I Contracted Myself

【615】Strange Death

The Titan's Fists are great for performing some of the two-hand tasks in the Tower of Everlasting Silence.

Under the violent bombardment of the Titan's fist, the densely packed small black dots were smashed, but these small black dots seemed to be immortal. After being flattened, they immediately became full and started to squirm again.

Just look carefully and you will find that these little black dots are actually spiders, but they are very, very small.

"Why are there so many spiders?" Zhenwo Amateur also simply used Titan's Fist.

Wuming was not surprised that Gao Shanggong and Zhenme Suren knew the Titan Fist. After all, the two of them were going to the Everlasting Prison Tower to perform tasks. How could they not master skills that could replace their hands?

However, there is a difference between the two in using the Titan Fist. Gao Shanggong uses it easily and his control is extremely perfect. He can basically be on par with Wuming. The real person's use of the Titan Hand is much rougher, and his attacks are not as smooth. Flexible, in the eyes of Wuming, an expert, his Titan Hand is full of loopholes, and there is still a lot of room for improvement.

"No, I remembered. This is the ability of the spider demon. Don't get bitten, and... be careful of the death row prisoner next to you!" Tianxing Mingyue reminded at this time.

Wuming immediately looked at the death row prisoner on the side. The death row prisoner had his head cut off and his body grew again. He was standing naked on the side, but his eyes rolled up from time to time, something was obviously wrong.

"Be careful, these spiders are Arachnids!" Wuming reminded.

The next moment, he flicked his fingers, and a golden sun flew out instantly. It expanded violently when it approached the spider on the ground, turning into a huge fireball that could block the entire passage and swept forward.

"If you can't kill the spider demon, use vitality bombs!" Gao Shangong said.

He took out several vitality bombs and threw them forward. The spider demon that had just been crushed by the fireball was turned into plaster in the white light in the next second.

True Self and Wuming also took out life bombs and threw them further away. After the life bombs exploded, the surroundings were finally clear.


Seeing that the threat was lifted, Wuming turned his attention to the death row prisoner and warned Gao Shanggong and Zhenwo Suren at the same time.

The two heard the nameless warning, and then looked at the death row prisoner. The death row prisoner's eyes rolled up from time to time, but he didn't seem to feel it. He even said in panic: "Is there... is there any problem?"

"Don't be nervous yet, we're not sure yet." Wuming replied.

Then a beam of light appeared on his finger, and the light fell on the death row prisoner. He frowned and said: "The body has been completely healed, there is no problem."

"Where's the soul?" Gao Shanggong asked.

Anyone who is not blind can tell that something is wrong with this death row prisoner. Since there is no problem at the physical level, the problem must be at the soul level.

"Cackle, cluck..."

At this time, the death row prisoner's eyes rolled up even more violently, while his upper and lower teeth continued to collide.

Without waiting for Wuming to check his soul, his abdomen expanded rapidly, and everyone present realized the danger. In an instant, the other death row prisoner who was in charge of the rear turned around and ran away, while Zhenwo and Gao Shangong quickly formed a shield. , holding up a huge energy shield.

Wuming didn't do anything extra. He just took out a vitality bomb and threw it at the death row prisoner.


The life bomb exploded simultaneously with the death row prisoner's abdomen.

The spiders that exploded from the abdomen of the death row prisoner were like fried chicken passing through a layer of batter before falling into the frying pan, and everything was quickly frozen in the end.

With a flash of white light, Wuming and others saw a very artistic scene.

The death row prisoner kept his body in a backward posture, and his abdomen was turned outwards. Countless spiders exploded out of his abdomen. Because they were covered with the raw stone essence of the vitality bomb, they looked like white fireworks that would bloom forever.

"Didn't you say that there is nothing wrong with his health?" Zhenwo Suren looked at Wuming and asked.

Wuming nodded and said: "I can guarantee that there is absolutely nothing abnormal about his body. As for these spiders... I don't know where they came from."

"Uncle Gao, what is the spider demon?" Wuming then looked at Gao Shang Palace and asked.

Gao Shanggong rubbed his eyebrows and said: "The Arachnoid is a monster born in the eternal silence space. It looks like a spider, but it is actually a monster composed of a large number of various emotions, corpses, and filth. It has extremely It is highly polluting, and any creature attacked by it will be transformed into a spider demon."

"In other words, we are likely to face the real spider demon next?" Zhenme Suren said seriously.

How terrifying are the monsters in the Eternal Silence Space? He has checked a lot of information. This kind of unkillable monster is extremely difficult and dangerous. In theory, it is impossible to appear on the second level.

"What about the death row prisoner?" Wuming noticed at this moment that the death row prisoner behind him was missing.

Just when the death row prisoner was about to explode, the death row prisoner behind him ran very fast, and now he doesn't know where he went.

"I'll contact him." I said.

In addition to assisting Gao Shang Palace, his most important task during this trip was to manage the prisoners on death row.

But after a while, he found that he could not contact the death row prisoner. He immediately took out the death row prisoner's life lamp and found that the death row prisoner's life lamp had been extinguished.

"The person is dead." He looked at the two of them and said with some surprise.

The main reason is that the death row inmates at the back are running backwards. That's the way they came. What dangers are there?

The three of them were silent for a moment. Wuming and Zhenwo Suren looked at Gao Shanggong, waiting for Gao Shanggong to make a decision.

"Go back and take a look. We can't let anyone die in vain." Gao Shanggong decided after thinking about it for a while.

True Self Amateur released two more death row prisoners. This time, both were ratmen, one of them was a gray ratman, and the other was a cow ratman.

The size difference between the two was actually very small, the only difference was the color of their fur.

The gray ratman's fur was gray, while the cow ratman's fur was similar to that of a cow, with black and white patches.

After they came out, they both showed fear, because they had just watched the whole process, and the Eternal Silence Prison Tower was really too dangerous.

"You decide who goes in front and who goes in the back, we will try our best to ensure your safety." True Self Amateur said lightly.

In this regard, the two death row prisoners were impeccable. The death row prisoner who was exploring the way ahead had an accident, and Wuming and his team had indeed tried their best to rescue and treat him. The death of the death row prisoner really could not be blamed on Wuming and his team.

The two death row prisoners discussed it, and finally the gray ratman walked in front, and the cow ratman followed behind.

Next, everyone started to walk back.

Because the death row prisoner who was behind died inexplicably before, even if they were walking back, everyone was still very careful.

"Uncle Gao, let's use my old method later. Although it will cause huge waste, at least there is no worry." Wuming suggested as he walked.

Zhenwosuren wanted to agree with Wuming's opinion, but Gao Shanggong was the captain, so he looked at Gao Shanggong expectantly.

The so-called old method is actually to use the essence of Shengsheng Stone to open the way. The bullets will hit wherever you go, and all the roads you have walked will be covered with the essence of Shengsheng Stone.

This trick has many advantages, such as safety, convenience, and speed, but there is only one disadvantage, that is, it is expensive!

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