I Contracted Myself

【607】Power of the Great God

The so-called realm of great gods is actually reaching level 250.

The problem is that among the people present, there are two who are above level 260. The realm of great gods is really nothing.

When Wuming saw that his true self had such an exaggerated reaction, he was a little dumbfounded and said, "Don't be so shocked."

Although he felt that he was extremely powerful at this moment, his level did not lie. Lucifer's level was level 266, and Gao Shangong's level was level 276.

Compared to Lucifer and his daughter, he is still far behind.

Of course, if they were to fight in the Wilderness Zone, he could give Lucifer and the others two hands and three legs.

"You used three pieces of Hedao Jade?" asked the real person.

Wuming sat down next to Lin Renmei and said with a smile: "I used one piece. Good luck. My strength has improved a lot."


The true amateur’s soul was twisted at this moment.

The Hedao Jade he has used is hundreds of times that of Wuming, but the level is still stuck at level 249, and he has never been able to take the most critical step.

As a result, Wuming used a piece of Hedao Jade, and his strength increased so much. He also took the step that he had never been able to take and built the body of a great god.

So angry!

So envious!

The real person couldn't help but scream in his heart, but on the surface he remained very calm, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

"Actually, the first piece of Hedao Jade has the best effect, and the further it goes, the worse the effect. It is best to use one piece of Hedao Jade every one thousand years. Being greedy for too much will lead to bad things." Aries Palace said with a smile.

Gao Shanggong smiled and said: "It is a good thing that Wuming can reach the realm of a great god. Next, we will be more confident in repairing the Eternal Silence Prison Tower."

"Master Wuming, can you reach the 250th floor of the Resource Tower now?" Maria asked curiously.

Wuming thought for a moment and replied, "It should be possible. I'll give it a try next time."

Generally speaking, practitioners can only reach a level lower than their own level. For example, a strong person at level 250 can only reach the 249th floor of the resource tower, and it is basically impossible to clear the 250th floor.

However, in addition to his own powerful strength, Wuming also has a large number of additional methods. Although these methods are not counted in the level, they can play a real role in combat.

This is actually similar to the props obtained in the Shenzang Trial, both of which have power that transcends levels.

Wuming is sure to defeat the 250-level opponent. As for level 251, he can't beat it because he is only level 250 now.

"How about we compare with each other?" Aries said with a smile.

The level of Aries Palace is also 250, and he has stayed at this stage for a long time. Seeing Wuming catch up so quickly, he felt a little itchy.

"Okay, just in time for me to get used to my abilities." Wuming agreed.

Everyone left the house one after another, and finally came to an open space outside the city. Wuming thought, and the world quickly widened. Aries smiled and said: "No need to bother, it's up to me."

He opened his palms, and darkness enveloped the entire world in an instant. In the blink of an eye, he and Wuming appeared in a vast starry sky. Countless planets were rotating around them. They were among them, not even a drop in the ocean. They were extremely small.

"This is the Aries Dome. You can completely let go of your hands and feet when fighting here." Aries said with a smile.

Wuming nodded and said with a smile, "Come on then!"

"Okay, be careful!"

Aries nodded, and then lightly slapped his palm.


Wuming was caught off guard and was instantly blasted out by the terrifying palm wind. The planets behind him were continuously exploded one after another. In the blink of an eye, he was knocked out dozens of light years away.

"Henless Palm, not bad, right?" Aries Palace said with a smile.

Wuming was embedded in the ground of a planet and said with a smile: "It's very good. It makes people hard to guard against. Fortunately, my body is relatively strong!"

He originally integrated the Perfect Shield into his eyelids, but the Perfect Shield spread to all his skin, so his skin's defense was unparalleled in the world, and Aries' palm did not hurt him.

"It's my turn next," he said with a smile.

Suddenly, a tiny golden light flew out from the underground of the planet. The tiny golden light was like a firefly among the huge planet, but it was extremely fast.

"Aries Kick!"

Aries was already prepared and kicked out the moment the golden light flew towards him.


There was no sound, but the entire Aries Dome shook violently. The planets around the Aries Palace were all shattered, and then were blown away by the terrifying explosion.

"Is that the golden sun?" Aries Palace was not affected and asked after blocking the golden light.

Wuming flashed for a moment and appeared dozens of meters away from Aries. He smiled and said, "It's not the Golden Sun. It's just a casual move." "Lying is not a good habit." Aries didn't believe it.

Wuming slowly opened his hands and said with a smile: "It's really just an ordinary attack. Now I have smelted everything in me to build the body of a great god. For some special reasons, my light attribute attack is just ordinary." His attack also has power far beyond that of an ordinary great god."

In the past, the Wuming Sea was in an extremely illusory space, but now the Wuming Sea is in Wuming's body, and Menghe has completely turned into a mysterious rule, just like the incredible rules in the secret art of rules. There is no such thing as of virtual and substantial bodies.

For other practitioners, the source of power in the body may be the Dantian or the sea of ​​consciousness.

The source of Wuming's power is the nameless sea in his body, which is like a small universe. He can squeeze the power of the nameless sea with all his strength, burn the power of his body, and burst out with power far beyond the great god.

The realm of the great god is actually a process of summarizing and unifying all the power and building a divine body.

Any practitioner who wants to break through level 250 has such a process, but everyone's way of summarizing and unifying power is different. Wuming is more strange because of the special nature of the nameless sea.

Originally, he could continue to maintain the form of the sea, but he felt that he was a human being and had the opportunity to enter the realm of the great god in human form, so why not?

So in the end, he used the nameless sea as his dantian, incorporated the endless light element energy into the sea of ​​consciousness, filled his body with countless abilities, and finally used the original force as his skin.

After the construction of the great god's body was completed, countless abilities were melted into one furnace, and finally his exclusive great god power was born.

"What an enviable talent!" Aries saw that Wuming did not seem to be bragging, and couldn't help but sighed.

A casual strike is equivalent to the power that a great god-level strongman can exert by using his ability amplification. Aries Palace can hardly imagine how strong Wuming's foundation is.

He even thought of a possibility that Wuming might soon surpass him, or even catch up with Gao Shanggong!

Wuming said helplessly: "Unfortunately, maybe it's because my foundation is too strong. The moment my great god body is completed, the conditions for using the great god power generated are a bit harsh."

"Harsh conditions mean great potential. If you continue to be humble, it will be arrogance." Aries Palace said in a somewhat unfriendly tone.

The next moment, an indescribable breath burst out from his body, and he pointed his hand at Wuming, and in a blink of an eye, Wuming turned into a little lamb.

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