I Contracted Myself

【614】Spider-Shaped Demon

A week later, the restoration plan for the Eternal Silence Prison Tower was officially launched.

A total of six million people participated in this operation, led by Gao Shanggong, and Zhenwosuren and Wuming were responsible for assistance.

With so many people, it was impossible for them to rush into the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. In fact, Gao Shanggong and Zhenwosuren both had an extra belt around their waists.

This belt was made of Shengsheng Stone and inlaid with three high-level space gems. Most members were in the inner space of the space gems. They would only come out to work when they were needed.

Gao Shanggong's belt carried some of the strong men and some scholars of the Scholar Foundation, while Zhenwosuren's belt was mainly responsible for transporting death row prisoners. All of these death row prisoners had signed contracts, and they would be released to perform various dangerous tasks when they were really needed.

In fact, more than five million of the six million people were death row prisoners. It can be said that there was definitely enough cannon fodder for this operation.

The three entered the second floor of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower and walked slowly forward along the passage. Zhenwosuren released two death row prisoners at the first time and ordered them to go forward and backward, one to explore the way ahead and the other to cover the rear.

There was actually not much danger in the front section of the road.

The Drowning Spring and the Xuanpin Evil God had been solved. As long as they didn't commit suicide, they would basically not die.

Wuming walked beside Gao Shanggong. Compared with the difficulties on the first floor, he felt much better this time. The skin made of the Perfect Shield perfectly blocked all the pollution that attempted to invade him, and every time he blinked, the effect of the Ignoring Eye would be triggered, and the last bit of pollution would be cleared away.

He held the white gun in his hand and asked as he walked, "Will there be no live broadcast of this operation?"

"It will be broadcast when necessary. Aries Palace and the others will wait for news from us." Gao Shanggong replied.

Wuming nodded and fired a shot in the corner, instantly covering a strange spider.


Gao Shanggong looked and immediately stepped forward to observe.

He was a scholar himself, and he was very curious, so when the Scholars Foundation decided to let him lead the team, he reluctantly agreed.

If he really didn't want to take risks, the Scholars Foundation would have no way to force him to agree.

"Uncle Gao, is there anything wrong with this spider?" Wuming saw Gao Shanggong squatting on the ground and asked.

Gao Shanggong said seriously: "Did you see many spiders on the first floor?"

"Very few, only some small things that look like spiders, but they shouldn't be real spiders." Wuming thought about it and then gave the answer.

He did notice some spider-like monsters on the first floor.

They are very small and move very quickly. If you don't look carefully when they move, you will really mistake them for spiders.

But if you look closely, you will find that it is actually a piece of scalp, because the hair on the scalp is still there, and those hairs are rolled up together, like legs, so a small piece of scalp has legs made of hair, and when it moves at high speed, it gives people the illusion of a spider.

"This is a real spider!" Gao Shanggong said.

Wuming didn't react just now, and now after Gao Shanggong reminded him, he immediately realized that something was wrong.

He squatted down and looked at the spider that was frozen by the essence of the life stone, and found that this spider did look like a spider.


This is nonsense.

But the place where the spider appeared in front of him was wrong!

The real self also came forward and frowned: "It's just a spider. It may be the offspring of a prisoner. Is it necessary to make such a fuss?"

Just like the Xuanpin evil god has a large number of evil beetles, maybe there is a prisoner on the second floor who can breed a large number of spiders?

Wuming thought about it and felt that it made sense. Just as he was about to agree with the real self, Gao Shanggong said: "No, how should I say this spider? It doesn't feel like... a creature that should appear here."

"Uncle Gao, what do you think is wrong?" Wuming asked immediately.

The intuition of the strong is a very wonderful power. The more powerful the existence, the more it believes in its intuition.

Although Gao Shanggong couldn't say where the problem was, since Gao Shanggong noticed that there was a problem, it was probably true, but no one had noticed the problem yet.

"Why don't we put the spider away first and study it while we walk?" True Self Amateur suggested.

Gao Shanggong nodded and used the miniature Titan's Hand to pick up the spider. He stared at the spider in his hand as he walked, but he was still confused.

"What do you think?" Wuming walked while communicating with Lin Renmei and others in his body.

Lin Renmei said calmly: "I can't see anything."

"Indeed, there are too few clues. Let's take a look. If we find similar spiders, maybe we can get more information." Zhang Shouzhong suggested.

Wuming nodded and began to scan the surroundings, especially the various corners and the top of the passage.

The top of the passage they were passing through was somewhat polluted, and some dirt was hanging like stalactites. If it weren't for the neat walls on both sides, they would even feel like they were walking in a cave.

The crowd walked forward for thirty minutes and slowed down after passing the cell of Xuanpin Evil God.

However, they did not find the second spider along the way, and everyone gradually shifted their attention to the next cell.

"Mr. Tianxing, do you know who will be in the next cell?" Wuming took out the Shengsheng Stone that Tianxing Mingyue was parasitic on and asked in a low voice.

Tian Xing Ming Yue replied: "Xuan Pin Evil God is a tree, and the cell behind the tree is... ah, I remember, it's a square of water."

"That should be the Drowning Spring." Gao Shang Gong smiled.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the Drowning Spring had been solved by Wu Ming, which means that there might be no danger on the road ahead.

"There is a question. Since the Drowning Spring is in the cell behind Xuan Pin Evil God, why does it appear on the road in front of Xuan Pin Evil God?" Zhenwo Su Ren said.

Wu Ming and Gao Shang Gong both heard the subtext of Zhenwo Su Ren. Will the Drowning Spring be driven out of the cell by a more terrifying monster and finally have to hide in the passage in front of Xuan Pin Evil God?


Suddenly, the prisoner walking in front of them screamed.

Then the prisoner jumped on one foot and held the other foot with both hands. His sole was gone, and it seemed that something had bitten it off instantly.

The next second, the prisoner began to petrify rapidly from the wound on the sole of his foot, and it spread to his body.

"Break the curse!"

Gao Shanggong saw this scene and immediately made hand seals and shouted.

A curse seal instantly fell on the prisoner's body, and the prisoner's petrification speed slowed down a little bit, but then it was like a blocked torrent, and when it accumulated to a certain extent, it burst out with stronger power, and the petrification instantly spread to the prisoner's neck.

Zhenwosuren immediately cut off the prisoner's neck with a knife, and a white light ball popped out of Wuming's hand, and the light ball fell on the prisoner's head, and the prisoner's body was immediately and quickly repaired.

After treating the prisoner, Wuming and Zhenwosuren looked towards Gao Shanggong.

Gao Shanggong had already used the Titan's hand to bombard the front frantically, and there were many equally dark dots on the dark ground that were wriggling rapidly.

If they were still, they would be completely integrated with the ground, but now they moved one after another, giving people goose bumps.

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