I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [009] Fire Eaters

[Summoned Beast: Zhang Ping]

[Master: Zhang Ping]

[Race: Human]


【Lifespan: 89】

[Level: Junior Awakener]

[Level: 2]


[Contract Gem: It can consume physical strength + mental power to condense the Contract Gem. Once the target voluntarily accepts the Contract Gem, the life, soul, and consciousness will be dominated by the Summoner, but at the same time, it will also be blessed by the Summoner’s potential and luck. After taking it for the first time , taking it again will slightly increase your own potential, and there is a 1% chance of awakening new talents. Note: Summoner Zhang Ping's innate ability was obtained by overdrafting his IQ, potential, and luck. Although it is very powerful, it also has some huge flaws. Being too ambitious does not seem to be a good thing. 】

[Absolute command: You have absolute control over the summoned beast, and the summoned beast cannot disobey your orders]

[Absolute obedience: You absolutely obey the summoner’s orders, and you will faithfully execute the summoner’s orders]

[Stable version of identification technique: The target can be identified, and there is a very small probability of obtaining target information. The smaller the strength gap between the two parties, the greater the probability of successfully obtaining information. If the first identification is successful, the subsequent success rate of identification of the same target will be greatly increased. Note: The natural abilities born from the thirst for knowledge of the summoned beast Zhang Ping and the summoner Zhang Ping]

[Nightwalker: Gain dark night vision, and the sense of presence at night is greatly reduced, the movement speed is greatly increased, the weight is reduced, and the shadow is completely invisible]

[Fire Eater: Can restore physical strength by swallowing flames, and convert excess flames into fire element energy and store it in the body. After releasing the energy, the flame entanglement effect will be temporarily obtained until the fire element energy storage is exhausted.

This ability will gradually increase the user's heat resistance.

Note: Potential is just potential after all. Only when it is realized into strength can it be the real power]

After a lot of effort, Zhang Ping put the material into the mold, hit it with a sledgehammer and poured kerosene on it. Then he sat on the ground to rest while checking his properties.

Right away, he realized that his potential was missing a star.

But after reading the notes on the new talent, he realized the significance of the potential.

The so-called potential is not strength.

It was the power in his body that had not yet been realized.

Only through training or acquiring new talents can potential be turned into strength.

The potential of other awakened ones, even alienated beasts, is limited, but Zhang Ping can continuously strengthen his own potential through contract gems, and then realize his potential into strength through exercise and awakening new talents.

This is a road with no end in sight!

In fact, after reading the notes, Zhang Ping remembered a small detail of his previous observation of Tian Changhu.

He observed that most adult Tianchang foxes only had two-star potential, but the Tianchang fox cub he wanted to kill had four-star potential.

At that time, he mistakenly thought that the cub was a genius among Tianchang foxes, so it had greater potential.

Only now did he realize with hindsight that it was because the potential of the Tianchang Fox cub had not yet been realized into strength.

"No, I added a star when I awakened Night Walker."

Zhang Ping quickly remembered the situation that night when he awakened Night Walker, but it was hard to say. After all, he didn't know how much potential Night Walker would consume him.

Different levels of abilities definitely consume different potential.

For example, he was originally classified as useless.

If it is a truly useless ability, it will definitely consume very little potential.

According to this idea, the potential of Night Walker's ability may be limited, or the potential consumed at the time

Not much power.

In fact, it is difficult to accurately identify the ability level of the awakened person, and the examiner can only make judgments based on past experience.

Currently, Pearl City divides abilities into seven levels, which are:

[Useless level]

In short, it is an ability that cannot meet the activation conditions or cannot have an impact. It is an ability that is of no use, such as: fart silence, alien death light.

‘Fart silence’ is a very famous ability of Pearl Ability Academy. The name of the person who awakens it is unknown, but the ability is very simple and easy to understand, that is, the sound of his fart will be eliminated. .

In first grade, teachers will repeatedly use this ability as an example.

The eyes of awakened people with the "alien death light" can emit light waves that cannot be seen by living things. This kind of light wave can kill all aliens instantly.

The problem is that there have never been aliens in Pearl City, so this ability is classified as useless because the target of the ability does not exist.

【Convenience Level】

An ability that can provide certain conveniences to oneself, but cannot be used in combat.

For example: cold immunity, tooth regeneration.

There was once an awakened person who became immune to colds and later became a doctor.

He devoted himself to researching viruses that can cause colds in humans, and even wanted to use viruses as weapons. In the end, he was accidentally infected with a virus that did not cause colds but caused fever. As a result, his brain was burned out and he became an idiot.

[Practical level]

The ability to provide positive help to yourself.

For example: storage space, food gain, eagle eye, enhanced sense of smell.

In fact, the development potential of the first three abilities is not bad. The reason why they are classified as practical level is mainly because it is often difficult for awakeners of these three abilities to advance. Most of them stop moving forward after becoming intermediate awakeners, and it is difficult to break through to advanced levels. Those who can.

To put it simply, the potential of these three abilities is exhausted at the intermediate level.

Most of the levels after that are the same as the practical level. If they are strengthened without limit, they can actually be very powerful. The problem is that they will stop at different levels after their potential is exhausted, so they are divided into different levels.

There is another situation that will also lead to the downgrade of ability, that is, the conditions for activating the ability are too harsh.

Zhang Ping's contract gem only consumes physical strength and mental strength, but some abilities require the consumption of soul, luck, life, humanity, etc.

This type of ability will also reduce the level evaluation because it cannot be used frequently.

[Practical level]

Ability that can be used in combat, such as: steel body, rapid healing, five senses enhancement, identification.

[City defense level]

Ability with the potential to grow into a city defender, such as: mind control, gravity manipulation, equipment forging, and clairvoyance.

[National defense level]

Ability with the potential to grow into a country defender, such as: sixth sense enhancement, predicting the future.

[Infinite level]

Ability with unimaginable potential and uncertain limits, such as: ability replication, artifact forging, and wisdom.

Among these seven levels, anyone who awakens to a practical-level ability is eligible to join the patrol team and the investigation team, and some special practical-level abilities are also eligible to join the organization after being examined.

For example, most of the storage space ability users in the practical level are absorbed by the three major organizations as logistics personnel.

Most of the awakened abilities of the Pearl Ability Academy are convenient and practical, and only a few geniuses can reach the practical level. For example, Su Jingyao's awakened mental power is at the practical level. She can lift an object weighing nearly half a ton just after awakening, although it can only last for 30 seconds.

There is also Zhang Chen mentioned by Su Jingyao at the beginning. His "Rock Armor" is also a practical-level ability.

As for the city defense level, the Pearl Ability Academy has only produced one person, that is Luo Shiyu.

Luo Shiyu's ability is temperature control. She can easily change the temperature within a ten-meter range centered on her body. If she had not been killed prematurely by Tianchang Fox, with her potential, she would have become the pillar of Pearl City sooner or later.

As for the higher levels, the national defense level and the infinite level, Mingzhu City has not seen them for hundreds of years, and the owners only exist in textbooks.

For example, the infinite level ability replication, Mingzhu City had a person two hundred years ago.

This ability user can replicate all abilities below the national defense level. As for whether he can replicate the infinite level ability, because he is the only infinite level ability user of the same era, he can't find anyone to experiment, and the answer is unknown.

Zhang Ping can basically be sure that the ability of the contract gem is definitely an infinite level ability.

He doesn't even need to copy anyone's ability, as long as he keeps swallowing the contract gem, he can naturally awaken various abilities.

It's just a matter of time before he can be all-powerful.

He didn't think about it any further, after all, potential is just potential.

Although he has a new ability now, he is still a primary awakener, and any intermediate awakener can knock him down.


The second forging failed without any surprise.

Because the fire-eater's ability suddenly awakened, the temperature in the furnace was too low for a period of time, which caused some materials to not be well integrated into the refined iron. As a result, a large number of cracks appeared on the pattern of the Pearl Knife. It can be seen without testing the knife that this knife is useless.

Zhang Ping was a little disappointed, but he was not depressed because he awakened a new ability.

He simply sat by the stove and continued to absorb the flames in the stove. Once the flames weakened, he added firewood and continued to absorb the flames.

Because he had just awakened, the fire-eater's storage of fire elements was limited. After absorbing for half an hour, Zhang Ping felt full.

He could feel that there was an extra energy in his body. This energy was not stored in a certain organ of the body, but was dispersed throughout the body with the blood. When he wanted to control this energy, this energy flowed with his thoughts like a heat flow.

Just like getting a new toy, he was controlling this heat flow all afternoon, sometimes concentrating the heat flow on his fists, sometimes concentrating the heat flow on his legs, and even trying to pull the anus to concentrate the heat flow on a certain unspeakable part.

To be honest, this ability is much more fun than the contract gem and the night walker.

Although the contract gem is powerful, it is only a gem after all. Both the visual effect and the feeling of manipulation are relatively ordinary. When using it, it is probably like suddenly becoming a little tired and sleepy because the physical and mental strength are consumed.

As for the night walker, it is only passively enhanced at night, which can only be regarded as a passive ability.

But the fire eater is different.

The fire eater allows him to swallow flames and manipulate the fire element energy in his body.

Strictly speaking, this is the real superpower he has come into contact with.

By the evening, he can already manipulate a small amount of fire element energy to wrap around his fingers. Once this energy leaks out of his fingers, it will turn into flames and wrap around his fingers. At least from the visual effect, this ability is really cool.

Another point is that Zhang Ping found that when the fire element energy in his body is sufficient, he can actually resist the cold, which makes him more confident to meet the mysterious woman who slipped the note to him.

At night, after dinner, he inhaled another meal of flames.

After making sure that Liu Tiefeng was asleep, he left Iron Soul and headed towards the small park.

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