I Contracted Myself

【609】The effect of great power

Wuming explained: "My greatest ability is an auxiliary ability. It can manifest the most original text of the target. Only I can see this word, not even me.

But if you are willing to tell me what your original text is, I can make modifications to your original text, so that your abilities will change differently. "

"That's it?" Aries breathed a sigh of relief and then confirmed.

Wuming smiled and said: "Of course there are other ways to use Wuming, but I can guarantee that it will be absolutely harmless to Mr. Aries."


Aries Gong glanced at the word "sheep" on his palm, remained silent for a moment, and said, "Okay, I believe Mr. Anonymous, this is my original text."

As he spoke, he showed Wuming the word 'sheep' on his palm.

This was a wonderful feeling. When he opened his hand to Wuming, he realized that Wuming could see his words.

"Sure enough, it's the character for sheep. I've actually guessed it." Wuming said with a smile.

In fact, no name has another effect, which is to guess the text.

For example, if he puts an unknown name into the target's body, and the other party is unwilling to show the original text, he can still guess what the target's original text is.

If he guesses correctly, then the other party's original text will be revealed in front of him. Once he decides to take away the other party's original text, the other party will die suddenly and all the power will belong to him.

The method of guessing words is very simple, that is, copy the target's original text, and then insert the word into the other party's body. If it is the same as the other party's original text, the other party's original text will automatically appear.

If you guess wrong, the opponent's original character will absorb the wrong character, further strengthening your own origin, which will actually enhance the target's strength.

"I think so. After all, my original text is so easy to guess." Aries said with a bitter smile.

"Mr. Aries, come on!"

Wuming waved his hand at this moment, and three golden lights instantly flew towards Aries. Aries quickly dodged, but no matter how he dodged, the three golden lights followed him like a shadow.

After he realized that these three golden lights were inevitable, he immediately slapped the golden light with his palm, but the golden light disappeared into his palm.

"Huh!?" Aries Gong was stunned for a moment, and then looked at his palm. The original word "sheep" became the word "foreign".

He found that his power seemed to have an extra attribute, changing from the power of pure star magic to the power of star magic mixed with water elements. He gently separated a force, and sure enough, the star power that was supposed to be pure white light had become The power of blue.

"Is this the power to modify the origin?" Aries looked at Wuming and asked.

Wuming nodded and said: "Yes, but it is not a permanent change. The cost of permanent change is too high."

"I see, but Mr. Nameless's ability should be more than that. After all, you said that the conditions for using your great ability are very harsh, but now this is not so harsh." Aries said with a slight smile.

Wuming shrugged and did not directly answer Aries' question.

However, Wuming does have many effects, but those effects can only be used after occupying other people's original text. Without any grievances, Wuming will definitely not easily seize other people's original text, so many abilities cannot be used.

For example, if he occupies a suitable source text, he can also integrate it into his own abilities or props, thereby enhancing one of his abilities or a certain prop.

What he is showing to Aries now can be said to be the most superficial ability of 'No Name'.

"Do you want to continue sparring?"

Wuming asked with a smile after explaining his abilities.


Aries smiled faintly, and then clapped his hands again the next moment.

It was supposed to be a traceless palm, but at this moment, it underwent earth-shaking changes. With the palm of Aries, a huge wave suddenly appeared out of thin air in front of it.

This is not real sea water, but an artistic conception of the ocean.

Wuming immediately stepped back, but was still hit by the waves of the wave, and his whole body was instantly thrown away.

"Mr. Anonymous should be a Chinese from the earth, right? So his ability is biased towards Chinese. The transformation of sheep characters into foreign characters has made me a lot stronger." Aries Palace said with a smile.

As a senior scholar of the Scholar Foundation, Aries has mastered countless characters in the universe, so he can recognize at a glance that the text on his palm is Chinese and understands the meaning of the word 'sheep'.

But in fact, there are many "illiterates" in all the worlds. Apart from the characters of their own world and the common characters, they do not know the characters of other worlds.

If you fall for the Wuming trick, you may not even know what your original text is.

If you don't know what the word is, and you show it to Wuming, and ask Wuming what it is, then there will be a good show.

"Actually, it can still be like this!" Wuming was floating in the middle of the broken planet. He stopped after smashing the planet. At this time, he flicked his fingers, and several rays of light immediately flew to the Aries Palace.

Aries didn't know what Wuming would modify his original text into, so he naturally avoided it, but no matter how he dodged or attacked, the golden light couldn't be erased, and it finally landed in his palm.

At this moment, he also realized that this golden light could not be avoided using conventional methods. It was probably only possible to block it with props made by the transcendent. This was similar to his flock of big star magic, which required targeted props. Or the power of a great god with the same level and the ability to restrain or resist can block it.

At this time, he turned over his palm and saw that the original word had changed from "外" to "亚".

He immediately felt an unbearable itch coming out from the depths of his soul. He wanted to scratch it, but he didn't know where to scratch.

This feeling is probably like your back is itchy, but you can't reach the itchy place with both hands, and the whole person is uncomfortable.

At first, this feeling was not strong, but as time went on, the itching feeling became stronger and stronger, even Aries began to feel uncomfortable.

"I give up, I give up, quickly use your ability." Aries shouted with a constipated face.

Wuming smiled and a golden light popped out, and in an instant, the Wuming in the palm of Aries turned back to the word "sheep", and then slowly disappeared.

"Mr. Wuming, your great god power is too disgusting." Aries felt the itchy feeling disappear, and the whole person was relieved, and then said with mixed feelings.

Wuming smiled and said, "If Mr. Aries is unwilling to reveal his original text, it would be difficult for me to target Mr. Aries."


Aries always felt that Wuming had something to say.

He didn't know that Wuming could guess the text, but he guessed that Wuming must have other means to confirm the other party's original text.

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