couldn’t help but whispered: "Hongying Aunt, isn’t Situ Shibai the biggest obstacle?"

"You...cough cough, remember to tell Your Majesty, okay... you go and leave me alone." Guan Hongying almost vomited blood from anger, and finally said tiredly.

Zhong Xiaoyu held Guan Hongying's hand tightly and looked at Guan Hongying with red eyes.

"Okay, don't be an eyesore here." Guan Hongying couldn't stand the atmosphere, closed her eyes, and said angrily.

At this moment, a head came in from the tree hole. It was an indescribable head. Not only was the neck extremely long, but it also had a three-pointer like a human, a third-pointer like a snake, and a three-pointed head. It's like the weird face of a sloth.

It looked at Zhong Xiaoyu and Guan Hongying with a smile, and finally fell on Guan Hongying's abdomen.

"Hongying Aunt, what should I do?" Zhong Xiaoyu saw this monster, holding Guan Hongying's hand nervously, and Guan Hongying was almost breathless with her huge chest.

Guan Hongying felt that her deadline was approaching, but in order to protect her niece, she gritted her teeth and struggled to think of fighting.

"This is a corpse ape, wait a moment when I get entangled in it, you will run away." Her forehead was covered in cold sweat, look pale said.

Zhong Xiaoyu subconsciously retorted: "Doesn't the corpse apes only eat corpses?"

"The corpse apes will also eat when they encounter weak creatures, and now you and I In its eyes, it is a weak creature." Guan Hongying took a deep breath, and then said angrily.

But when she was about to fight to the end, a sickle cut off the head of the corpse ape in an instant.

"Are you okay?" Zhang Ping, holding a Nethermist sickle, looked at the two women in the tree hole from outside the tree hole and asked.

Guan Hongying took a step back, leaning against the tree wall, and replied: "Thank you for your help, we are fine."

"But you are hurt very badly, are you really okay? "Zhang Ping feels that Guan Hongying's wound is a bit familiar, but there are too many ways to cause similar injuries, and he is not good at making judgments.

Guan Hongying shook her head and said: "It won't get in the way, just take a rest, your life-saving grace, my niece and I have nothing to repay, only this little money, can you see if it is enough?"

When she was speaking, she took out her purse with difficulty, trying to pay Zhang Ping.

When you encounter awakened in the wild, especially the awakened that is stronger than yourself, then the weak must be enlightened: the wild is not Pearl City, this is a place outside the law!

"No need, is she really okay?" Zhang Ping quickly refused, and at the same time looked at Zhong Xiaoyu, asking with a little worry.

Zhong Xiaoyu shrank in the corner, her eyes flushed and did not speak, but after seeing Zhang Ping's eyes, she opened the mouth and said in a ghostly manner: "Hongying Aunt is dying, wū wū wū wū ."


Zhang Ping was taken aback. Although Guan Hongying’s abdominal wound was a bit scary, he had seen several awakened exaggerated life forces. , So he really didn't expect this injury to be fatal.

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