I Contracted Myself

【598】Strange Death

The Eternal Silence Prison Tower, second floor.

In the dark corridor, a finger slowly crawled over the wall like a caterpillar.

The light gradually swept away the darkness. Lenur held a one-handed sword, with a crystal head floating above his head, and moved forward cautiously. He glanced at the finger curled in the corner, and then stopped paying attention.

There were many such things on the first floor. He had seen Wuming's live broadcast materials and knew that this kind of thing was not a big threat to them.

But at this moment, a dog-headed man left the team.

He walked to the finger curled in the corner and said, "This finger... smells so good, and the taste is so special!"

"Back off, don't get close!" Lenur turned around and saw this scene, and immediately frowned and stopped.

The dog-headed man smiled and said, "What are you afraid of? This little thing is not dangerous."

He had also read Wuming's information on the first floor. This kind of finger seemed to have no interest in living things. Wuming passed by many corners where fingers were hidden, and no accidents happened.

Of course, he was not a fool, and he would definitely not touch this finger easily. He was just attracted by the breath of this finger, so he wanted to get closer to see it.

"Stupid, back off!" Lenur said angrily.

The dog-headed man didn't want to offend Lenur, so he stood up and wanted to say something with a smile, but the corner of his eye felt dark the next moment.

All the members of the death squad moved away from him, and he found that a finger had grown out of his eye.


The dog-headed man then realized that it was not his eye that had grown a finger, but that this finger had run into his eye and merged with his eye.

"Damn it, get out!"

The dog-headed man immediately growled, and the magic power in his body rushed to his eyes, and a red light immediately shot out of his eyes.

Under the bombardment of the red light, the finger exploded instantly, but the dog-headed man had no time to be happy. The next second, he looked at the other members in horror, and three fingers grew on his face.

"Back off, back off." Lenur commanded everyone to back off, and at the same time said to the dog-headed man: "Madili, try to peel off the skin."

"Okay, okay, I'll peel it off now!"

The dog-headed man Madili was also a little flustered, and hurriedly did as Lenur said.

He used his sharp fingers to cut a hole in his skin, and then the magic power surged, instantly expanding the skin into a balloon. His bloody body immediately drilled out of the skin, and he looked at his skin in horror.

"Great, it's okay." He saw that the three fingers were still on his face, and immediately showed a happy smile.

But then he found that everyone was looking at him in horror, and he asked tremblingly: "What...what happened?"

He immediately looked at his body, but did not find the fingers. He breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that everyone was scaring him.

At this time, Mary said, "Dog, your back is full of fingers, so scary!"


Madili only then realized that the fingers on his back were wriggling like sea intestines, and he screamed in fear.

Without waiting for Lenuel to speak, he burst into flames all over his body, wanting to burn all his fingers with flames and purify his body. But in the flames, the fingers multiplied wildly, and in a blink of an eye, his whole body was full of fingers, and finally he fell heavily to the ground.

The members of the death squad looked at Madili, who was completely covered with fingers, and all of them felt an inexplicable chill in their hearts.

Lenuel took out a white gun from the storage ring and fired three shots at Madili. In an instant, Madili's body was covered with the essence of the life stone and turned into a white plaster.

"Don't get close to anything that doesn't look dangerous. Our mission is to eliminate danger, not to seek death!" Lenuel looked at the other members and said seriously.

Madili was purely seeking death by himself, and no one could be blamed for this.

"Don't worry, we are different from this idiot." Pluto said calmly.

Although the way Madili died was disgusting, Pluto, as a lizard priest, had seen even more disgusting ways of death, and this scene was just a small matter for him.

Next, Lenur continued to move forward, and the members of the team followed one after another.

Wenxin Villa.

Wuming was surprised and said, "It turns out that those fingers are so dangerous. Fortunately, I didn't touch them."

"Even if Lord Wuming touched them, there must be a way to deal with them." Maria was full of confidence in Wuming.

Wuming smiled bitterly and said, "This is not necessarily the case. After all, these fingers are monsters that have mutated under the pollution of the power of the Eternal Silence Space. Who knows what they are capable of."

He dared not underestimate everything in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. Even if it was not dangerous, the pollution contained in it was already the most deadly poison for ordinary creatures.

"Wuming, when are you leaving?" Lin Renmei asked at this time.

Wuming smiled and said, "Let's leave in the afternoon, so as not to have more troubles at night."

"Lord Wuming, be careful along the way!" Maria said worriedly.

Wuming nodded and said, "Yes, I will be careful, and Uncle Gao will go with me this time, so there shouldn't be any accidents."

At this time, a strange scene appeared on the screen. A prisoner walking on the side became distorted and looked like he was made of smoke.

However, the prisoners around him didn't seem to notice the abnormality. They still followed Lenur closely, alert to the dangers around them.

On the other side, the members of the Scholar Foundation also noticed this situation. Gao Shanggong contacted Lenur and said, "Lenur, the killing base has an abnormality. Determine his status."

The killing base?

No. 25!

Lenur instantly found the information about Shashengji in his mind. He looked back at Shashengji and saw that he was walking on the edge of the right side of the team, looking normal.

He frowned and said, "Shashengji is in normal condition."

"First let everyone disperse and stay away from the Killing Base, and then you will make a second confirmation. Be careful!" Gao Shangong said immediately.

Lenuel knew that the Scholar Foundation must have seen a different picture than what he saw, so he nodded and said: "Understood."

Then he looked at the other death row inmates and said, "Everyone spread out and stay away from Sha Shengji."

Everyone immediately stepped back and looked at Shashengji playfully, solemnly, and doubtfully.

The Killing Base is not a human being, but a silicon-based life. Its head is rhombus-shaped, and its body is similar to that of a human being, but the rhombus horns are more distinct, and there are also many strange crystals hanging on it.

At this time, it stood still, seemingly unaware of the gazes of the death row prisoners around it, nor did it realize that Lenur had noticed something unusual about it.

"Shashengji, raise your hands." Lenur said.

Shashengji remained motionless. When Lenur saw this scene, he already knew in his heart that there must be a big problem with the Shashengji in front of him.

He took out a throwing knife and instantly threw it at Sha Shengji.

call out!

The flying knife passed through Shashengji's body and finally landed on the ground.


Sesshōji lowered his head and glanced at his abdomen, and then his body twisted and gradually dissipated like smoke, leaving only a weird and creepy sound.

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