I Contracted Myself

【610】Getting excited

Next, both of them felt a little unsatisfied.

Wuming and Aries looked at each other and smiled, "Will you not use the power of the gods next?"

"Okay!" Aries nodded in agreement immediately.

In fact, the competition of the power of the gods can only be said to be half and half. Wuming was also hit by his flock of sheep, and he was also hit by Wuming's Wuming. The two are equally matched, but Wuming's power of the gods is indeed more potential, and he is convinced of this.

But if you don't use the power of the gods next, you have to compete well.

The two were eager to fight, Wuming's eyes habitually shot out two lasers, and Aries also habitually started with the traceless palm.

In fact, the traceless palm is not really traceless, but the starlight is scattered without leaving any trace, and then scattered towards the target in an arc, and finally condensed in front of the target.

When you notice the attack, it is often too late to dodge.

"Golden sheepskin!"

A golden sheepskin curtain suddenly appeared in front of the Aries Palace, blocking Wuming's laser. Wuming sensed the attack of the traceless palm and immediately closed his eyes. The traceless palm sank into his body and turned into nothingness.

When Wuming opened his eyes again, an illusory Aries fell from the sky, and its sharp horns stabbed him.

This was the Aries collision of the Aries Palace.

Although the Aries was only a phantom, the attack was real. Wuming blocked in front with both hands, and a lot of messy powers such as the Golden Crow Armor, the Flame Coat, the Metal Coating, etc. were all perfectly blessed on his body.

In the past, he would hesitate about which ability to use first, but after reaching the realm of the Great God, he could use all abilities instantly without hesitation.

It is precisely because all abilities are integrated that the power of the Great God can be born.


The next second, he collided with the Aries, and his body quickly retreated, crashing and blasting one planet after another.

He roared, and huge Titan hands and elemental hands appeared at the same time, pressing on the huge horns layer by layer, freezing the huge Aries phantom in the depths of space.

"Aries Meteor!"

However, Aries Palace was not idle. As soon as Wuming blocked the attack of the Aries phantom, Aries Palace kicked fiercely.

Aries Palace was like a meteor, penetrating the Aries phantom and instantly bombarding Wuming's abdomen, but before he touched Wuming, dense golden threads quickly wrapped around his whole body, and finally he was frozen five meters away from Wuming, his whole body was tied up by golden threads, and it was difficult to move at all.

"Golden thread binding, it's used well!" Aries Palace laughed.

Wuming smiled and said, "Mr. Aries's astrology is also very strong!"

He did not compliment Aries Palace. In order to block the collision of Aries, he used a lot of abilities, even the Titan's hand was fully fired.

You know, after learning the Titan's Hand, he has never injected such a huge amount of light element energy into the Titan's Hand with all his strength.

The power of the Titan's Hand has no upper limit. The more energy injected, the greater the power. Now Wuming is surpassing the previous limit every second. The Titan's Hand is huge and exudes an amazing aura.


The two looked at each other with mutual respect, and then said in unison.

As soon as the words were finished, countless Titan's Hands crushed Aries's horns and slammed towards Aries.

Aries smiled and said, "Mars!"

In an instant, a layer of flames burned on his body, and countless golden threads were quickly burst. He turned into a huge Mars and rotated quickly, and finally collided with the bombarding Titan's Hand.


The Titan's Hand is very strong, but the Mars of Aries is also very strong. The collision between the two can be described as the collapse of the sky and the crack of the earth. All the surrounding matter was blasted away by the huge energy wave.

The guardian planet of Aries is Mars, so Aries is actually a constellation of fire attribute.

Just now, Wuming changed the origin of Aries Palace to water attribute, which actually weakened the strength of Aries Palace. However, neither side took it seriously, so that little weakening was nothing to the strong man in the realm of the Great God.

"Hand of the God of War!"

The next second, Mars shattered, and a huge flaming arm was born out of thin air, sweeping the Titan's hands around.

At the same time, Aries Palace had an additional piece of armor burning with flames, and it was obvious that he was a little more serious.

Wuming smiled slightly, and his hand wiped in front of him, and dense golden scorching suns appeared.

"I believe what you said now, the move just now was indeed a flat attack." Aries Palace saw the golden scorching sun and immediately spoke.

Then he condensed a spear in his hand and instantly threw the spear at Wuming.


Wuming shouted in a low voice, and dense golden scorching suns instantly shot towards Aries Palace.

Then the two of them started to dodge at the same time, and no one wanted to resist the other's moves head-on.

Boom boom boom!

The golden sun chased Aries. Aries twisted his body and flew backwards. His hands kept hitting the traceless palm. The traceless palm collided with the golden sun, and an extremely violent explosion occurred. Fortunately, there was no matter in this starry sky, so the explosion only caused the space to vibrate slightly.

On the other side, Wuming was also flying backwards, and at the same time, he used the golden wire binding to weave a large net to resist the spear thrown by Aries.

This spear has the power to penetrate everything and can easily annihilate a world. Although Wuming can block it with the Eye of Ignorance, if the Eye of Ignorance is used too much, can it still be called a competition?

Therefore, he was prepared to use only conventional abilities to block this attack.

However, the spear of Aries was too fast and too strong. The golden wire binding could not block the sharpness of the spear at all. In an instant, the large nets were pierced.

Wuming saw the spear approaching, so he simply stopped and made a Tai Chi start with his hands, then suddenly put his hands together and clamped the spear.

The spear pushed forward little by little, and every movement generated a terrifying energy wave, with Wuming as the center, and the energy wave dissipated wildly.

"Wow, it was blocked!"

"Wuming can actually block the spear of the god of war of Aries!"

Outside the Aries starry sky, the people who were eating melons and watching the show were staring at both sides.

Gao Shanggong and Zhenwosuren were a little surprised that Wuming could block the spear, because no one present knew better than them how terrible the spear of Aries was.

This is the strongest astrology in the realm of the great gods, and it is also the exclusive killer move of Aries, which ranks first among the twelve zodiac signs.

Although Aries does not sound like a constellation with strong combat power, it is actually the constellation of the god of war. The nickname of Aries in those days was Aries God of War.

Don't be fooled by his good-natured appearance now. In fact, he used to have a very bad temper. He was either fighting or on the way to a fight.

Later, he found that he could no longer improve his strength by fighting alone, so he slowly restrained himself. Thousands of years later, he turned into a scholar, which surprised many people who knew him.

But as the saying goes, it is easy to change a country, but it is difficult to change one's nature.

Now Aries is a little excited, and the next battle is expected to be more intense.

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