I Contracted Myself

【594】Renovation of Dahuang City

Dahuang Special Zone.

In just three days, the entire Dahuang City has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The original Dahuang City is actually a very strange existence. It is both advanced and backward. In some places, the heat energy from the earth can be absorbed by the formation to create more advanced and comfortable residences than modern residences on Earth, but in the most backward places, ordinary people still live in huts and have to burn firewood.

In terms of transportation, many practitioners can fly or travel by heart beast, while ordinary people can only use their two legs to run around.

In terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation, the gap between ordinary people and practitioners is ridiculous, and the resources they can enjoy are also ridiculous.

Now, under Wuming's will, the entire Dahuang City is almost equivalent to being torn down and rebuilt. Except for a few good colleges, other places have been renovated.

In the center of Dahuang City, there is a square with a diameter of more than 10,000 meters.

This square is made of a kind of white jade. Looking down from the sky, the whole square has a very complex pattern, with a large number of circles on the edge.

In fact, the node stones of the special zone are buried under these circles. In the future, all those who want to enter the Great Wilderness Special Zone can only enter and leave from here.

Surrounding the huge square beyond imagination, various buildings have sprung up. Not only are they built in an orderly manner, but their aesthetics are also highly consistent with the buildings in the Shenzang Space. In the future, these buildings will inevitably be extremely expensive, and only various business groups and forces can afford them.

The entire Great Wilderness City has directly expanded hundreds of times in size, and even requires a teleportation array to quickly reach the other side from one side of the city.

Such a city, built in three days, naturally cannot be built by ordinary people.

In fact, most of the work of the entire renovation project was completed by Daji, Ermat, Kunkunkiel and others. They have almost invincible power in the Great Wilderness Special Zone. With their combined efforts, it is easy to move mountains and fill the sea, destroy stars, and sweep across the heavens, let alone build a city.

However, they have only built an embryo. In the future, the Great Wilderness City will have to slowly improve various facilities and slowly modify them.

After a large number of residents move in, it will slowly transform from a primitive embryo into a city full of vitality.

After completing the construction of Dahuang City, Yuan Mulanzi officially took up the position of the Lord of Dahuang City and began to make the initial deployment under the order of Wuming.

For example, the guards used to be stationed because the border of Dahuang Special Zone might be polluted by the power of Yongji Space, but now there is no need for this.

As a result, a large number of guards have been transferred to become members of the law enforcement team of Dahuang City.

Because the entire Dahuang City is so large, four law enforcement sub-bureaus have been established, one in the east, west, south and north, and each law enforcement sub-bureau is stationed with more than 20 fully equipped law enforcement teams.

In addition, in the center of Dahuang City, there is also a law enforcement bureau headquarters, with 100 law enforcement teams stationed, which can support other sub-bureaus at any time.

However, the law enforcement bureau alone cannot fully absorb the huge number of guards, so many guards have joined the patrol army and other institutions.

After the operation of various departments, local forces were also settled one after another. Although the entire Great Wilderness City was still a little empty, many places had gradually begun to have a certain popularity.

Wenxin Villa.

Wuming sat on a chair in the front yard in the sun, drinking tea while screening the application list of Shenzang Space.

Yesterday, he launched a page for applying for special zone node stones in his own section of the Oracle Network. In the blink of an eye, he received a large number of applications. Some applications were applied for two at the same time, one for the region and the other for the real world.

"The blue area of ​​Jiaoyue Tianzun must be given a quota. Baiyu City has also applied, so there must be a quota." Wuming looked at the list and muttered to himself.

It's a pity that he can't easily go to other areas now, because this behavior is very dangerous.

In the past, he was alone, and no one would covet him wherever he went. In the absence of grudges, even the regional controller would not easily attack a strong man.

But now he is in charge of a special zone with inestimable value. He is guilty of holding a treasure.

Even though he had a very good relationship with Jiaoyue Tianzun and Yeqin, he did not dare to risk entering their area. This was also a behavior that most area controllers were also afraid of.

"Wuming, where do you plan to build the resource tower?" Lin Renmei came back from outside and asked.

Area controllers can specify the location to generate resource towers. Although the special zone is slightly different from other areas, Wuming is still qualified to build resource towers.

"I'll think about it again. Each area can only build a maximum of four resource towers. Once built, they cannot be moved. We must be cautious." Wuming replied.

Originally, he wanted to build a resource tower in the Grand Square of Dahuang City, but when he thought that new people would come in from time to time in the Grand Square, it would not be a good thing to have too many complicated and concentrated people, so he finally gave up the idea.

This is the fundamental reason why the Grand Square was built too big and empty.

If it weren't for the idea of ​​building a resource tower in the center of the Grand Square, the Grand Square would actually be very large with a diameter of one thousand meters. As a result, after it was built, Wuming regretted it again, so the Grand Square... was large and empty, which seemed a bit strange.

At night, Zhang Shouzhong returned to Wenxin Villa with a tired look on his face.

He walked to the chair in the living room, threw himself on the chair, and said with a look of despair: "Wuming, you are making things difficult for me, Fatty."

Wuming sat opposite him, looked up and asked: "What's wrong? Isn't it just to set up an intelligence department, isn't that your specialty?"

"Those guys can't do intelligence at all, really not, there's no hope for gods, goodbye!" Zhang Shouzhong said painfully.

Lin Renmei smiled lightly and said: "Although the strength of the retired practitioners of the Guards is still good, they are all practicing the inner seeking method, and they certainly can't do things that go against their hearts, and the intelligence department often has to make some choices against their will, which is really too difficult for Fatty."

"Okay, then the establishment of the intelligence department will be temporarily suspended, and those people will be transferred to other departments." Wuming said helplessly.

In the future, Dahuang will definitely promote other methods of cultivation. The inner seeking method is too idealistic. Now the people in Dahuang City have little contact with things, and there are fewer obstacles to cultivation. In the future, Dahuang City will become a transportation hub for all the worlds. The colorful world is dazzling, and the difficulty of practicing the inner seeking method will increase sharply. The inner seeking method is out of date.

At this time, Cheng Xuejie brought the food up, and Shui'er cheered: "It's time to eat, everyone come and eat!"

"Shui'er, I want to fight you for three hundred rounds today!" Zhang Shouzhong immediately got up from the chair and shouted with a high appetite.

Shui'er put his hands on his waist and said confidently: "Who is afraid of who, come and fight!"

So the two sat at the dining table, and after everyone sat down, with a "command", both of them ate meat in big mouthfuls, and stared at each other without giving in.

In the past few days, the two gluttons have formed a deep friendship because of eating.

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