In the scattered woods, a few ordinary birds are standing on the branches and combing their feathers.

Below, Zhu Yuanlong followed the woman, frowned: "Are you sure Chen Junting will go deep into this Conglin?"

"Not sure, my ability can only determine this There are humans in the direction, but it is not Chen Junting. Only by seeing it will you know." The woman replied.

Her name is Zhu Hongfang, and her abilities are clearly understood human beings.

This is a very special ability. It can easily see whether humans are lying. It can sense the position of all humans in a large area, as well as many other small abilities.

Anyone who gets along with her for a long time will be controlled by her.

But this kind of mastery is not Spiritual Plane's control, but she understands the other's temperament, thoughts, and habits, and a few words can make the other party submit.

"Don't use your abilities against me, otherwise..." Zhu Yuanlong said dissatisfied at this time.

Zhu Hongfang turned around and said: "I don't have it, don't be suspicious."

"It's better not." Zhu Yuanlong lightly saying.

Although the two of them are relatives, their blood relationship is far, far away, and they are already outside the fifth server.

If it weren't for the ability of Vermillion Boat, he would definitely not act with Vermillion Boat.

This woman has attracted many geniuses in the family. She came out this time without anyone, and only let a few attackers follow. How could he not be suspicious.

"It's almost here, everyone speed up!"

Ju Hongfang spoke suddenly, and then trot.

Everyone immediately followed, Zhu Yuanlong frowned, with a bad feeling in his heart.

"Stop, this smell is definitely not what Chen Junting should have." He stopped abruptly, then opened the mouth and said.

Zhu Hongfang stopped and asked: "What do you smell?"

"The smell of rotting!" Zhu Yuanlong said solemnly.

The smell is very weak, but the source should be underground. He immediately thought of a possibility, the pit of corpses!

He has seen Zhu Family's past records. In order to maintain its dominance, Zhu Family did use many unorthodox ways, some of which need to use corpses for taboo ceremony.

"I'm afraid someone is doing some taboo ceremony in front of you. Let's retreat and don't be nosy." He said cautiously.

Zhu Hongfang frowned: "But there is only one person in front."

"Don't worry about so many, it's definitely not the target we are looking for." Zhu Yuanlong blunt said.

Zhu Hongfang said indifferently: "What if the target we are looking for is rotting?"


Zhu Yuanlong stared at Zhu Hongfang, Realize that the previous situation may have something to do with this woman.

He squinted his eyes and asked: "You seem to miss me very much."

"Just to be cautious, in case she has been killed, let's look everywhere. It's not in vain." Zhu Hongfang said seriously.

Zhu Yuanlong is quite confident in his own strength, took a deep look at Zhu Hongfang, opened the mouth and said: "Then go and have a look."

He took the lead. Walking towards the source of the rotten smell, Zhu Hongfang slightly smiled and immediately followed behind him.

"You are so wary of me, are you afraid of being controlled by me?" She said with a smile as she walked.

However, Zhu Yuanlong didn't want to talk to her at all, just staring at the front vigilantly.

The smell of decay is getting stronger and stronger, and there are fewer and fewer trees all around, and many trees are in a state of withering and withering.

"Sure enough, some kind of taboo ceremony is being carried out." Zhu Yuanlong thought to himself.

There are very few people in Pearl City who will taboo ceremony. The awakened led by Situ Shibai will never use this knowledge even if they understand it.

The most suspicious one is Zhu Family!

Although Zhu Yuanlong was born in the Zhu Family, he has no affection for these taboo ceremony, and even the Zhu Family in the past. He supports Zhu Family to rule Pearl City again, but he does not want these cruelties. The ceremony is used again.

Of course, this is not because he is a good person, but because he is full of confidence in his own strength and believes that without relying on these evil ways, Zhu Family will also have enough power to rule Pearl City.

He continued to walk forward, the ground began to turn dark green, and the smell of rotting became more obvious.

"This place has been prepared for at least a year." He made a judgment in his heart.

He glanced at the Zhu Hongfang behind him and sneered in his heart. It seems that the target of Zhu Hongfang and the others is likely to be him, so what do Zhu Hongfang want to do?

"There is a door in front." Zhu Hongfang said in a surprised tone at this time.

Zhu Yuanlong doesn’t need the Vermillion Boat to remind him. He has already seen the door on the ground. Obviously, this door leads to a space underground, and the rotting breath comes from this door.

"Let's go, now that it has arrived, let's go down and have a look!" Zhu Yuanlong said coldly.

He walked to the door, smashed the door with one foot, and walked down the stairs.

"Really deserves to be the genius closest to Chi Yang's ancestors." Zhu Hongfang smiled and praised, and then followed Zhu Yuanlong down.

In Zhu Family, the sun king Zhu Chiyang is the pride of everyone.

Whoever is crowned the genius closest to Chiyang's ancestors is definitely an honor of Supreme.

This stairway to the underground is very long. Zhu Yuanlong and the others walked down. It took a full half an hour to reach the end. This is an extremely empty hall with at least three The size of the football field.

In the middle of the hall, a huge skeleton exudes a frightening atmosphere, and densely packed corpses are stacked on the abdomen of the skeleton.


Zhu Yuanlong opened his eyes slightly, recognizing what kind of alienated beast this huge skeleton was.

He turned around abruptly, pinched Vermillion Boat’s neck with one hand, and stared down at Vermillion Boat, said solemnly: "You found the remains of the Sun God bird?"

"cough cough, you don't let me go, how can I talk?" Zhu Hongfang said uncomfortably.

Zhu Yuanlong let go, coldly said: "Let’s talk, what the hell is going on? What do you...what do you want to do?"

"This is indeed Sun God The corpse of the bird, but not the Sun God bird owned by the Chiyang ancestors. When we found it, it was already in this state. Fortunately... the power in its bone marrow has not been completely lost, so we used quenching Sheng Ceremony temporarily stabilize this state." Zhu Hongfang said slowly.

She walked up to the huge bones, gently stroked the bones with her hands, and continued: "As for what we want to do, of course it is justified to retake Pearl City, but...some people are not suitable to continue to master it. Zhu Family."

"so that's how it is, you want to seize power." Zhu Yuanlong said suddenly.

At this time, all around came out a few Zhu Family youngsters in the dark. Zhu Yuanlong glanced around and found that these youngsters were all famous geniuses in the family.

"It is not about seizing power, we just think that the Zhu Family should be led by better people, not a group of Old Guys who succeed in failing and succeed in failure!" Zhu Hongfang stood among these geniuses, confidently said with a smile.

Zhu Yuanlong looked at the huge bones of the Sun God bird and asked: "What do you want to do, will you bring me here just to convince me?"

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