I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [000] A small accident

"Su Jingyao, do you want some candy? I'll treat you."

Zhang Ping was lying on the desk, holding a green six-sided crystal in his hand, squinting at his deskmate Su Jingyao and asking.

Su Jingyao glanced at the six-sided crystal and said expressionlessly: "Get lost."

"If you don't want it, then don't. Is there any need to be so angry?" Zhang Ping retracted his hand and complained in a low voice.

Su Jingyao's forehead veins bulged slightly, and she said unhappily: "Zhang Ping, although you have awakened a useless ability, I understand your feelings very well, but if you leave school and still ask people everywhere like you do now, believe it or not, you will be beaten to death."

"The useless ability is actually quite good, I just asked you, how could I ask others." Zhang Ping whispered.

Su Jingyao speechlessly rolled her eyes at Zhang Ping, and then continued to fill out the graduation application.

"Are you really planning to graduate?" Zhang Ping glanced and asked.

Su Jingyao said calmly: "I have mastered all the knowledge in school, and my awakened ability is very suitable for fighting. Only by experiencing real combat can I become stronger and stronger. Joining the patrol team is a decision I made a long time ago."

"But you are only seventeen years old." Zhang Ping sighed.

Su Jingyao looked at Zhang Ping with contempt and said: "Zhang Chen next door has applied for graduation a week ago. It is estimated that he has left the city with the investigation team to fight with the mutant beasts. He is only 16 years old."

"Yeah, what a genius." Zhang Ping sighed.

Su Jingyao sighed slightly in her heart when she saw that Zhang Ping did not show any envy or jealousy.

At the beginning, Zhang Ping was also one of the most hardworking students in the class. He experimented with his ability crazily on the day of awakening, but soon his ability was identified as useless by the examiner. Zhang Ping suffered a major blow and even missed classes for several days.

When Zhang Ping came back to class, he had become the current lying state.

"Although your ability has been identified as useless, there are so many mutant creatures in the world. Maybe one day I will find a creature willing to accept you, and then your ability will have room to play..." Su Jingyao couldn't bear Zhang Ping's self-destruction, and looked at Zhang Ping seriously.

Zhang Ping lay on the table and said indifferently: "Forget it, what kind of creature do you think will completely hand over its life to others? I'll give it to you, do you dare to eat it?"


Su Jingyao thought of the six-sided crystal in Zhang Ping's hand just now, and she was speechless.

Just seeing the six-sided crystal, she was already repelled in her heart. It felt like seeing shit and couldn't help wanting to stay away.

"Okay, I have accepted the fact that I am a waste. In fact, waste is not bad. I will go back to farming honestly. Maybe I will live longer than you who fight and kill." Zhang Ping said with a smile.

He really thought so.

After all, whether it is a patrol team, an investigation team or a free adventurer, the casualty rate is not low.

And staying in the city as a farmer, although the treatment is very poor, but you can barely survive, and the casualty rate is much lower than that of a combat profession.

If you want to die of old age, staying in the city is the safest option.

Zhang Ping was a member of a private search and rescue team in his previous life.

He received a rescue mission on a rainy night. When he went to the mountains to search for missing hikers, he encountered a landslide and died on the spot.

When he reacted, he had traveled to Zhang Ping, who was angry to death by himself.

After absorbing Zhang Ping's memory, he had only one thought: Isn't it just awakening useless abilities? Is it necessary to anger yourself to death?

Although he was quite grateful to the original owner, otherwise he might not be able to travel through, and he would really die.

But to be honest, the original Zhang Ping was too psychologically fragile.

As for abilities, he didn't have any abilities in his previous life, but he still lived shamelessly. Since it is a useless ability, just treat it as nothing.

But Zhang Ping's awakened ability is really interesting.

He can consume physical strength and mental strength to create a six-sided crystal. Any creature that is willing to eat this six-sided crystal will be completely controlled by him, and both the body and soul will become his private property.


It sounds very strong.

But there is a premise, that is, the target is really willing, otherwise even if it is eaten, it will be completely excreted.

The predecessor has tried many creatures, such as kittens, puppies, snakes, mice, etc., but all ended in failure without exception.

For this reason, the predecessor even tortured several animals in a radical way, forcing them to accept the six-sided crystal, but the result did not change at all, as if the rejection at the soul level was absolute.

In the end, the predecessor became more and more angry, and spit out a mouthful of blood in despair, and was pissed to death by his own ability.

Now Zhang Ping is certainly not so extreme and radical.

Although the ability has no effect, he is not really without any ideas.

The six-sided crystal he made is actually very beautiful, so can it be polished and sold as a gem?

After all, rich people have unique tastes, what if it can be sold at a good price?

After class, Zhang Ping packed up his things and returned to the dormitory area with Su Jingyao.

He and Su Jingyao were both orphans, and they have been living in the school dormitory since they entered school.

"Don't wait for me tomorrow. I'm moving out of the dormitory tonight." Su Jingyao said as she walked.

Zhang Ping nodded and smiled, "Well, take care on your way."

"You too."

Su Jingyao glanced at Zhang Ping, and the look of reluctance disappeared deep in her eyes.

The two separated at the dormitory door, Su Jingyao entered the girls' dormitory, and Zhang Ping entered the boys' dormitory.

Zhang Ping's dormitory is on the fifth floor. He originally had three roommates, but the three roommates failed to awaken and left school a week before the original Zhang Ping pissed himself off, so now he is the only one in the dormitory.

"Compared to the failure of awakening, this guy is actually much better."

Zhang Ping opened the door of the dormitory and thought of the confused and painful expressions of several roommates when they left school, and complained in his heart.

He put down his backpack and sat cross-legged on the bed after taking a shower.

One hand was raised, and gradually green particles appeared in the palm of his hand. As his physical and mental strength were rapidly consumed, the particles quickly grew larger and finally turned into a six-sided crystal.

According to the analysis of the examiner, his ability is a composite ability. According to the naming rules of superpowers, it should be called "Greedy Gem".

Because this ability is too greedy.

I want everything and want to control everything.

But because of being too greedy, all living beings will instinctively reject the Greedy Gem, which has become a useless ability.

"Test the hardness first!"

Zhang Ping said to himself while holding the six-sided crystal.

If this crystal is hard enough, it might be used to make something, such as chain mail, which is inlaid with six crystals. The defense should be good.

He took out the knife he carried with him and tried to cut the crystal.

Unfortunately, the hardness of the crystal is not as high as it looks. The knife quickly cut the crystal in half. Judging from the feedback from the cutting, the hardness should be about the same as bone.

Zhang Ping was a little disappointed, but he was a little greedy when he saw the cut crystal.

It's no wonder he was greedy.

After the crystal was cut, the surface was smooth and crystal clear, with bright colors, a bit like soft candy and a bit like white jelly with chlorophyll added.

This thing looks delicious.


Zhang Ping was suddenly startled, and then his eyes fell on the cut crystal. He couldn't help thinking: "What if I eat the greed gem myself?"

Can I control myself perfectly?

Isn't that the legendary 100% control of the body?

Obviously, this is a path that the predecessor has never imagined!

Do you want to give it a try?

Anyway, the worst case is just controlling yourself.

The more Zhang Ping thought about it, the more excited he became. He simply picked up the cut six-sided crystal and swallowed it in one gulp.

Other creatures would instinctively reject the six-sided crystal, but he would not.

After swallowing the crystal, he keenly noticed a slight change in his body.

This change is hard to describe, a bit like the unity of man and sword.

It can only be experienced but not expressed in words.

After a long time, Zhang Ping opened his eyes and thought: "Go pour a glass of water!"

Next, it was not him who was controlling his body at all, but his body automatically poured water.

This feeling was very strange, as if his body was moving by itself, without his control.

Although he still felt it and was still consuming his own physical strength, the process of pouring water was irreversible. Even if he wanted to go to the toilet or do something else in the middle, as long as he did not change the command, his body would insist on pouring water.

"Do 500 push-ups!"

Zhang Ping raised his glass and drank water, ending the previous command.

Then he thought and gave another order, so his body began to do push-ups automatically.

After 500 push-ups, Zhang Ping lay on the ground like a dead dog and couldn't get up, but he showed a happy smile.

Because his previous body was a fitness fanatic, this body could originally do 250 push-ups, but now through commands, he can do 500 push-ups.

This has exceeded the limit of willpower.

If there is no command, Zhang Ping estimates that he can only do 300 push-ups at most before reaching the limit of willpower.

Although this ability is still useless, superpowers are really interesting.

Zhang Ping lay for half an hour, got up and patted the dust on his body.

Even if he can control his body to move through his mind, his body is still an ordinary body, and it is still useless in the face of those invulnerable alien beasts in the wild.

But he was not disappointed, after all, he was mentally prepared to stay in the city to farm.

If this ability can be used for farming, when he has enough physical strength in the future, it may not be impossible to have other uses.

After taking a shower again, he went downstairs to eat in the cafeteria, and then went back to the dormitory to rest.

The next day, early morning.

Zhang Ping was still sleeping, but his eyes had already opened by themselves. He put on his clothes, left the dormitory building, and started running on the playground.

This was what Zhang Ping had set last night, getting up at 4 a.m. to run.

Although his consciousness was still asleep, his body moved by itself.

The state was a bit similar to sleepwalking.

At six o'clock, he woke up and was already sitting in the cafeteria, with white porridge and three steamed buns in front of him.

He looked at the steamed buns and white porridge, and his eyes lit up slightly, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, revealing a smile.

"It really works!"

In fact, Zhang Ping was just trying it out, but he didn't expect his body to really perform all the operations according to his orders.

However, he also had a little doubt, that is, since his consciousness was sleeping, why could his body move?

Could it be subconscious?

No matter, since this method is useful, it will be convenient to exercise in the future.

"Good morning, classmate Luo Shiyu!"

"Classmate Luo Shiyu, I have prepared breakfast for you."

"Classmate Luo Shiyu is really too perfect. Woohoo, when I think about not being able to see classmate Luo Shiyu after graduation, I want to cry."

"I wonder which team Luo Shiyu is going to join after graduation?"

At this time, many classmates not far away were making a noise. Zhang Ping was not surprised. He knew that the school beauty from the next class had come.

Luo Shiyu, the class beauty of the next class, was also the school beauty of Mingzhu Ability Academy. The most terrifying thing was that she was popular with both men and women. Her admirers were not only male classmates, but also many female classmates.

For example, Zhang Ping's previous roommates were Luo Shiyu's admirers, but after the awakening failed, they left the school in despair.

Zhang Ping was thinking about Luo Shiyu in his heart. He raised his head while eating buns, and his pupils shrank suddenly in the next second.

He quickly lowered his head to drink porridge to hide his inner shock.

In his memory, Luo Shiyu was a girl with a slim figure and beautiful appearance.

But just now he saw a huge fox standing two meters upright, with a girl's human skin on its forehead, standing in the middle of everyone so arrogantly, but everyone was unaware of it and looked at it with admiration.

What's going on?

Zhang Ping was in a state of anxiety as Luo Shiyu slowly approached amidst the compliments of many classmates.

"Good morning, classmate Zhang Ping!" The giant fox greeted him hoarsely as it passed by him.

Zhang Ping mentally ordered himself to stay calm and nodded without changing his expression: "Good morning, classmate Luo Shiyu."

Fortunately, 'Luo Shiyu' did not stop, but continued to walk forward and greeted other classmates along the way.

Zhang Ping finished his breakfast at a normal speed, then got up and left the cafeteria as usual.

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