I Contracted Myself

【592】The future is promising

Wuming covered the fish tank with a cloth in disdain, and said speechlessly: "Yuan Mulanzi's aesthetics are really... hard to describe."

"Wuming, will this be our home in the future?" Shui'er asked curiously, sitting on Wuming's shoulder.

Wuming nodded and said, "Yes, I guess we will live here for a long time."

As soon as he thought about it, Zhang Shouzhong, Cheng Xuejie, and Lin Renmei, who were originally in the Curse Villa, were quickly transferred into the house. The three of them were stunned at first, and then looked at Wuming in surprise.

"Wuming, what's going on?" Zhang Shouzhong sniffed, then touched the smooth solid wood chair, and asked curiously.

Wuming could not contact the Nameless Sea in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

Because the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is located deep in the Eternal Silence Space, once Wuming contacts the Nameless Sea in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, the result is that the Nameless Sea will inevitably touch the Eternal Silence Space and eventually be polluted.

So Wuming has never used the various abilities of the Nameless Sea in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

If they want to summon Zhang Shouzhong and the others, they must contact the Nameless Sea, which is why everyone is surprised.

Although Zhang Shouzhong's question did not mention these details, Wuming still knew what he was asking, so he smiled and said, "The Great Wilderness Special Zone is not only connected to the real world, but also to the Shenzang Space. It's no problem to take the Shenzang Space."

Wuming can use the power of the Nameless Sea in the Shenzang Space.

This means that the Nameless Sea can contact other spaces through the Shenzang Space, but the Shenzang Space has not been connected to any special space in the past, so naturally it can't be connected.

Now the Great Wilderness Special Zone is between reality and the Shenzang Space. The Nameless Sea only needs to use the Shenzang Space to enter the Great Wilderness Hot Zone. Therefore, in the Great Wilderness Special Zone, Wuming can use 100% of his strength.

Wuming looked at Lin Renmei and asked curiously, "Renmei, do you have any special feelings now?"

Among the people present, Zhang Shouzhong and Cheng Xuejie were summoned by Wuming from the bubble world to the Shenzang space as summoned beasts. They originally entered the Shenzang space as their bodies, and it was the same when they were summoned again.

But Lin Renmei entered the Shenzang space through the space crystal.

In other words, her body is actually the body in the Shenzang space, and her body is theoretically still in the Wuming Sea. "This is my body!" Lin Renmei felt it and continued.

Wuming suddenly said, "So that's how it is. When you enter the Great Wilderness Special Zone from the Shenzang space, your body will be directly converted to your body. What if you enter the Shenzang space again?"

"Let me try?" Lin Renmei took out the space crystal and asked.

Wuming nodded, then looked at Lin Renmei expectantly, but after a while Lin Renmei opened her eyes and said helplessly, "I want to log in to the Shenzang space, but I got a prompt saying that I am already in the Shenzang space."

"I have a question... How do we leave here now?" Cheng Xuejie asked curiously.

Zhang Shouzhong, who was sitting on a chair, also reacted at this time and asked, "Ha, so we are also trapped here?"

"Have you lived in the Shenzang Space for too long and forgotten where you are from?" Wuming looked at the two helplessly.

Since they can contact the Wuming Sea, how could they be trapped in the Great Wilderness Special Zone.

"That's right, we are not from the Shenzang Space." Zhang Shouzhong reacted and slapped his forehead.

Lin Renmei frowned and said, "Wuming, can you turn off the live broadcast? There is no need for live broadcast now."

"Indeed, since we can contact the Shenzang Space, we can completely use the Oracle Network to replace the live broadcast." Wuming nodded, and then turned off the live broadcast under the reluctant, curious and inquiring eyes of countless viewers.

As soon as he turned off the live broadcast, Lucy Phil and Gao Shanggong contacted him. He connected the video call between the two, and the two immediately appeared in the hall as virtual images, and Maria popped up from time to time.

"Wuming, to be honest, you have given me too many shocks and surprises. With the Great Wilderness Special Zone as a transit station, we can take advantage of our large number of people and repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower at a faster speed. But now the first problem we need to solve is... How can we enter the Great Wilderness Special Zone?" Gao Shanggong said quickly after connecting.

The first part is what he wanted to say, and the latter part is a question on behalf of the Scholars Foundation.

"No hurry, don't we have a week? Give me a week first, I will sort out the entire special zone, and after completing the most basic management, I will cooperate with the controller of a certain area of ​​the Shenzang Space to open a dedicated portal." Wuming looked at Gao Shanggong, thought about it and answered. At present, there are still many problems in the Great Wilderness Special Zone that need to be rectified, and the people in the Great Wilderness Special Zone didn't even have the concept of the Shenzang Space in the past. If a large number of people suddenly appeared, I am afraid there will be chaos.

"Well, okay, we will also come up with a reasonable plan as soon as possible." Gao Shanggong nodded.

Wuming took out a bunch of storage rings and asked, "What should we do with these supplies?"

Originally, he was the one who repaired the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, and he felt at ease taking these support materials, but now with the Great Wilderness Special Zone, the Scholar Foundation can send more strong people to participate in the repair operation, and it is not suitable for him to carry so many things alone.

"We need to consult other forces on this point, you take it first."

Gao Shanggong discussed with the members of the Scholar Foundation and then answered.

The formation of the Great Wilderness Special Zone is very conducive to the repair of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, and Wuming has made a huge contribution in this regard alone.

The materials provided by the Scholar Foundation itself don’t matter. At most, they can be given to Wuming as a gift. After all, Wuming’s identity has changed.

He has changed from a powerful person with only one force to the controller of the special zone.

Wuming already has the conditions to form a force. In addition to his huge popularity and reputation, there are few people in the entire cultivation world who can match him.

As long as he gives an order, it is estimated that many practitioners are willing to join his forces. Maybe in just a few thousand years, they can develop into the top force.

Moreover, the special nature of the Great Wilderness Special Zone is destined to make Wuming an object that countless people need to befriend, and even become one of the most powerful people in the heavens and the worlds.

The Scholar Foundation is very willing to befriend Wuming, so those support materials have never been thought of taking back.

The problem is that some of those support materials do not belong to the Scholar Foundation, but are provided by many forces together. Therefore, those materials must be consulted with the forces that provide the materials before deciding how to deal with them.

"Okay, then I will keep them for the time being. If they think I should return them, I will return them at that time." Wuming smiled slightly.

With the Great Wilderness Special Zone, he will definitely not lack materials in the future.

Although these things are difficult to deal with, the Great Wilderness Special Zone connects reality and the Godly Hidden Space, and is backed by the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, so there is no need to worry about development.

When the Great Wilderness City develops into a huge city like the White Jade City, what can you get?

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