I Contracted Myself

【601】The Evil Mother Goddess

Maria asked curiously: "Master Wuming, is Drowning Shiquan really unkillable?"

"To say that he is unkillable is actually a bit too exaggerated. As long as he is not transcendent, there should be no existence that is truly unkillable." Wuming thought for a while and gave an answer.

Lucifer added: "But it is indeed too difficult to kill the Drowning Spring, and the conditions required are very complicated."

"Why?" Maria asked in confusion.

Zhang Shouzhong and Cheng Xuejie also looked at Lucifer, because in the past, according to everyone's ideas, any enemy that could not be killed must have insufficient attack power.

When powerful enough, any enemy can be killed with one punch.

But the previous demon spirits, and now the Drowning Spring, seem to be a little different, and it seems that they can only be solved through specific means.

"The reason why Drowning Food Spring has become what it is today is actually very complicated. It is like a ball of wool. Each thread in it represents a kind of power. They are intertwined, entangled, and restrained with each other, but they are also Mutually supporting each other, the result is that no attack can completely kill it, and may even make it stronger.

This is no longer a situation that can be broken by pure power. Of course, it does not mean that pure power cannot solve it, but that no one in the world can solve it with pure power.

Then we can only reverse it according to the idea of ​​​​it forming, just like combing line by line, classifying a ball of wool into various colors of yarn, and finally breaking them one by one. "Lucy Fair said slowly.

Wuming smiled and said: "The principle of this sorting process is actually very simple. If the opponent is water, we use fire; if the opponent is darkness, we use light. The real difficulty lies in how to integrate these elements and how to restrain the opponent just right."

"It sounds very simple, but if you think about it carefully... it is very difficult. The solution to the drowning spring that can make countless powerful people in the world feel helpless is probably even more difficult." Zhang Shouzhong thought carefully, then frowned and said.

Cheng Xuejie nodded and said: "The conditions must be very harsh."

"Now it's actually not as simple as harshness. There may be a solution to the original Drowning Spring, but the current Drowning Spring... God knows how many things have been integrated into it. I'm afraid even the solution doesn't exist anymore." Dahuang complained.

Maria looked at Wuming worriedly and said, "Master Wuming, why don't you go? It's too dangerous."

"Yeah, it's great to stay here. There are so many delicious foods." Shui'er also agreed.

Wuming smiled and said: "Don't worry, the threat to me from the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is very small now. Even if my body dies, there will be no big problems. If the Eternal Silence Prison Tower can be repaired, I still hope to do my best. Fix it!”

At this time, the death squads on the screen stopped again.

In front of the death squad, a strange tree grew out of the cell, blocking the passage forward.

Wuming saw this scene and asked, "Mr. Tianxing, who is the prisoner in cell 201?"

"That's not cell 201. The Great Wilderness Zone occupies several cells. To be honest... the number of that cell is blocked by pollutants, and I don't know who is being held in that cell." Tianxing Mingyue said.

His parasitic stone is placed on the coffee table, just in a position where you can see the screen.

The tree in the picture looks like it is composed of countless tiny beetles. The densely packed beetles are gathered together and smelted into a material similar to obsidian, eventually forming trunks and branches.

The problem is that this tree has grown leaves. Each leaf is a crystal structure, and there are some strange black symbols sealed in the crystal.

"Those symbols look like people, they are twisting." Maria frowned.

Lucifer said calmly: "It's not like that, it's just a person."

"Prisoner?" Dahuang guessed.

Wuming shook his head and said: "It's not very similar. It's not that simple to be a prisoner on the second floor of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower."

"Now that the Shenzang Space is connected to the Great Wilderness Special Zone, will there be people smuggling through the Great Wilderness Special Zone?" Dahuang immediately guessed.

Wuming denied: "It's absolutely impossible. As long as I don't agree, no one can enter or exit reality and the divine space through the Great Wilderness Special Zone, let alone sneak into the Eternal Silence Prison Tower."

When he enters the Eternal Silence Prison Tower again, he will seal off the entire Great Wilderness Zone. No one can enter the Eternal Silence Prison Tower through the Great Wilderness Zone.

At this time, in the live broadcast, Lenur raised his hand and fired directly at the strange tree. The bullet hit the branch, and a large amount of raw stone essence suddenly exploded.

In the blink of an eye, the originally black branches turned white, and many crystals were also covered with raw stone essence.

It seems that there is no danger.

Lenur and countless other spectators had the same idea in their minds, but he did not take it lightly. Instead, he quietly consulted Gao Shang Palace about the origin of this tree.

Even though the protruding branches had been covered with raw stone essence, he still didn't get close to the tree or the cell.

He knew very well that he could be looked upon by Gao Shang Gong not because he was the strongest, but because he was the most normal among this group of lunatics.

Behind him, Mary had already started flirting with Big Fat, who was building something on the workbench suspended in mid-air, and the prisoners were looking around, or had started to cut their own flesh and blood.

All in all, these guys themselves are not normal. It is not surprising at all to die here. It is a miracle that they can get out alive.

Lenur turned his attention to the strange tree again. Suddenly his pupils shrank slightly and he found that the surface of the strange tree seemed to be missing a lot of raw stone essence.

At this time, Gao Shanggong said hastily: "Back away quickly, that tree is transformed by the evil god Xuan Ni, and the essence of Shengshengshi cannot restrain it!"

Xuan Ni Evil God!

In an instant, Lenur's hair exploded, and he retreated at an extremely fast speed. The other prisoners also immediately retreated when they saw him retreating.

However, a few prisoners were a little slower. Lenur thought that these people would die, but after everyone stepped back, Xuan Mi Evil God still did not attack anyone.

A false alarm?

Many people were thinking in their hearts, and several prisoners even looked at Lenur with contempt, feeling that Lenur was surprised and making a fuss.

"Mr. Gao, what is the origin of the Xuan Ni Evil God?" Lenur asked cautiously, not paying attention to everyone's gaze.

Gao Shangong quickly replied: "Xuan Ni Evil God is not an evil god in the true sense. Strictly speaking, he is just a victim contaminated by the evil god. It's just that he is very powerful, so he is treated as an evil god."

"He...was contaminated by some evil god?" Lenur was shocked and asked immediately.

There are also levels of evil gods. Fake evil gods like the Sweet Potato God are definitely the lowest level, while the highest level evil gods are the kind of existence that transcends failure.

However, there are also levels of detachment failure, but the specific division is more complicated.

All in all, being contaminated with the power of evil gods of different levels will have different harms to oneself and the environment.

"Have you ever heard of the evil mother goddess who breeds evil?"

Gao Shanggong asked, but then he reminded: "Don't say it out loud, as this name may irritate the evil god tree transformed by the evil god Xuan Ni."

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