I Contracted Myself

【602】This is the death squad

The evil mother goddess of breeding evil?

Lenur had never heard of the name of this evil god. He guessed that this evil god might be sealed somewhere, so it was not well-known.

He said in a deep voice: "Mr. Gao, I have never heard of this name. Can you tell me the specific information?"

"Then let me make a long story short. All creatures polluted by the evil mother goddess of breeding evil will have an extremely obvious feature, that is, pregnancy and childbirth.

Of course, this is definitely not the normal birth of offspring, but the birth of evil, and usually there are tens of thousands of evil in a lifetime. The strength of each evil is equivalent to about 10% of the original body. The stronger the person is polluted by the evil mother goddess of breeding evil, the higher the danger. The Xuanpin evil god itself is extremely powerful, so the danger is extremely high." Gao Shanggong finished speaking in one breath.

Lenur took a breath of cold air.

Assuming that the strength of the Xuanpin evil god is similar to his, then ten evils born by the Xuanpin evil god can beat him one?

Although the real battle cannot be calculated in this way, what about twenty evils beating him, or thirty evils beating him, or more?

Thousands and thousands, this is definitely not an exaggerated adjective by Gao Shanggong.

Moreover, the strength of Xuanpin Evil God may even be stronger than him.

With this thought, Lenur had a very intuitive understanding of the danger of Xuanpin Evil God.

"What is the current state of Xuanpin Evil God?" Lenur asked solemnly.

Gao Shanggong replied: "Now Xuanpin Evil God is sealed by the tree seal of the Divine Tree Venerable. His body is the trunk, and the remaining branches are all transformed by evil."

"It was actually the Divine Tree Venerable who did it." Lenur was surprised.

In the past, the heavens and the worlds called those who were powerful to a certain extent "mighty". Later, due to the serious gap in generations, many systems had problems, and many, many names gradually changed.

For example, strong men around level 200 are now called Tianzun, strong men above level 250 are called great gods, and strong men above level 260 are called venerables.

However, not everyone has such a title.

This title is more common among the most outstanding people, such as regional controllers. Those who reach level 200 or above will have a title of Tianzun.

For example, Jiaoyue Tianzun and Yuanguang Tianzun are similar.

They have absolute dominance in their own areas, so as long as they do not leave their own areas, no one dares to despise them.

Of course, some strong men do not like to give themselves other names and will still use their real names, so the title of Tianzun belongs to the strong men who want to give it, and those who do not want to give it can continue to use their original names.

Probably like the ancients on Earth, they can give themselves many nicknames, such as laymen and scattered people, they can give it if they like, and they can give it if they don’t like it.

Wuming is now qualified to give himself a nickname of ‘XX Tianzun’, but he thinks it is unnecessary, so he didn’t give it.

Also, like Gao Shanggong, he has many titles, but he is still used to using his real name when communicating with people.

And the Venerable Shenshu is very similar to Wuming. They both made a big splash in the Shenzang Trial and then became the regional controller.

The area he controls is the Shenshu area, which is an area occupied by tree people. There are basically no other races, so the reputation of the Venerable Shenshu has gradually declined. Now only the older generation will have a better impression of him.

However, recently a group of people have started to compare the Venerable Shenshu with Wuming on the Internet, so Lenur knows that the Venerable Shenshu is such a strong man.

At this time, Lenur guessed: "Mr. Gao, is the body of the Xuanpin Evil God a Zerg?"

Because the branches that protruded from the cell were completely composed of countless tiny beetles, and these beetles were probably the evil that Gao Shanggong said.

Zerg are generally known for their tenacious vitality and amazing reproductive ability. It can be imagined what a terrible disaster the Xuanpin Evil God had caused before being sealed.

Gao Shanggong replied: "Yes, Xuanpin Evil God was indeed a Zerg when he was alive. Now you find the magic seal scroll from the storage ring and set up a barrier around him. We will be responsible for dealing with Xuanpin Evil God. You can temporarily isolate it with the barrier and then continue to explore."

"Okay." Lenur breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, the Scholar Foundation is still an organization with a bottom line. Although this trip is dangerous, it is not for them to die.

But at this time, Mary walked forward slowly. She actually walked to the branch of Xuanpin Evil God, and said with blurred eyes: "This is... the smell of mother!"

"Mary, come back!" Lenur's pupils contracted and he immediately stopped.

He really didn't understand what these death row prisoners were thinking. Now he even had the urge to shoot Mary.

"Damn, I just got the news that Mary's mother had been affected by the evil mother goddess in the past. Although the influence was very, very mild, and there was no sequelae, Mary... I'm afraid it's easy to be affected by the evil mother goddess." Gao Shanggong said at this time.

At this moment, Gao Shanggong knew that someone was deliberately making trouble. Putting Mary into the death squad was definitely not a good intention.

In fact, Mary started to behave abnormally just now, and even became interested in the goblin craftsman Da Pang. She has always been known for her boldness in the heavens and the worlds, and her past behavior was extremely unorthodox.

Although she looks like a 28-year-old girl, she has actually given birth to thousands of children.

She is very similar to Charlotte Linlin in One Piece. The pirate group is composed of children. The main reason why she participated in this operation is that all her children were caught in one fell swoop. If she doesn't want all her children to die, she must obey the command.

But now she has forgotten everything and is completely attracted by the Xuanpin Evil God. She even wants to reach out and hold the branch.

However, before her hand touches the branch of the Xuanpin Evil God, a golden chain is wrapped around her wrist. Big Fat pulls the chain at the other end and says, "Come and help, pull her back!"

Lenuel and Pluto rushed to Big Fat at the same time, holding the chain with both hands and pulling it hard.


An arm was pulled over instantly.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, but Mary didn't care about her broken arm at all. She grabbed the branch with her other hand and raised her head to kiss the branch.

The moment she kissed the branch, Lenor turned around and ran without saying a word, followed by Pluto and Big Fat. Before the other prisoners could react, dense beetles suddenly split from the branches and swarmed all around.


A bird-headed prisoner just turned around, and his back was covered by dense black beetles. In a blink of an eye, only a face was left, screaming in pain, and his body was eaten.

"Mr. Gao, the seal of the Xuanpin Evil God was broken by Mary. What should we do now?" Lenor asked while running.

Gao Shanggong said calmly: "Keep running back, we'll be there soon!"

After disconnecting the contact, Gao Shanggong sighed tiredly.

Originally thought that with the death squad, they would be safer, but the death squad was really a death squad, and everyone was rushing to die.

Moreover, none of the dangers were eliminated, but instead caused such a big mess.

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