I Contracted Myself

【605】Three pieces of Hedao jade

The sun is scorching in the sky and the yellow sand is vast.

On the yellow land at the border, the big tree composed of the evil god and the evil beetle is vigorous and winding, like a big black snake coiled on the earth. The red flowers made of Mary's flesh and blood flutter in the wind, and they still emit light even under the sun. With a faint red light.

Because Wuming has sealed all the power of the Xuan Ni Evil God, looking at it with the naked eye, there is nothing surprising about this tree except for its unique shape. However, Gao Shanggong and others who witnessed the birth of this tree knew very well that this tree What amazing energy and power a tree originally possesses.

Lenur silently put the gun into the storage ring, and then looked at Wuming with a complicated mood.

When watching the video of Wuming exploring the first floor, he actually didn't feel that he was weaker than Wuming. Many times, Wuming's performance even gave him the illusion that he was stronger than Wuming.

But after personally experiencing the dangers of the second level, and looking at the Xuan Ni Evil God who was forcefully pinched back into a tree by Wuming, he felt that he must have been inflated at that time.

"Okay, Xuan Ni Evil God has been solved. Is it necessary for the death squads to lure other death row prisoners?" Wuming slightly modified the shape of the tree transformed by Xuan Ni Evil God, and then looked at Zhenme Suren with a smile.

Zhenwo Suren took out a blue oval-shaped jade from the storage space. He threw the jade to Wuming, shook his head and said, "Forget it, it's enough to be able to deal with the evil god Xuan Ni."

Those words just now, about killing as many as you want and giving them to you, were actually said by him after he was so angry that he lost his mind.

Now that he calmed down and his smart IQ regained the high ground, he immediately realized how stupid his words were.

Although the Zhenwo clan does not lack Hedao Jade, he lacks it.

Qiu Dao Ya is not his treasure. There are many members of the Zhenwo clan. He can only get dozens of pieces of He Dao Jade throughout the year, which is not enough for himself.

"Okay." Wuming said with some regret.

But then he thought of a good idea and said, "What if I exchange it for the wine of transformation?"

"Okay, let's have a drink first." The real person thought about it and immediately agreed.

With the Hedao Jade gone, he can still get it from his ancestors. The Wine of Transformation is a special resource that Wuming has mastered. It is a good deal to exchange resources that can be obtained again for resources that are not easy to obtain.

Therefore, Wuming exchanged a cup of transformation wine with Zhenme Suren for another piece of Hedao Jade.

After the transaction, Wuming looked at Gao Shang Palace and Aries Palace and asked, "Should we act according to the original plan now, or...make a new plan?"

If they follow the original plan, they will lead the team out at noon and start repairing the second floor.

The problem is that the death squads are defeated and come back. If they still act according to the original plan, they may make the same mistakes as the death squads. After all, the original personnel ratio was based on the premise that the death squads would check for danger at the front. Now that the death squads are gone, they still follow the plan. Can the old plan be carried out without causing trouble?

Gao Shang Gong and Aries Gong looked at each other, and Aries Gong replied: "Let's postpone the action for the time being. We will have a meeting to discuss it. I'm afraid the plan will have to be re-drawn."

"Well, I have no problem. Remember to tell me the results when the discussion is over." Wuming nodded.

Suddenly, Wuming looked at the real person with a half-smiling expression. The real person was stunned for a moment, feeling a little confused.

In an instant, Wuming raised his hand and pinched the border line. In an instant, he grabbed a thin black thread. Then he held on to the thin thread and drew a large amount of black liquid from the wall at an extremely fast speed. Tara enters the Great Wilderness Special Zone in Ji Zhen Prison.

All this happened very quickly, and by the time everyone reacted, the liquid had already been imprisoned.

"This is... the Drowning Spring?" Gao Shanggong was the first to come back to his senses, looked at the dark liquid, and asked.

Wuming nodded and said, "Yes, it should be the Drowning Spring."

As he spoke, he shook his hand hard, and two corpses fell out of the dark liquid. One of them was the corpse of Shashengji, and the other was the corpse of the hammer-head shark man Kumas.

It is very obvious that they did not die from drowning, but from contamination.


Shingo Amateur looked at the corpses of Seshengji and Kumas, reacted belatedly, and finally realized what Wuming had just looked at.

He took a deep breath, took out a piece of Hedao Jade from the storage space and threw it to Wuming. Wuming caught the Hedao Jade with a smile and said, "In this way, at least two dangers on the second floor have been eliminated."

Entering the Great Wilderness Special Zone, Drowning Food Spring, like the Xuan Ni Evil God, has become a lamb to be slaughtered, and Wuming can do whatever he wants with it.

He thought for a while, and simply reshaped the Drowning Spring into the shape of a spring and installed it directly next to the Xuan Ni Evil God. At a glance, this scene looked like an ancient pine growing by the lake, and it actually had a bit of an ink painting style.

"Why did Drunk Shiquan come here?" Zhenwo Amateur looked at Drownishi Quan and asked with some doubts.

Aries Palace guessed: "They should have been attracted by the noise made by Xuan Ni Evil God. Maybe there are more death row prisoners who heard the noise here."

"It would be great if everyone could come here and die." Gao Shanggong couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

Zhenwo Suren's face suddenly turned red and blue, and he silently prayed in his heart that those death row prisoners would never come. It would not be easy for him to save some Hedao Jade.

"Now that the matter here has been settled, let's go and go back to the meeting first." He thought for a while and said impatiently.

Aries naturally said: "Well, it does need to be discussed carefully, and the issue of the death squads also needs to be reviewed."

"Since the matter here is settled, I'll leave first." Wuming smiled at Zhenwosuren, knowing that he couldn't go too far, so he smiled and left.

This time, he got two Hedao jades for free, plus one Hedao jade from the trade, so he already had three Hedao jades in his hand. He was a little impatient to try and see if the three Hedao jades could make his level go up again.

After Wuming left with the Nishi Spring and Xuanpin Evil God, Gao Shanggong and the other two took the remaining death row prisoners of the death squad away. Not long after they left, a crazy beggar came slowly from the second floor. When it stepped into the Great Wilderness Special Zone, bursts of golden light suddenly emerged from the ground, and the beggar was instantly wiped out, leaving only a broken bowl on the ground.

In fact, Wuming can completely annihilate any living creatures and dead things that invade the Great Wilderness Special Zone. He left Xuanpin Evil God and Nishi Spring mainly because these things are quite rare and he wants to study them carefully.

Xuanpin Evil God possesses the power of both the Evil Mother Goddess and the Eternal Silence Space. He is very curious about how these two opposite powers are balanced. The special features of the Drowning Spring are also of great research value.

This is why he kept both of them. As for the beggar... forget it, it's too disgusting, I won't study it.

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