A few kilometers away from Mount Everest, at the foot of a mountain.

Two adventurer bloody nose and swollen face, weakly paralyzed to the ground, unable to get up after several struggles.

"Let's go, where did that girl go?"

In front of two adventurers, a burly man with a height of 2.5 meters indifferently asked.

Awakened, the older of the two adventurers, coughed, and cried out in pain and aggrieved: "We have all said, don’t know, really don’t know, it was just a chance encounter."

"Yuanlong, he is telling the truth." Beside the strong man, a woman opened the mouth and said.

Zhu Yuanlong looked at the two adventurers, and finally turned around and said: "We have solved them, we will continue to look for, we must find that girl as soon as possible!"



The woman complied and waved to the men behind her.

Several subordinates immediately grabbed the hairs of the two adventurers and dragged them aside to cut weeds and eliminate the roots.

At this time.

In the woods more than ten kilometers away, Zhang Ping is fighting a corpse ape.

He used a sneak attack to kill a corpse ape in an instant, but in fact, the strength of the corpse ape is not weak. They are like they are born to use the Monkey King Style, and it is difficult to escape. Predictions are actually very difficult to fight.

"Yuan Long? Ape Dragon?"


Zhang Ping holds a huge sickle and looks in the direction of the wind while waving it .

The corpse-eating ape's eyes lit up slightly, and the next moment immediately punched him. The target was Zhang Ping's head.

"We are in the game!"

Zhang Ping squinted his eyes with a smile, and his upper body twisted down weirdly, making actions that humans could make impossible.

While avoiding the fist of the corpse ape, he cut off the waist of the corpse ape with a dread scythe with one turn of his waist. The corpse ape screamed, and his upper body fell on the ground, blood and internal organs flowed. In one place.

Zhang Ping can use partial pure hydration or partial pure blood to make many actions that humans cannot do. For example, by pure hydration of the waist, the upper body can be easily turned around 180 degrees.

He has been thinking about these little skills, but it is the first time that he has used them in battle.

Obviously, it works well.

He glanced at the corpse ape who was still struggling and wailing frantically on the ground, and simply used the Nethermist knife to end its pain.

"Yuanlong, that girl..."

After confirming that the corpse ape was completely dead, Zhang Ping looked at the direction of the sound seriously.

Someone is looking for a girl?

But listening to the dialogue and the last two adventurers begging for mercy and cursing, this group of people looking for girls is probably not a good person.

Zhang Ping doesn't have nosy thoughts, but is used to analyzing various information brought by Wind Whisperer, because there are a lot of important information hidden in these clueless conversations.

He squatted down and began to gather materials that could be used by the corpse apes.

The corpse apes and the corpse dogs are completely two kinds of creatures. In fact, corpse apes do not completely feed on corpses. To be precise, they are actually more complicated recipes. Almost all creatures are in their recipes. Among.

As Guan Hongying said, they don't mind eating some weak creatures, even if these creatures are not dead.


The endless mountains, every distance, the plants that appear will have a huge difference.

According to the scholar research of Pearl City, this is due to the difference caused by the difference in the habitats of alienated beasts. The corpses of some alienated beasts become nutrients for plants after death, which will eventually cause some plants to mutate.

The simplest examples are the slug bullet rabbit and hydrochloric acid grass.

The two have always depended on each other. Where there is hydrochloric acid grass, there must be water slug rabbits, and where there are water slug rabbits, there must be hydrochloric acid grasses.

When the water-eating bullet rabbit dies, Land of Buried Bones will become the most suitable place for hydrochloric acid grass to grow, and the place with hydrochloric acid grass will become the most suitable place for the water-eating bullet rabbit to multiply.

It is this phenomenon of the harmonious coexistence of alienated beasts and nature that has created endless mountains and countless wonderful terrains and plants of various shapes.

At this time, Liu Sishan and Cheng Xuejie passed through a jungle that was completely grown from vines, with a red leaf forest in front of them.

The red leaf tree is a relatively short tree, very suitable for a kind of alienated beast called the fire monkey to inhabit.

This plant is very resistant to high temperatures and has a very high ignition point. To melt some special metals, red-leaf trees must be used as fuel.

"Be careful, there is a situation ahead." Liu Sishan just approached the red leaf forest, then whispered.

She and Cheng Xuejie quietly hid behind a red leaf tree, and then saw several black clothed persons chasing Bai De over.

Bai De is the coach of Zhang Ping. During the period when Liu Sishan personally protected Zhang Ping, he investigated the details of Bai De, so he knew that Bai De was not a bad guy.

"Bai De is here, is it related to Zhang Ping?" She squinted her eyes and decided to take action.

She made a gesture to Cheng Xuejie, and Cheng Xuejie was slightly nodded, preparing for a curiosity attack.

At this moment, Bai De ran by Liu Sishan, from the corner of his eye, he caught Liu Sishan and Cheng Xuejie. He was slightly frowned and stopped abruptly at the next moment. After sliding for a certain distance, he stopped running. Momentum.

The eyes of the black clothed persons were immediately locked on Bai De, and then a whip of water passed under the ribs of these black clothed persons. At the same time, Cheng Xuejie jumped out from behind the tree with three hands and two feet. He kicked all the black clothed persons who were seriously injured to the ground.

"It's best not to move, or your heart will be pierced instantly by me." Liu Sishan walked out slowly, lightly saying.

Although these black clothed persons do not look like good people, Liu Sishan has no habit of killing innocent people.

She will not make a judgment easily before figuring out the truth of the matter.

"Thank you two girls for helping!" Bai De gasped, seeing that the black clothed persons were all subdued, immediately opened the mouth and said thank you.

Liu Sishan looked at Bai De and asked: "Zhang Ping?"

"You are...what Zhang Ping said..."

Bai De suddenly understood Liu Sishan's meaning, and his eyes lit up slightly.

Then he realized that there were outsiders present before he finished speaking, he glanced at the black clothed person on the ground, and simply shut up.

Liu Sishan looked at Cheng Xuejie, Cheng Xuejie immediately understood what she meant, and directly knocked out the black clothed person one after another on the ground.

"Okay, what about Zhang Ping?" Liu Sishan confirmed that the black clothed person had passed out, and then asked.

Bai De said with a bitter smile: "not quite clear, I was asked by Wang Jieming to ask Hall Master to go to the unfinished park to meet Zhang Ping, who knew Zhang Ping killed someone at that time , Later I learned that the person was changed by a fox..."

He recounted the whole story roughly until he was besieged by a black clothed person.

In fact, he was not running for his life, but wasting the physical strength of these black clothed persons. A black clothed person has already been solved by him, but the main attributes of these black clothed persons are all agility and physical strength. Therefore, it is difficult to solve, he needs to spend more time to be sure to clean up without injury.

"Zhang Ping went to lure away the black ants?" Liu Sishan wrinkled frowned after listening.

The problem is that we really can’t blame anyone for this.

This is Zhang Ping's own trouble, and Zhang Ping's own decision.

She sighed slightly and decided to say: "Then please take me to your meeting place, and I will wait for him with you."

"Okay, let's go." Bai De nodded and said.

Cheng Xuejie looked at these black clothed persons and asked: "What should they do?"

"Let them fend for themselves." Liu Sishan decided.

Being unconscious in such a barren mountain is actually no different from death.

After they leave, naturally there will be alienated beasts to help them solve these black clothed persons.

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