"No, I'm fine, don't listen to the girl's nonsense."

Guan Hongying tremblingly covered her abdomen with her hands, her body slowly fell down, and finally Sitting on the ground, said reluctantly.

Although she tried her best to cover up, Zhang Ping saw that the injury might be unusual. Not only did she have no tendency to heal herself, but it was destroying her vitality.

"Let me see, rest assured, I am not malicious, I just can't save my life, I can't do it." Zhang Ping walked into the tree hole and kicked the corpse ape's head outside, and then Said sincerely.

He understood Guan Hongying's defenses, so after speaking, he learned from Ye Changchun and simply sat cross-legged on the ground, staring at Guan Hongying intently.

"Then I will trouble you." Guan Hongying was silent for a moment and agreed.

Zhang Ping slightly smiled, got up and walked to Guan Hongying and squatted down, and then reminded: "Don't worry, I happen to have an ability that is suitable for treatment."

Speaking, he lifted Picking up his right hand, the right hand turned into pure blood in a blink of an eye.


Zhong Xiaoyu was taken aback when he saw this scene.

"Don't be afraid, this ability is actually a healing ability, but it doesn't look good." Zhang Ping explained, then looked at Guan Hongying, and whispered: "Offended."

He gently pressed his hand on Guan Hongying's abdomen, and then a large amount of pure blood penetrated into Guan Hongying's body.

This is an operation that he can only do after he advanced to the intermediate level, partial pure blood, and then control this part of pure blood as the target for treatment.

"The burn is very serious, the entire stomach pouch is ripe, and this heat poison is spreading to all organs. If it is not treated in time, once the heat poison spreads to the heart...you will die." Zhang Ping controlled Injury inspection with pure blood.

Although he does not know much profound medical knowledge, he still has some basic common sense. After all, he was a member of the search and rescue team in his previous life, and he has mastered some conventional first aid methods.

Guan Hongying's self-healing ability is actually very strong.

If the average person is attacked by this degree of heat poisoning, they will be familiar with the whole person in a few minutes, and Guan Hongying will hold on for at least half an hour.

"Can Hongying Aunt still be saved?" Zhong Xiaoyu asked worriedly.

Zhang Ping smiled, comforted in a boastful tone: "I don’t know if other treatment departments awakened can save me, but you’re lucky, Aunt. Even if you meet me, you’re only left with your head. I can save it if you breathe it out!"

After speaking, he began to treat Guan Hongying.

"very handsome."

Zhong Xiaoyu looked at Zhang Ping who was focusing on treating Guan Hongying with bright eyes, feeling Zhang Ping's whole body glowing.

Although the handsome guy she used to like was the type with big eyes and a sunny smile, but at this moment, I don't know why, she thinks squinting and small eyes are also beautiful.

This damn sense of security is really great.

More than ten minutes later, Guan Hongying's wounds and naked eye were visible, and the red and swollen abdomen returned to the appearance of six-pack abdominal muscles.


Zhang Ping's hand was slowly pulled out of Guan Hongying's abdomen, and the whole arm seemed to be missing.

Actually, the pure-blooded body originally consumes itself to heal others, so this is a very pure'altruistic' ability.

"Your hand!" Zhong Xiaoyu looked at Zhang Ping's hand, worried.

Zhang Ping laughed, took out a mineral water from the golden treasure house, and then converted his arm to pure water. He poured the water into the pure water, and his arm returned to its original size in a blink of an eye.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." He put away the mineral water, said with a smile.

Zhong Xiaoyu envied: "Your ability is really good, unlike me...can't do anything."

"The ability will respond to the user's wishes, you just need to keep If you use it, sooner or later it will become..." Zhang Ping originally wanted to comfort Zhong Xiaoyu.

But halfway through, he subconsciously used Appraisal Technique.

The moment he saw Zhong Xiaoyu's attribute, his face flushed red, and he almost couldn't help laughing.

[Successful identification]

[Name: Zhong Xiaoyu]

[Race: Human]

[Factor: Aoxue Empire]

[Potential: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐]

[lifespan: 78]

[Level: Intermediate awakened]

[Level: 16]

[innate talent]

[Space transfer: Consume spirit strength, transfer oneself or target to other coordinate positions, the farther the distance, the greater the consumption. ]

[Advanced Skills]

[Intermediate-Soy Sauce Transfer: You can transfer the soy sauce within 20 meters to your own bowl, and sprinkle it perfectly on the eggs. 】


Soy sauce transfer?

What kind of strange advanced skill is this?

Zhang Ping unimaginable, this is how Zhong Xiaoyu’s advanced skill was formed.

Obviously, the space transfer is so tall. If it is promoted seriously, Zhong Xiaoyu will definitely be one of the highest powerhouses in the future.

After all, Zhang Ping had heard a saying in his previous life: space is king if time is not available.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing Zhang Ping's blushing, Zhong Xiaoyu's heart suddenly thumped.

She thought shyly: "Does he like me too? If he confesses to me, should I agree or... No, no, we only met for the first time, and I don’t even know his name. I don’t know yet."

"Cough cough, I’m sorry, I actually have Appraisal Technique, your attribute...cough cough... is an advanced skill, you can ask..." Zhang Ping really couldn’t bear it. After he lived, his curiosity was about to explode, so he thought about it, considered the language of the organization, and asked slowly.

But halfway through he asked, Zhong Xiaoyu's bun face was instantly red like a ripe tomato.

She quickly turned around and covered her face, yelled shyly: "Don't ask anymore, wū wū wū wū..."

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to offend, but some Curious." Zhang Ping didn't know whether to cry or laugh, apparently he mentioned the sadness of others.

Guan Hongying is worthy of being an elder. At this time, hate iron for not becoming steel said: "Benefactor, this matter is for me to talk about. In fact, there is nothing to say, this girl is afraid of being trained by me after awakening. So she secretly concealed her awakening. In the first two years, she only used this ability to transfer soy sauce. After I discovered it, although I tried to correct her habit, it was too late."

Speaking of which, she was too busy, so she neglected Zhong Xiaoyu, which caused Zhong Xiaoyu's ability to go wrong.

For this, she also has guilt hidden in her heart.

So even if Zhong Xiaoyu often angered her, she never really got angry.

"so that's how it is." Zhang Ping didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Guan Hongying got up and walked to Zhong Xiaoyu's side, blocking Zhong Xiaoyu with a tall body, opened the mouth and said: "Well, since you saw Xiaoyu's attribute, then, what else did you see? You ...Should be from the sweeping team?"

In fact, the moment she saw Zhang Ping, her nose first smelled a familiar smell.

She once smelled this smell while looking at Mount Everest, so she was always on guard against Zhang Ping, but seeing that Zhang Ping did not recognize her identity, she took a gamble and accepted Zhang Ping’s treat.

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