I Contracted Myself


A week passed in the blink of an eye.

As Wuming sent out the special zone node stone, a few hours later, curious practitioners began to appear in the teleportation array of the Grand Square.

"I'm in, I'm really in, everyone, this is the Great Wasteland City inside the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, and it is also the only special zone now!" A practitioner rushed out of the teleportation array, turned around and immediately took out the oracle stone to start live broadcasting, trying to become famous overnight.

However, there were obviously many practitioners who had the same idea as him, so a large number of practitioners were broadcasting live around the Grand Square.

About two hours later, Lucyphile, Maria, and Da Huang came out of the teleportation array. Maria said excitedly: "This is the special zone of Lord Wuming, it's so big!"

"If you can't brag, you can shut up. What the hell is so big?" Da Huang couldn't help complaining.

Maria glared at Da Huang, and Da Huang immediately ran to the other side of Lucyphile and changed the subject: "Sister Lucyphile, are we going to find Wuming now or are we just strolling around?"

"I notified Renmei, and Renmei will come to pick us up." Lucyphile replied calmly.

After a while, Lin Renmei came from one of the pedestrian avenues. They didn't feel strange after not seeing each other for a week. They greeted each other familiarly and then returned to Wenxin Bieyuan together.

When they returned to Wenxin Bieyuan, Lucyphile saw Wuming sitting on a chair in the front yard, surfing the Internet with the Oracle Stone.

"My Lord, I miss you so much!" Dahuang immediately shook his tail and rushed to Wuming.

Wuming shifted his attention to everyone and smiled, "Now that you are here, choose a room first. We can talk about anything later."

"Great, I want that room!"

Maria immediately pointed to the room in the middle of the second floor of Wenxin Bieyuan.

That room has a small balcony, which is full of vines and various flowers, which is very in line with the aesthetics of little girls.

Wuming said helplessly: "That room has been occupied by Fatty. You can talk to him, maybe he will give it to you."

"Then I'll take a look." Maria said with disappointment.

Wuming smiled and said, "Let's go and have a look. Although this house is not big, there are actually many rooms, and the space has been widened. It's pretty good."

"Okay, sister Lucy Phil, let's go." Maria nodded.

Da Huang followed and said excitedly, "I want a room too. I want to cover the floor with dog food and roll in it every day."

"That's all you can do." Maria said contemptuously.


The big square.

Members of the Scholar Foundation, such as Gao Shanggong, appeared one after another.

"Remember, be polite and respectful after meeting. This is the most basic etiquette." The Sheep-Headed Scholar looked at the True Self Amateur and said seriously.

The True Self Amateur spread his hands and smiled innocently, "Why do you think I don't value Wuming? He is a strong man himself. I have never looked down on him at any time."

"That's the best." The Sheep-Headed Scholar nodded.

In the past, with the power and financial resources of the Scholar Foundation, it was easy to target Wuming.

There may be scholars who think they are superior to others and look down on those wild strongmen without backers, but Wuming's current status and position are different.

The most important thing is that in the Great Wilderness Special Zone, Wuming can kill them if he really wants to, and they will not even have a chance to resist.

"This city is built in a grand manner. It seems that Wuming has great ambitions." The real amateur walked on the pedestrian avenue, looking at the surrounding buildings and said with a smile.

The sheep-headed scholar said calmly: "This can only show that Wuming has foresight and has always been very clear. If he still can't figure out his position with the artifact in his hand, it would be the biggest tragedy."

"The Great Wilderness City is destined to become a super-large city that is no less than the White Jade City. This arrangement can only be said to be qualified." Gao Shanggong said.

Let the two of them continue to brag, Wuming has just become the controller of the special zone today, and tomorrow he will become the emperor who unifies the heavens and the worlds.

Next, the three of them came to the street near the Wenxin Villa through the teleportation array, and went to the Wenxin Villa while chatting. A few minutes later, the bamboo forest outside the Wenxin Villa appeared in front of them.

"The fragrance of Xiangfei bamboo... is not right, it should be a fake." Zhenwosuren smelled the fragrance and continued.

Gao Shanggong rolled his eyes and complained: "Dahuang City was isolated from the world before, how could there be real Xiangfei bamboo? These Xiangfei bamboos should be plants created by gold making, and the smell is very similar. The creator should have smelled the fragrance of real Xiangfei bamboo."

"That's... not bad." Zhenwosuren nodded.

The three came to the door of Wenxin Bieyuan. Gao Shanggong knocked on the door. Dahuang, who was having fun in the front yard, immediately ran over happily and said, "Uncle Gao, come in quickly."

In fact, the wall of Wenxin Bieyuan is very low, only a little over one meter high, and the so-called door is also a small hollow door woven with bamboo, which can be pushed open at will.

However, the three people came to visit for the first time, so they naturally couldn't be so impolite, so they knocked on the door and waited.

At Dahuang's invitation, the three entered the front yard, and Gao Shanggong asked: "Dahuang, where is Wuming?" "Master Wuming went fishing, you guys follow me!" Dahuang replied.

Then, led by Da Huang, they walked out of the door on the other side of the wall, walked along a beautiful hill path, and came down to a small lake below.

Wuming, Lucyphil, Maria, Lin Renmei and others were all there, sitting on bamboo chairs, fishing leisurely.

"Master Wuming, Uncle Gao and the others are here." Da Huang ran to Wuming's side, took a look at the empty fish basket, and then said.

Wuming stood up and looked at Gao Shanggong and others, and said with a smile: "Uncle Gao, there are two more..."

"Hello, I am Zhenwo Shuren." Zhenwo Shuren immediately stepped forward and smiled.

The Sheep-Headed Scholar then introduced himself: "I am Aries."

Obviously, the Sheep-Headed Scholar is not a real sheep, but a constellation god like the mad lion he met in the Shenzang Trial.

After the greetings, the three also sat next to Wuming and watched Wuming fishing.

Aries said: "Mr. Wuming, our Scholar Foundation hopes to set up a branch in Dahuang City, mainly to solve the pollution problem of Yongji Zhenyu Tower. After the Yongji Zhenyu Tower is completely repaired, this branch will be transformed into a monitoring department, mainly to prevent Yongji Zhenyu Tower from being polluted again. I wonder what Mr. Wuming wants?"

"I don't have any opinions, but... I hope that Uncle Gao will be responsible for setting up this branch." Wuming said casually.

In fact, in the past few days, many forces like the Scholar Foundation have come to visit. From the beginning of the wrangling to now, Wuming has been able to cope with it with ease.

If other organizations want to establish branches in the Great Wasteland City, they will definitely have to pay a little, but the Scholars Foundation has given him a lot of support before, otherwise it would be difficult for him to reach the second level, so the conditions should not be too harsh.

And Gao Shanggong's face still needs to be given.

After Wuming gave his answer, Aries looked at Gao Shanggong. Gao Shanggong sighed helplessly. He guessed this result when he came, which is why Aries insisted that he come together.

"Then let's talk about repairing the Eternal Silence Prison Tower." Gao Shanggong said resignedly.

The Eternal Silence Prison Tower must be repaired. This is very important to the heavens and the world, and it is equally important to Wuming.

With the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, the value of the Great Wasteland is higher. If the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is lost, although the Great Wasteland is still important, it is only a transportation hub after all, and its strategic value is directly reduced by half.

There is no doubt that Wuming must hope that the Eternal Silence Prison Tower can be repaired, and the sooner the better.

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