I Contracted Myself


Just now, the hammerhead shark man behaved very normally, and there was no problem at all.

"Kumas, if you encounter a drowning spring, do you think you can survive?" Lenur thought for a while and asked.

The hammerhead shark man Kumas said confidently: "Of course, I am a fishman!"

Although he has not been in the water for a long time, let alone fighting underwater, he is still very confident and believes in his ability to fight underwater.

Lenur looked at Kumas's confident demeanor, was silent for a moment, and said: "I hope so."

Next, everyone continued to move forward. Lenur observed Kumas while walking, but he did not see any abnormality in Kumas at all.

Kumas is a hammerhead shark man, but in fact he is very different from a hammerhead shark.

First of all, in addition to the strange eyes of the hammerhead shark, he also has a pair of eyes on his forehead, so he has four eyes.

These four eyes have a wide observation angle and are almost impossible to be attacked by surprise.

Lenur found it hard to imagine why Kumas would be the second person to be attacked by the drowning spring.

Is it because of his strong reconnaissance ability?

Drowning Spring first ruled out enemy scouts?


Lenur was stunned, and suddenly found that his guess seemed to make some sense.

He contacted Gao Shanggong and asked: "Mr. Gao, where are the eyes of the killing ji?"

"Eyes? The killing ji has no eyes. The pendant-like crystals on his body are his "eyes". He can observe everything around him through a magnetic field, and the range is quite large. We originally arranged for him to join your team to act as a scout, but he didn't expect him to die suddenly." Gao Shanggong replied.

Lenur didn't speak, but he knew in his heart that the drowning spring was not attacking them blindly, but killing people selectively.

"Mr. Gao, besides the killing ji and Kumas, who among us has the strongest reconnaissance ability?" Lenur communicated with the oracle stone with his mind and asked a question.

Gao Shanggong immediately realized the reason for the killing of the drowning spring and replied: "Besides them, the strongest one is Mary. She has a second face hidden behind her hair and has strong reconnaissance ability!"

"Mary, stop!" Lenur immediately looked at Mary and said.

Mary stepped out with one foot, but stopped in mid-air, looked at Lenur and asked, "What's wrong?"

However, Lenur did not answer, but carefully observed Mary's surroundings. His eyes gradually showed golden light, and the light of the crystal lamp above his head became brighter and brighter.

Everyone looked at Mary, and finally Lenur lowered his head and looked at the ground where Mary was about to step.

A lump of black liquid was slightly raised, only a palm away from the sole of Mary's feet.

When Lenur found this lump of liquid, it immediately fell to the ground and merged with the pollution silently.

"Drowning Spring is hunting the best observation team among us. Except for Shashengji and Kumas, you are the one with the strongest reconnaissance ability among us." Lenur explained at this time.

Mary realized something and immediately raised herself a little higher from the ground, while everyone looked at Kumas.

Since Lenur jumped over Kumas, there was no doubt that Kumas might have a problem.

"Oh, I've been discovered again!"

In front of everyone, Kumas' body suddenly twisted and dissipated like smoke.

"When did Kumas get hit? Isn't he a fishman?" A prisoner with an apple-like head said in horror.

Lenur did not answer, but said: "Pay attention to the black pollutants around. The drowning spring can move through these black pollutants, and its body has also turned black. If you touch it, you may be sucked into the deep pool."

"Falling into the deep pool may not be drowning, but... death by pollution." Pluto said in a deep voice.

As Kumas said, the prisoners present did not need to breathe, so drowning itself was nonsense, but what if the spring water had already been polluted?

There is no doubt that once you fall into the drowning spring, even a strong man like Lenur will be polluted in a very short time.

"Is there a way to solve the problem of the Drowning Spring?" Mary asked.

She is the one being targeted by the Drowning Spring now. Although she is not panicking, she is definitely the one who wants to solve the problem the most.

"They are already thinking of a way." Lenuel replied helplessly.

No one can use the Causal Heavenly Principle Slash used by the swordsman at the beginning. Whether it is to kill the Drowning Spring or to reseal the Drowning Spring, the Scholar Foundation must re-study a feasible method.

Mary lamented, "Then I am dead?"

"What do you think our chances of survival are this time? I'm afraid it's less than one percent." A goblin with a big head and a small body sneered.

He is Fatty, the death row prisoner who has always been very low-key.

As a goblin craftsman, he prepared a lot of tools this time. With the support of the Scholar Foundation, although he is not the strongest death row prisoner in the team, he is definitely the one with the strongest ability to save his life.

In addition, he is also the hidden chess of the real self amateur. In fact, he knows all the information that Lenuel knows.

He spoke at this time because he felt the danger.

The Drowning Spring has changed its target.

Now the Drowning Spring may not be targeting Mary, but also him.

Although his reconnaissance ability is not as good as Mary's, he may not be weaker than Mary through various instruments and tools.

The problem is that he only senses the danger, but does not know where the danger comes from, which is very fatal.

"Are you scared? Little goblin, what have you done wrong?" Mary suddenly smiled nervously, looking at Fatty and asking two questions in a row.

Mary was originally very abnormal. As a space pirate, she drove the Bloody Mary and plundered everywhere in the heavens and the worlds. She often did some extremely crazy actions. Dancing on the tip of a knife is not enough to describe the thrill of those actions.

Therefore, although she was a little scared, she was a little excited because of the fear.

And when she was excited, she would do irrational things.

For example, now she wanted to catch the little goblin in front of her and have a good time with him.

Wenxin Bieyuan.

Wuming and others ate melons and drank wine, watching the performance of the death squad and the discussions of netizens on the Oracle network.

In fact, the information provided by Gao Shanggong and others was very detailed, but there were more detailed contents on the Oracle network, such as the herbalist who was first drowned in the drowning spring was not an ordinary herbalist.

The name of this herbalist was Ning Caihe, and the complexity of his blood was far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

His father was a half-demon, his mother was a celestial being, his grandfather was a dragon man, and his grandmother was a nine-tailed fox...

And he didn't drown while picking herbs, but was strangled and thrown into the Drowning Spring.

This is also the real reason why the Drowning Spring kills people.

Because Ning Caihe's resentment is the real source of the horror of the Drowning Spring. At the beginning, the swordsman used the cause and effect of the Heavenly Law Slash, but in fact, he didn't kill Ning Caihe, but the murderer who killed Ning Caihe.

After the murderer was killed, the Drowning Spring was sealed.

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