I Contracted Myself


Countless cultivators in all the worlds thought that Wuming would survive a narrow escape, and they attacked the Eternal Silence Prison Tower layer by layer.

Unexpectedly, Wuming took out a priceless treasure and simply transformed a city in the Everlasting Prison Tower into a special zone. Now he not only had a way out, but also became the controller of the special zone.

Special zone controllers are obviously much nobler than regional controllers.

After all, Wuming is the only one in the special zone at present, and coupled with the special geographical location of the Dahuang Special Zone, everyone knows that Wuming is about to soar into the sky, and Wuming can no longer be regarded simply as a strong one.

In the past, no matter how famous and powerful Wuming was, as long as Wuming did not develop new areas and establish a force, he would always be a lonely man with limited influence in all aspects.

Nowadays, Wuming has a territory, and this territory can be advanced, attacked, retreated or defended. It has a huge impact on both the real world and the divine space.

This means that Wuming has the qualifications to compete in all realms and dominate the world.

All regional controllers in the Shenzang space are paying attention to Wuming's movements at this moment, and at the same time investigating all Wuming's information, they even need to hold a meeting to discuss whether they need to make friends with Wuming, or treat Wuming as a potential enemy.

Honor the alliance.

Under the summons of the Great God Panxi, the four Heavenly Lords gathered together.

He looked at his four children and said, "I believe you all know that Wuming used the special zone token to create an unprecedented special zone. This will inevitably affect the pattern of the Shenzang space. What do you think?"

"What do I have in mind? Wuming and I are not familiar with each other. You'd better ask Ye Qin directly." Crimson Chao Tianzun said calmly.

Everyone else looked at Ye Qin. Ye Qin was silent for a moment and said: "For the time being... it's better to wait and see. If other areas have a sense of crisis and the special zone is isolated and nameless, and we rashly make friends with it, we will inevitably be attacked by other areas. The hostility of the forces.”

"Qinqin, what you said is wrong. If it weren't for Wuming, you would have died in the Divine Tibetan Dimension. Is this what you can say?" Sameyue Tianzun frowned.

Ye Qin said calmly: "I'm just talking about things. Do you want to start a regional war? There must be a difference between Wuming's special zone and our area. No one knows how much power Wuming can exert in the special zone. They will definitely not Dare to take the risk to attack Wuming, but every regional controller is very aware of the power controlled by the regional controller, and they dare not touch Wuming, which does not mean they dare not touch Wuming’s allies.”

“The best thing about this nameless special district is that its location is really great.

The real world cannot reach the special zone through the eternal silence space, otherwise the special zone controllers can easily destroy the nameless special zone as long as they unite and summon the army of the real world.

There is no special zone node stone in the Shenzang space, and it is also impossible to enter the special zone. Moreover, if you enter the special zone, you will definitely not be able to hide it from Wuming. This is an unsolvable problem. Yuan Guang Tianzun said enviously.

Once there is a conflict between regional controllers and a regional war begins, neither side will actually enter the other's area, but will fight on the border.

Probably they were shooting at each other from a distance, air raiding the cities in the opponent's area, and bombarding the opponent's body.

Because they are all area controllers, their power is enhanced in their own area, and the power of long-range attacks is also very impressive. Whoever cannot hold on first will definitely die, unless they go offline and hide.

The problem is that going offline is actually equivalent to giving up your own area.

After all the creatures in the area controlled by the area controller are slaughtered, if the area controller leaves for too long, the area will become a wild area again.

Even if the area controller takes the time to go online, he will still have to face the indiscriminate bombardment from the hostile area controller.

Of course, under normal circumstances, regional controllers will not easily start a war, and many regional controllers stick together to keep warm. For example, Zunmeng is a force that integrates four regions, and there are many other similar forces.

Even if some area controllers are not allied with others, their relationship with the area controllers in surrounding areas must be very good, at least they cannot be enemies.

The nameless Wilderness Special Zone has no borders at all.

This means that if other area controllers want to attack the special zone controlled by Wuming, there are only two ways. One is to enter the special zone controlled by Wuming and fight Wuming.

There is no doubt that this path is pure courting of death.

Fighting in someone else's area is equivalent to a powerless baby entering an adult tiger's cage with bare hands to fight the tiger. There is no possibility except death.

The second way is to first enter the Wuming Special Zone, then enter the Eternal Silence Prison Tower through the Wuming Special Zone, and start a battle with Wuming at the junction of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower and the Great Wilderness Special Zone.

This road is slightly better than the first one. It is probably equivalent to Sun Wukong learning the seventy-two transformations. He just returned to Huaguo Mountain from Fangcun Mountain and faced... Tathagata Buddha before he even got the golden hoop.

He will probably die looking better!

When regional controllers leave their own regions, they are actually no different from most practitioners.


After all, those who can become regional controllers are generally above level 200, and their strength is far superior to that of most practitioners.

But even so, it is impossible for them to start a war outside the area with a regional controller who is inside the area.

Many forces are actually aware of the advantages of the Wuming Special Zone, so they attach so much importance to Wuming.

"There is nothing to envy, as long as no one dares to install the special zone node stone for Wuming, Wuming's special zone is said to be able to enter the Shenzang space, but in fact... he can't get in." Chichao Tianzun said lightly at this time.

Yuanguang Tianzun smiled and said: "Haha, my opinion is just the opposite. I feel that there must be many regional controllers who will apply to install special zone node stones in their own areas."

"Me too." Jiaoyue Tianzun smiled.

Chichao Tianzun frowned and didn't ask why.

"Wuming's live broadcast has more than 10 billion viewers. In fact, many of these people are not qualified to enter the Shenzang space. Space crystals are too rare. There are only tens of billions of people who hold them among the billions of creatures in the heavens and the worlds. This is a very low proportion. Do you think those practitioners who don't have space crystals want to enter the Shenzang space?" Yuanguang Tianzun looked at Chichao Tianzun and said with a smile.

Jiaoyue Tianzun smiled and said, "That's right, so the population of Shenzang Space will inevitably increase greatly in the future. Whoever has the courage to cooperate with Wuming will be able to reap the population dividend this time."

"Qinqin, I know you want to help Wuming, but you are afraid of getting us into trouble, so you deliberately said so much, but in fact this time... it's not that Wuming needs anyone, but everyone needs Wuming." Yuanguang Tianzun smiled.

Yeqin frowned slightly, but did not explain or refute.

At the same time, other forces also came to a similar conclusion. Wuming's special zone will sooner or later become the throat of the heavens and the world and Shenzang Space. It is obviously more beneficial to make friends with Wuming than to be hostile to him.

Even those regional controllers who don't like Wuming's style of doing things understand that they must strive to establish quotas to the special zone, which is related to whether the region can continue to prosper in the future.

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