I Contracted Myself


Two days later, the death squads set off first.

The captain of the death squad is named Lenur, and his profession is witch hunting.

This is a very special profession. Strictly speaking, it can even be said to be a type of wizard, but its origin is very dark.

Probably in Europe in the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries, a world like the earth, a group of nobles launched a huge witch hunt. As long as they killed the witches, they could get a high bounty.

As a result, a group of warriors who made a living by hunting wizards were born among the people.

After killing a large number of wizards, these warriors often become ill and even become possessed by the ghosts of wizards. Their fate is either death or madness.

But later, some warriors found a solution from the books left by the wizards, and slowly developed the special profession of killing wizards, absorbing the power of wizards to improve their own strength, and then killing wizards. This is the basis of witch hunting madness. origin.

Lenur is the top representative of the witch-hunting madness. He has extremely high magic resistance and violent strength, and can easily tear the weak body of the wizard into pieces.

If it hadn't been for the Scholar Foundation, he would still be hunting innocent wizards from all over the world, even killing children with wizard talents after going crazy. He is definitely a pure scumbag.

The problem is that he thinks he is normal. Apart from his instinctive hatred of wizards, he is very polite to other people and will even help ordinary people.

The Scholar Foundation's evaluation of him is: the three views of the original world have too great an impact on him. In addition to being worthy of death, he should not appear in the heavens. He should stay in the original world.

Asking the Heart.

Wuming and others were sitting in the living room. A three-dimensional screen was suspended above the coffee table. Everyone was looking at the picture on the screen.

"Is that big man Lenur?" Zhang Shouzhong asked.

Wuming nodded and said: "Well, he is Lenur, level 210, not weak."

"He looks normal and upright. It's hard to imagine that such a person can be a bad guy." Maria said with emotion as she looked at Lenur standing straight in the picture.

Dahuang lay next to Wuming, enjoying Wuming's head-licking, wagging his tail and said: "In fact, he can't be said to be a bad person. Strictly speaking, he just has a problem with his outlook. In his world, killing the wizard is the greatest right. This is already It has become his belief in life. Once his belief collapses, he will probably be worse than death."

"Pitiful and pathetic." Lin Renmei said lightly.

At this time, Lenur's 'teammates' also appeared on the screen one after another. Except for a human woman, there were kobolds, lizard people, mantis people, and almost all kinds of weird species.

Moreover, each of these death squad members was full of murderous intent. They looked around and didn't care about Lenur who was standing at the front.

"This team will definitely kill a lot of people." Zhang Shouzhong looked at the screen and shook his head.

Wuming smiled and said: "A group of cruel and cunning wanted criminals gathered together, how disciplined do you think they are?"

"They were just cannon fodder for thunder. If they die, they will die." Cheng Xuejie said while chewing melon seeds after learning about the conditions of these death squad members.

In the picture, Lenur turned around, glanced at the members of the death squad, and said calmly: "I am Lenur, the captain of the death squad. I have only one request for leading the team. I will let you go up, and I will let you stop. , who has any opinion?”

"Sorry, I have my own plan of action. If you want to be their lackey, you can do your thing, as long as you don't get in the way..." A dung beetle man covered in hard shells said in a deep voice.

But before it finished speaking, Lenur suddenly drew his sword, and the dung beetle was split into two in an instant.

"How dare you attack me!"

After the dung beetle's body split open, a large amount of feces flowed out from the inside of the hard shell, forming an even more disgusting human shape.

"Why don't you dare?"

Lenur drew his sword again, and the other prisoners avoided him, all watching the show.

At this time, Gao Shanggong appeared not far away and said: "Stop, team members are not allowed to fight with each other. Who is doing it..."

"I don't care who you are!!!" The Shit Man roared and attacked Lenur brazenly.

Gao Shanggong frowned slightly, and the next moment the excrement man's movements suddenly stopped. With a splash, all the excrement fell on the ground, but it had lost the breath of life.

"Okay, let's go!" Gao Shanggong looked at Lenur and said calmly.

Lenur looked at the other members and said, "Let's go!"

He took the lead and headed towards Zeng Jin's penalty area, which was actually the real second level.

In fact, there are no restricted areas in the Dahuang Special Zone now. Even in the direction of connecting to other cells on the second floor, pollution cannot invade the interior of the Dahuang Special Zone.

However, this entrance and exit does still exist.

The death squads walked out of the Wilderness Zone and immediately felt the pollution everywhere. Fortunately, they knew a lot of information before. After coming out, they lifted their feet off the ground. At the same time, a layer of energy film was formed on the surface of the body to resist the pollution from the eternal space.

"Okay, let's count down first, starting with you!" Lenur looked back at his team members and said seriously.

Taking advantage of the dung beetle experience, there were no more thorns this time, and the cannon fodder counted them one by one.

There are a total of thirty-three members of the death squad, with varying strengths. If you include Lenur and the dead dung beetles, the number should actually be thirty-five.

In addition to the strongest Lenor, there are three cannon fodders above level 200, namely the female pirate Mary at level 205, the lizard priest Pluto at level 203, and the goblin craftsman Fatty at level 201.

Lenor glanced at everyone and knew that these people would not listen to him.

But he must integrate these scum in front of him, twist these scum into a rope, and make the greatest effort to repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

His wife and son are both witch hunters. Although their crimes are not as serious as his, they also meet the standard of death penalty. If his mission fails, not only he will die, but his wife and son will also die.

Only by completing this mission will his wife and son be given a commutation of sentence.

He does not think killing a wizard is a sin, but he regrets letting his wife and son take the same path. Now that he has the opportunity to atone for his sins, he must complete the mission anyway.

"We all know that this mission is a life-or-death mission, but if Mr. Wuming can do it, why can't we? Next, I hope you can work together to complete this mission, eliminate all possible dangers, and clear obstacles for the subsequent repairs!" Lenuel looked at everyone and said seriously.

Mary played with the whip in her hand and smiled: "Of course no problem, I will work hard, Captain!"

"I hope so!" Lenuel looked at Mary deeply, then turned and said: "Go forward, pay attention to the surroundings, and notify me immediately if you find danger."

After that, he walked towards the dark passage, and at the same time took out props from the storage ring one by one. The crystal lamp used for lighting was suspended in the air, dispelling the surrounding darkness, and the radar used to detect danger was hung beside him.

The Scholar Foundation did not want them to die, but hoped that they could check the potential dangers and clear obstacles for the subsequent repairs, so all the equipment and props were given.

This is also the reason why Lenuel is willing to go all out.

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