I Contracted Myself

【591】All the trivia is gone

At this time, Wuming looked at these powerful prisoners.

In addition to Daji who was kneeling on the ground, there were six remaining prisoners, four men and two women. Wuming actually knew one of the prisoners.

He looked at the owner of the snack stall and said in disbelief: "Good guy, you are hiding very well!"

"Sir, I am not hiding. That is my home." The owner of the snack stall said in fear.

Wuming thought about it and didn't bother to care whether the owner of the snack stall was monitoring him or really regarded the snack stall as his home. He looked at the prisoners and said calmly: "I believe you all know that your life and death are all in my mind. Anyway, even if I kill you, your power will not disappear. At most, I will create a new personality. Whether you live or die depends on your own choice!"

The Great Wilderness Special Zone has fixed the true bodies of these prisoners into regular existence. As the owner of the Great Wilderness Special Zone, Wuming can easily erase the consciousness of these prisoners and then reset their way of thinking according to his own wishes.

But Wuming is not a demon, so he will not be so extreme.

Since these prisoners will have to work for him for the rest of their lives, he is willing to give them a chance. Now it depends on whether they will do it.

The owner of the snack stand immediately prostrated himself on the ground and said, "Time Dragon Ermat greets the master!"

His body is an extremely powerful time dragon, which has the power to manipulate time and can also use the time of other creatures as food.

It is precisely because he indulges in his desires and madly devours the time of various creatures in the heavens and the worlds that many babies die of old age as soon as they are born. In the end, they were defeated by many powerful dragons who were not satisfied with their lives and sent to the Eternal Silence Prison Tower for permanent imprisonment.

After Ermat surrendered, the bald muscle man next to him also gritted his teeth and knelt on the ground, his head hit the ground heavily, and said, "The violent ape god Kunkunkiel greets the master!"

The violent ape god Kunkunkiel comes from a world of giant beasts, and his body is an unkillable violent ape.

His body contains a terrifying evil spirit. Any creature that gets too close to his body will become bloodthirsty and aggressive. He has therefore become a god of war in a mythical world and has set off countless battles.

Finally, he joined forces with the tyrant Celt on the first floor to start a war that affected countless worlds. After Celt was defeated, Kunkunjier also became a prisoner.

Because his original body was irritable and irritable, and his danger was far higher than that of the tyrant Celt, the tyrant Celt was imprisoned on the first floor, while he was imprisoned on the second floor. After Kunkunjier surrendered, the remaining four prisoners immediately knelt on the ground.

One of the women spoke first: "The little girl Yuan Mulanzi greets the master!"

"What is your original body?" Wuming looked at Yuan Mulanzi who was kneeling on the ground and asked directly.

He didn't believe that these prisoners were human. Although Yuan Mulanzi's clothes were very similar to the kimono of a certain island country, he didn't believe she was a human.

"My lord, Lanzi's original body is human." Yuan Mulanzi replied.

Wuming looked at Kunkunjier and asked, "Is she telling the truth?"

"Master, her original body is a bone girl formed by a large number of female skeletons!" Kunkunjier answered directly.

Wuming looked at Yuan Mulanzi and smiled, "Look... you betrayed my trust, which is not good."

"My Lord, he lied, I am really a human!" Yuan Mulanzi said with a wronged look.

Wuming looked at her and sighed, "Since I control your life and death, how could I not even know which one of your original bodies is? Your IQ is so low, it seems that you are lucky to be alive now."

"Master, the bone girl has the ability to resurrect continuously. As long as there are bones with her resentment hidden in the heavens and the worlds, she can be resurrected continuously, so she can live until now." Ermat said immediately.

Wuming smiled and said, "Unfortunately, her luck has run out."

As soon as he thought about it, Yuan Mulanzi's eyes immediately became empty, and her self-consciousness was easily wiped out.

Then Wuming thought about it and reset Yuan Mulanzi's personality to loyal and hardworking. She does not need to rest. Her biggest hobby is work, and her biggest daily pastime is also work.

After setting the personality and hobbies, Yuan Mulanzi's eyes regained their spirit.

"Yuan Mulanzi greets the master!" She prostrated herself on the ground, her body pressed against the ground, and said with great respect.

Wuming said calmly: "Get up, go and solve the farce outside."

Although these prisoners honestly dismissed the guards when they came, there are still some forces watching here. Now the whole Great Wasteland is under Wuming's control, and those stalkers can't hide from his perception at all.


Yuan Mulanzi stood up and responded, then left the study.

Her identity in the Great Wasteland City is the deputy city lord, but she usually doesn't care about anything. She is the deputy city lord just to enjoy the privileges legitimately.

Now that the city lord Shi Wushang is dead, it is just right for her to take over the Great Wasteland City.

The other prisoners saw Yuan Mulanzi's consciousness being wiped out with their own eyes. In a blink of an eye, it was like a different person. They were all very nervous, and they pressed their heads against the ground one by one, fearing that Wuming would wipe them out with a thought.

"Okay, I'll leave the matters here to you. When everything is settled, come and see me at Wenxin Villa." Wuming glanced at the other prisoners, too lazy to listen to them anymore, and stood up and said.

There are four major forces in Dahuang City, namely the City Lord's Mansion, the Guard Army, the Martial Arts Alliance, and Wenxin Villa.

However, behind these four forces are the prisoners kneeling on the ground. The City Lord's Mansion has actually been controlled by Daji for a long time. The guards are Kunkunji's forces. The Martial Arts League and Wenxinyuan are similar.

The Wenxin Villa mentioned by Wuming is actually a distance away from Wenxinyuan. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers and has beautiful scenery. It is the residence of Yuan Mulanzi.

Wuming knows the Great Wilderness area very well. After comparing many houses, he chose Wenxin Villa as his future residence in the Great Wilderness Special Zone.

He is not going to manage the Great Wilderness City himself. With Yuan Mulanzi and other unpaid workers, he can hide behind the scenes and let them manage the Great Wilderness City.

As long as Yuan Mulanzi and others can implement his will, the Great Wilderness City will get better and better with or without him.

He took Shui'er across the space in one step and came to Wenxin Villa in a blink of an eye.

I have to say that Yuan Mulanzi has a good aesthetic sense. Behind this villa is a lush mountain, and in front is a lake with running water. The water flows out from the mountain behind the villa, surrounds the villa and flows out from the other side.

Bamboo and various flowers are planted on both sides of the villa. It can be seen that they are all carefully taken care of. There is also a pavilion next to the bamboo forest for people to rest in their spare time.

The villa itself is built with a kind of soul-soothing fragrant wood, and there are a lot of array protections. Just standing in the front yard, you can smell a burst of refreshing fragrance.

This fragrance is neither pungent nor has a particularly strong sense of presence, but the faint fragrance is everywhere.

Wuming pushed the door and entered the house. It can be seen from the living room that Yuan Mulanzi likes plants very much. The whole living room is planted with various exotic flowers and plants. Moreover, she is very courageous and actually sealed some polluted fish in a fish tank on a display cabinet.

After these fish were polluted by the power of the eternal space, a large number of tiny tentacles grew from their scales, which looked extremely weird.

When swimming in the water, all the tentacles swayed in an S shape like snakes. If I had to find an adjective to describe it, Wuming would only use the word "disgusting".

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