I Contracted Myself

【596】Suicide Squad

Speaking of the topic, both Wuming and the three people from the Scholar Foundation became serious.

Aries looked at Wuming, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Originally, there are some things that I shouldn't say, but..."

"Everyone wants me to lead the team to repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower?" Wuming saw that Aries was hesitant to speak, and asked back with a smile.

Aries breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, "Well, most forces think that Mr. Wuming is the most suitable candidate, so I hope I can persuade Mr. Wuming to agree to lead the team personally."

Now Wuming actually has no reason to take risks himself.

He controls the Great Wilderness Special Zone. As long as he does not leave the Great Wilderness Special Zone, he is invincible. Even if the Eternal Silence Prison Tower collapses, it will not affect the Great Wilderness Special Zone, and it will not pose any threat to him.

Therefore, if you want to persuade Wuming to lead the team to repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, you must pay a price.

"The True Gold League, the Goddess of Wealth and other forces have said that as long as Mr. Wuming is willing to continue to lead the team, the support materials they provide will belong to him, and they are willing to provide more support." Aries Palace knew that Wuming's worth was no longer the same, so he paused and continued without waiting for Wuming to speak.

Wuming looked at the floating fish on the lake and did not give an immediate answer.

Although he has entered the second floor, in fact, his luck has always been good. He did not really touch the second floor, but entered the Great Wilderness first.

The real dangers of the second floor are all blocked outside the Great Wilderness.

These days, Wuming has seen a lot of confidential files of the guards, such as the Barbarian King Emperor killed by the guards, who was actually already wounded.

At the beginning, the Barbarian King Emperor did not explore the Great Wilderness, but moved towards the third floor, but he encountered some unknown terrorist threats on the way forward, so he fled to the Great Wilderness in fear and finally died in the hands of the guards.

As for what the Barbarian King Emperor feared, no one knew, and no one dared to explore.

Even the guards encountered countless indescribable horrors while guarding the forbidden area.

There was once a guard named Zeng Xiangjun who often had auditory hallucinations when guarding the entrance to the forbidden area, as if someone was calling him, and the situation was getting worse and worse.

The captain of the guards realized that something was wrong, so he transferred Zeng Xiangjun back to Dahuang City, but after a while, people found that Zeng Xiangjun had disappeared quietly.

And no one knew when he disappeared.

If you think about it carefully, you will find that he seemed to be there the previous second, and when you realize that he disappeared, you will find that he has actually disappeared for a long time.

Countless people were horrified, and there was only one question left in their minds, who was Zeng Xiangjun who was there the previous second?

At the same time, there was also a doubt.

Why did everyone suddenly realize that Zeng Xiangjun had disappeared?

Finally, this case was sealed in the files of the guards, and the guards added a rule that anyone who had auditory hallucinations would be immediately transferred from their posts and needed to be isolated for half a year.

The archives record many strange things. Wuming asked Daji and others, but they couldn't explain what these strange things were. In the end, they could only suspect that some prisoners on the second floor were causing trouble.

"Mr. Wuming, if you have any conditions, you might as well tell us. We can have a good talk." Seeing that Wuming didn't answer, Zhenwosuren said seriously.

Gao Shanggong frowned and glanced at Zhenwosuren, and said calmly: "If you have any concerns, you can actually not agree."

"The Eternal Silence Prison Tower is related to the safety of the heavens and the worlds. I am naturally happy to contribute to the repair of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, but... I'm not sure if I can continue to move forward. The road ahead is much more dangerous than the first floor. If we explore in a team, if the teammates cannot absolutely trust each other, I think it will be more dangerous." Wuming sighed and expressed his concerns.

The Wuming Sea extends to the Great Wilderness Special Zone, which is equivalent to a bottom line for him, and it is not impossible to continue exploring.

The problem is that the second floor is more dangerous and weird than the first floor, and his teammates cannot be trusted 100%. To be honest, he even suspects that those forces want him to lead the team because they want him to die.

Although he will definitely not die, he does not want to lead a pig teammate to slow down the progress of the repair.

Of course, if it is a reliable cannon fodder, the more the better.

"If it is just this aspect, Mr. Wuming can rest assured. We will first send a death squad to explore in front and be responsible for eliminating various dangers. The team led by Mr. Wuming only needs to be responsible for repairing the Eternal Silence Prison Tower!" Aries Palace immediately said.

Wuming frowned and said, "Death Squad?"

"Yes, the members of the Death Squad are all vicious wanted criminals, most of whom are scum who are not too much to die ten thousand times. We have mastered their weaknesses and bound their behavior with contracts. They will be the most suitable candidates to deal with various dangers!" Zhenwo Su Ren smiled.

This proposal was originally initiated by him.

Originally, the Scholar Foundation had various concerns, but the emergence of the Great Wilderness Special Zone dispelled everyone's concerns.

Because the Great Wilderness Special Zone is located in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, the people from the Scholar Foundation only need to stay in the Great Wilderness Special Zone to command the death row prisoners to carry out their tasks more conveniently, without having to worry about the death row prisoners escaping their control.

Wuming frowned and said, "I'm just responsible for the repairs, so I don't need to lead the team, right?"

"Actually... there are several scholars who also want to go and have a look. After all, this is a good opportunity to get close to the Eternal Silence Space." Aries said a little embarrassedly.

Wuming frowned and said, "It's hard to say how much danger the death squad can eliminate. I don't plan to be a bodyguard for others. Sorry, if that's the case, I'm sorry to refuse!"

"Wait, Mr. Wuming, we are not asking you to be a bodyguard. Our scholars are not weak. For example, Mr. Gao Shanggong will also participate. We just hope to act with you." Aries said quickly.

Wuming looked at Gao Shanggong, who nodded, indicating that he would go too.

"Then you should first draw up a list and record the origins, abilities, and personalities of each participant in detail. I will decide after reading it." Wuming agreed.

Aries immediately took out a list and handed it to Wuming. Wuming glanced at the list and said helplessly, "It seems that you have been prepared for a long time."

"It's just to be prepared." Aries smiled slightly.

Gao Shanggong complained: "This guy has always been like this, so he has the nickname of "no mistakes".

"There are only wrong names, not wrong nicknames. No wonder he has no mistakes." Wuming smiled as he looked at the list.

After reading the list, Wuming confirmed that the personnel arrangement on the list was very reasonable. Even the so-called scholars were actually more than 190 levels strong and were not a burden.

In addition to Gao Shanggong, this time the team also had several masters to escort. The whole team had a total of 15 people, which was not particularly small, but not particularly bloated.

After confirming that these people had a clean background, Wuming agreed to lead the team to repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

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