I Contracted Myself


In fact, it is easy to understand that it is more difficult to upgrade as the level increases.

This is very similar to the accumulation of wealth. When the property is relatively small, you can easily double the property by doing more jobs.

But when the wealth accumulates to an extremely exaggerated level, but the channels for obtaining wealth cannot be increased, it is much more difficult to double the property.

Wuming is like this now. It is difficult for him to become stronger quickly. Even if he has learned magical skills such as Golden Sun, Golden Crow Armor, and Titan's Hand, it only makes him a little stronger, not as exaggerated as everyone imagines.

Because these three are just skills, how powerful they can be depends on Wuming himself. So it is not because these three skills are strong that Wuming is very strong when he uses these three skills, but because Wuming himself is very strong, so these three skills are so strong in his hands.

If you put the cart before the horse, you will only go astray.

If you think that you can become stronger by learning more skills, you may end up being dragged down by a bunch of messy abilities.

At this time, Lenur's footsteps came from the corridor on the other side of the border.

"Here we come!" said the real amateur.

Wuming sat on the recliner, calmly looking at the dark passage ahead. Being inside the Great Wilderness Special Zone, he was completely worthy of the power of the Eternal Silence Space.

After a moment, Lenuel took the lead, followed by Big Fat and Pluto, and several pale-faced death row prisoners were behind. Looking further back, there were a mass of evil beetles.

The appearance of these evil beetles was very unique. They looked like an oval black gem with only a crack on the edge. If you look closely, you will find that the so-called crack is more like an uneven saw that can easily tear apart all materials.

The pain of the death row prisoners killed by the evil beetles before death was absolutely unimaginable for ordinary people. Thousands of cuts and pieces were not enough to describe that kind of pain.

Of course, they deserved it, and no one present would pity these death row prisoners.

The real amateur looked at Lenur and other death row prisoners with indifference, and then said: "I think these prisoners are no longer trustworthy, why not..."

"Don't talk nonsense, maybe they deserve to die, but they shouldn't die in vain." Gao Shanggong frowned.

Aries smiled and said: "Yes, they are still useful. The failure of the suicide squad plan does not mean that the death row prisoners are completely useless!"

"You mean... take these death row prisoners with you when the repair team sets out next time?" The real amateur immediately realized what Aries meant.

Aries smiled gently and said: "There are always some dangers that require someone to take risks. Why can't it be them?"

You can't judge a person by his appearance.

Wuming's biggest impression of Aries is gentleness. Aries always smiled and looked like a good guy when they met several times, but now he has changed his view of Aries.

Of course, this also makes Aries more real. After all, there can't be a real good guy in the world. Even Wuming himself actually has a selfish side in his heart.

However, without harming his own interests, he is willing to work hard to make the world a better place.

At this time, Lenur rushed into the Great Wilderness Special Zone, followed by Dapang and Pluto, and the remaining two death row prisoners also rushed in at the last moment. Because the ground material changed, the two death row prisoners were not strong enough, and they stepped into the ground and fell out.

Wuming did not look at these death row prisoners, but looked at the evil beetles that followed the death row prisoners.

In fact, as long as he did not want, these evil beetles would never enter the Great Wilderness Special Zone. Now they can come in because he let them come in.

After the evil beetles came in, he thought about it, and the power of the entire Great Wilderness was added to the evil beetles. Countless beetles exploded and died, and at the same time, a large amount of liquid and fragments were twisted into the shape of a tree by a powerful force.

Since the Xuanpin Evil God has been sealed into the posture of the Evil God Tree, Wuming simply let it continue to maintain this posture in the Great Wilderness Special Zone.

The dense evil beetles rushed in like a flood, but no matter how many came, they were instantly killed.

The real amateur glanced at Wuming and couldn't help but think of what Aries said. Wuming's identity is indeed different now. Just this terrible power must be given enough respect and respect.

Moreover, the Great Wilderness Special Zone is the hub of reality and the Shenzang Space. Who dares to guarantee that they will not need to ask Wuming for help in the future?


At this time, Mary's strange and sharp laughter came. Her body was connected to a branch, swimming in the ocean of countless evil beetles, and approaching the Great Wilderness Special Zone at a very fast speed.

However, when she came to the border of the Great Wilderness Special Zone, she suddenly stopped and tilted her head to look at Wuming and others.

"Is she Mary? Or..." Wuming said.

He felt that the Mary in front of him was not like the Mary just now. It seemed that her spirit had been completely distorted, and that look was not like the look of a living person.

"I'm afraid it has been completely polluted. It's right to treat it as a monster." Gao Shanggong sighed.

Everyone loves beauty.

Although Mary deserves death, her body is indeed beautiful.

Even though I know that she deserves it, I can't help but sigh when I see her now, and feel sorry for the passing of a kind of beauty.

The real amateur frowned and said, "Why doesn't it come in?"

At this time, Lenur raised his hand and shot Mary. The next moment, Mary rushed into the Great Wilderness Special Zone. Half of her body was covered with the essence of the Life Stone. When she rushed in, she was crushed by the power of the Great Wilderness Special Zone. At the same time, her lower body was connected to the branch. Wuming immediately pulled the branch hard.

The Xuanpin Evil God, who was far away in the cell, was immediately pulled out of the cell and then pulled towards the Great Wilderness Special Zone at a very fast speed.

If it were a normal creature, it would definitely realize at this moment that the creature pulling it was much stronger than itself, and it would definitely cut off its arm to avoid being pulled into the tiger's mouth.

But the Xuanpin Evil God was not a normal creature. While it was being pulled, it released dense evil beetles. All the evil beetles wrapped it, but rushed towards the Great Wilderness Special Zone at a faster speed.

Two minutes later, the Xuanpin Evil God rushed into the Great Wilderness Special Zone with a large number of evil beetles with an extremely amazing momentum, as if to destroy the world.

This terrifying aura made even Gao Shanggong look solemn, ready to attack at any time.

However, the next second, with Wuming's thought, the Xuanpin Evil God suddenly exploded, without leaking a single bit of power, all of which was crushed into the trunk of the tree, perfectly integrated into the evil beetle that was crushed before.

Finally, the flowers made of Mary's flesh and blood dotted the dark tree, and the work was completed.

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