I Contracted Myself

【608】No name

Every practitioner who enters the realm of the Great God will naturally master the special ability called the Great God Power.

This is a unique ability of the practitioner, and can also be regarded as the crystallization of all the past strength, ability, thinking, and roots of the practitioner.

The Great God Power born by different practitioners is also different.

Although it can be collectively referred to as the Great God Power, it can actually be further subdivided according to the type of practice.

For example, the Great God Power born by the immortal cultivator is called "Great Immortal Art", but it is generally referred to as "Great Immortal Art".

For example, the Great God Power born by the magician is called "Great God Magic", and the abbreviation is "Great Magic".

The Great God Power of Aries is a kind of astrology, so it can be called Great Astrology.

His Great Astrology is called "Sheep Herd Effect", and the effect is to turn everything into sheep.

This sounds like it is no different from the sheep transformation technique, but the actual effect is even more terrifying. His flock of sheep completely distorts the target's body, soul, and even will.

Moreover, after the target becomes a sheep, it cannot move like a real sheep. The thought of "I am a sheep" will constantly appear in the mind, and this thought has completely occupied all the thoughts of the victim, so that the victim has no possibility of self-rescue.

Of course, the great god power of Aries Palace is not without flaws. When fighting with enemies in the outside world, he cannot repeatedly launch the flock of sheep against the same target in a short period of time, and there is only a 50% chance of success.

However, there is a way to make up for this defect, that is, to pull the enemy into the Aries Star Dome for battle.

In the Aries Star Dome, his great god power increases from 50% success rate to 100%. Unless the opponent has special equipment made by the transcendent, such as the reward of the Shenzang Trial, and happens to be immune to the ability of transformation, otherwise even if the level is higher than him, he still can't stop his great god power from invading.

Wuming doesn't know what the great god power of Aries Palace is, so entering the Aries Star Dome to fight with Aries Palace is actually half lost.

Under normal circumstances, when fighting with a strong man of the same level, you must not fall into the opponent's territory. Because Wuming and Aries were sparring, Wuming did not use other abilities to escape from the Aries Star Dome.

At this time, Wuming felt as if there was an extra consciousness in his mind, and this consciousness kept sending him the thought of "I am a sheep".

However, this consciousness could not occupy his consciousness. After all, in the Great Wilderness Special Zone, his consciousness could not be controlled at all. The reason why he was turned into a sheep by Aries was entirely because he did not refuse.

But he could easily compare that if this move was outside the Great Wilderness Special Zone, he would probably really become a sheep, and there would be no room for resistance.

"How is my great god power?" Aries knew very well that his great star technique could not control Wuming, and asked with a smile.

In fact, the power of the great god is one of the biggest secrets for every practitioner. Generally speaking, it will only be exposed when life and death are divided. Once used, it means killing.

Aries took the initiative to expose his great god power, which is a great trust in Wuming.

"Very strong. If it was outside the special zone, I'm afraid I would really become a lamb to be slaughtered." Wuming blinked his eyes, instantly turned from a sheep back to a human, and replied with a smile.

Aries smiled bitterly: "That being said, who would fight in the enemy's territory in a real life-and-death fight?"

"Then are you going to try my great ability next?" Wuming asked with a smile.

Most of his abilities are superpowers, so his great god power belongs to the great god ability, which can be simply referred to as great ability.

Aries was a little curious and asked: "Aren't the conditions for use a bit harsh? Can it be used now?"

The conditions for using his great star technique are very simple, but the difficulty of development is very high. So far, he has been constantly refining his abilities, but it has only slightly increased the success rate. In a real battle, it may not be as convenient as directly slapping the enemy to death.

Only when Wuming stays in his territory honestly can he easily control Wuming with the great star technique.

Generally speaking, the more complex the conditions for using the great god power, the stronger the foundation of the practitioner, and the more comprehensive the effect of the great god power.

For example, he knew a practitioner who was at the level of a great god. His power was called the Nine-Turn Reincarnation Technique.

The conditions for using this great magic were very harsh, because the practitioner would die on the spot after activating the ability, and then he would have to reincarnate nine times to find his true self and instantly restore his strength to the peak.

Every time he reincarnates nine times, a reincarnation seal will be born in his body, and each reincarnation seal can increase his attack, defense, and other aspects by nine times.

If he continues to reincarnate, even if his level does not increase, his strength will become stronger and stronger, and it will be no problem to kill enemies above his level.

However, according to the Aries Palace, these practitioners seemed to be emotionally hurt when using the third Nine-Turn Reincarnation Technique. As a result, they were unwilling to use their great god power again, and they also lived in seclusion, sighing every day: "Since ancient times, love has been empty and regretful..."

"My great ability is called 'No Name'. It is very troublesome to explain. Why don't you experience it, Mr. Aries?" Wuming said with a smile.

Aries nodded and agreed: "Please!"

He was not worried that Wuming would kill him. After all, Wuming was in the Great Wilderness Special Zone. It would not be that difficult to kill him. He could turn him into ashes with just a thought.

Moreover, he was indeed very curious about the effect of Wuming's great god power.

The next moment, a very condensed light appeared on Wuming's finger. This light was no longer an illusory light particle, but more like a thin piece of light.

Wuming pointed at Aries, and the light immediately hit Aries. Aries frowned, then looked down at the palm of his right hand.

There was a golden "Sheep" character on his palm. He looked at Wuming and asked, "What effect does it have?"

"I don't know." Wuming replied.

A question mark suddenly appeared in Aries' head. Wuming himself didn't understand the effect of his great god power?

This is impossible, absolutely impossible.

He frowned and looked at the sheep character on his palm, trying to analyze it with his own power.

But soon he found that he could not observe the "Sheep" character on his palm by any means other than the naked eye. If he closed his eyes, he would even have a feeling that Wuming did not exist.

"Mr. Wuming, what is going on?" Aries sighed and asked solemnly.

If it was just a competition, he would be willing to give the nameless great god's power a try, but if this power followed him like a shadow after the competition, he would not be willing to do that.

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