I Contracted Myself

【603】Hedao Jade

Dahuang Special Zone, border.

Wuming was already waiting at the border. He was faster than anyone else in the Special Zone and could reach any area in a moment.

A moment later, Gao Shanggong, Zhenwosuren, and Aries flew from a distance and quickly landed in front of Wuming.

Gao Shanggong greeted Wuming, then sighed and complained: "I thought this would avoid a lot of trouble and danger, but I didn't expect it to be more troublesome and dangerous."

"When this matter is over, we must check who added Mary to the team list." Zhenwosuren obviously suppressed his anger and said coldly.

The plan of the death squad was proposed by him, and he was definitely the one who hoped that the plan of the death squad would succeed the most.

Now that this incident has happened, the plan of the death squad will definitely not be able to continue, and he will also be implicated. I am afraid that any plan he proposes in the future will not be so easy to pass.

"Okay, let's discuss how to solve the problem of Xuanpin Evil God." Aries looked at Zhenwosuren and spoke to comfort him.

Gao Shanggong analyzed: "Originally, the seal of the Divine Tree Venerable was strong enough, and the Xuanpin Evil God could not break the seal for no reason."

"It's because some bastard sent Mary to the death squad!" Zhenwosuren couldn't help cursing.

Gao Shanggong glanced at Zhenwosuren and continued: "In fact, before Mary appeared, the seal of the Xuanpin Evil God had already loosened, otherwise there would not be a 'branch' sticking out of the cell."

"Indeed, Mary actually only played the role of a catalyst. I'm afraid the real problem is still the Xuanpin Evil God. He may have been contaminated by the power of the Eternal Silence Space." Wuming agreed.

In short, now the Xuanpin Evil God is likely to have both the two major pollution characteristics of the Evil Mother Goddess and the Eternal Silence Space.

"The Evil Mother Goddess is a twisted life, and the Eternal Silence Space is the silence of death. What will happen when these two are combined?" Aries pondered.

Gao Shanggong looked at Wuming and asked, "If the Xuanpin Evil God enters the Great Wilderness Special Zone, can you kill him?"

"Yes, but I think this is best used as a last resort. You can't... lure all the monsters to my side, right?" Wuming replied.

The True Self looked at Wuming fiercely and gritted his teeth and said, "Wuming, for every prisoner you kill, I am willing to give you a Hedao Jade as a thank you."

"Deal, let the death squad lure the Xuanpin Evil God over!" Wuming agreed immediately.

There are many incredible rewards in the Shenzang Trial. Some of the rewards that have been exposed have been listed by the practitioners and finally made into a list.

For example, Wuming's Dragon Snake Anti-Heaven Soup Fight is now ranked 50th. The Transformation Wine it produces is very precious, enough to attract countless practitioners.

Going up, there are many precious treasures, each of which represents the foundation of a strong man.

Zhenwosuren comes from the Zhenwo clan. His ancestor Zhenwowudi holds such a treasure. This treasure is called "Qiudaoya", which ranks 30th among the treasures of the God's Treasures. It can produce a Hedao Jade every day.

The effect of Hedao Jade is extremely magical.

The holder only needs to hold the Hedao Jade for meditation to connect his various abilities and produce incredible evolution.

For example, if a practitioner is good at swordsmanship and talisman, then holding the Hedao Jade for meditation may lead to sudden enlightenment of sword talisman. If the practitioner is good at fireball and waterball, there is even a chance to suddenly realize abilities such as water and fire.

Wuming has many abilities. If he holds the Hedao Jade, he may suddenly realize something incredible.

Basically, the stronger the holder is and the more capable he is, the greater the benefits of using the Hedao Jade. This thing may not be very tempting to low-level practitioners, but it is extremely tempting to the strong.

Unfortunately, most of the Hedao Jade is consumed by the Zhenwo clan and rarely appears in the outside world. Wuming had no channels to obtain it in the past.

Now that Zhenwosuren is willing to pay, Wuming is of course willing to help, and he hopes that there are as many prisoners as possible.

Seeing Wuming agree, Zhenwosuren looked at Gao Shanggong and said, "Let them lead Xuanpin Evil God here."


Gao Shanggong nodded, then contacted Lenur and said, "Lenur, the situation has changed. Now lead Xuanpin Evil God here, and we will destroy it in the Great Wilderness Special Zone!"

"Okay!" Lenur agreed while running.

The main reason is that they were originally running towards the Great Wilderness Special Zone. Regardless of whether Gao Shanggong asked him to lure Xuanpin Evil God to the Great Wilderness Special Zone, he was actually leading Xuanpin Evil God to the Great Wilderness Special Zone.

"Ahhh, help!"

At this time, a death row prisoner was caught up by a beetle. He only had time to scream, and the next moment his body was swallowed by the beetle.

Lenur's expression tightened slightly, and he turned around and fired several shots. Many beetles were directly covered by the essence of Shengsheng Stone. He continued to run forward without looking back.

"Lenur, those beetles are just evil born by Xuanpin Evil God. We must lure Xuanpin Evil God here." Gao Shanggong said at this time.

Lenur said: "I know, I'll try my best!"

He glanced back lightly from the corner of his eye, and sure enough, many evil beetles gathered around the essence of Shengsheng Stone. Shengsheng Stone Essence was the best bait.

"Everyone take out your guns, you can temporarily stop the evil beetles!" He said loudly.

Many death row prisoners cursed in their hearts. They had already used up all their strength just to escape, so how could they have extra energy to take out their guns?

Of course, there were still some prisoners who didn't know how to live or die. They took out their guns from the storage ring with a little bit of energy, but the next second he was caught up by the evil beetle. He could only scream and shoot randomly. After hitting two prisoners, he was drowned by the evil beetle.

The two unlucky guys who were shot were immediately covered with the essence of the life stone. They could only cry and curse and ask for help. Then they were surrounded by a large number of evil beetles. In an instant, only screams were left.

"It's not easy for the Scholar Foundation to find this group of crouching dragons and phoenixes." Wuming sat at the border and complained while watching the live broadcast.

Aries smiled bitterly: "In fact, if they are taken out separately, each of them is an extremely dangerous prisoner, but I didn't expect that they would become like this when they are gathered together."

"This shows that they are not compatible." Wuming smiled.

He is quite happy now. When he saw the list of treasures in the divine collection, he drooled over all kinds of treasures. Now he finally has the opportunity to get the Hedao Jade.

I don't know if the Hedao Jade can make his level rise again. After all, he hasn't upgraded for a long time.

Don’t think that his level increased rapidly in the Shenzang Trial, that’s because the rewards of the Shenzang Trial were too good. Now without the various treasures of the Shenzang Trial, it’s not so easy for him to upgrade.

The stronger the strength, the more difficult it is to upgrade the level. This is not just a casual statement.

A strong man like Gao Shanggong has not upgraded his level for hundreds of thousands of years. Although he has become stronger, the speed of his improvement is also extremely slow.

It is impossible to upgrade a level in a short period of time.

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