I Contracted Myself

【616】Strange Frog Mouth

Gao Shanggong said helplessly as he walked: "Although I also want to use your method, Wuming, I'm afraid it will be difficult. Some people would rather sacrifice their lives than give more resources. Our resources are very limited this time."

At the beginning, the reason why countless forces in the world strongly supported Wuming was because Wuming was their only hope.

At that time, only Wuming could repair the entire Yongji Prison Tower. Once Wuming got into trouble, it meant that the Yongji Prison Tower was finished.

In this case, they could only try their best to arm Wuming to the teeth and support Wuming with all their strength.

But now the situation has changed.

Because of the existence of the Great Wilderness Special Zone, other people can also enter the Yongji Prison Tower through the Great Wilderness Special Zone. If one person fails to repair, they can send a second one, so the support of various forces is not as strong as before to support Wuming.

Now Wuming is no longer their only hope, and Gao Shanggong's team is not the only choice.

"Why can't we concentrate resources and strive to pass it once?" Wuming said with some regret after learning the details.

True Self Amateur sneered, "If they were not worried that the monsters would endanger their property and layout in various worlds after the Eternal Silence Prison Tower lost its function, they actually didn't want to spend a penny."

"What about the Scholars Foundation?" Wuming asked.

True Self Amateur explained, "The Scholars Foundation's funds are not endless. Scholars need funds to carry out experiments. Some large projects in cooperation with other forces cannot break the capital chain. In addition to other messy expenses, the support for us now is already the greatest strength."

"Okay." Wuming sighed.

He had no way to deal with this kind of thing. He couldn't just rob it.

Although he still had enough bullets, the problem was that no one knew what would happen next, and he didn't dare to guarantee that his bullets would be enough and that he would be able to make it to the ninth floor.


As everyone walked, Gao Shanggong suddenly stopped.

Wuming and Zhenwosuren immediately looked at Gao Shanggong. Gao Shanggong frowned, feeling something was wrong. He looked at the two and asked, "Did you feel anything?"

"No." Wuming and Zhenwosuren said in unison.

Gao Shanggong looked at the gray rat man in front, then at the cow rat man behind, and said in a deep voice, "Don't move. We should be targeted by something."



Wuming and Zhenwosuren were moved, and then observed the surroundings.

They are now at the corner of the passage, one side leads to the cell of Xuanpin Evil God, and the other side leads to the cell of Nishiquan.

"Where is it?" Zhenwosuren looked around and didn't find the enemy, so he asked in a low voice.

Wuming also frowned and looked around, and he also didn't find the enemy.

"I don't know, but there is definitely something watching us." Gao Shanggong said helplessly.

The most disgusting thing about the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is that you can't use abilities like mental power and divine consciousness. Otherwise, if the mental power is spread out everywhere, you can always find some clues.

Now they can only rely on their naked eyes to observe the surrounding situation. If they can't find it with their naked eyes, they will be helpless.

Of course, even if it's just the naked eyes, their naked eyes are not ordinary naked eyes. Don't confuse their naked eyes with those of ordinary people.

"003, you move around and pay attention to safety." The real amateur observed for a while and didn't find anything, so he looked at the gray rat man and gave an order.

The gray rat man swallowed his saliva, but still walked around as ordered.

He was very careful and ready to use his abilities to avoid unknown dangers at any time. At the same time, he also tried to observe the surroundings and find the source of danger.

The danger that made Gao Shanggong, Wuming and others so cautious must be fatal to him.

"The danger is getting closer and closer, pay attention!" Gao Shanggong reminded the gray rat man at this time.

The Gray Rat Man took a deep breath, and he regretted that he had followed the Black Rat Boss to commit all kinds of evil. How happy he was to kill people back then, how painful it felt now.

His sixth sense was also frantically reminding him to stop, but where the danger came from was still a mystery.


Suddenly, a strange sound rang out.

When the Gray Rat Man reacted, he was already in the mouth of a monster. The next second, huge pressure came from all directions. He immediately bulged his muscles with both hands and roared to resist, but the force was too strong.

In the blink of an eye, the Gray Rat Man was pressed into a meat paste and then swallowed by this weird mouth.

From the perspective of Wuming and the others, a mouth suddenly appeared on the top of the Gray Rat Man's head. This mouth ejected a tongue at a very fast speed. After the tongue stuck to the Gray Rat Man, it retracted back into the mouth, and the Gray Rat Man was eaten in the blink of an eye.

"Frog?" Zhenwo Su Ren asked uncertainly.

Wuming said, "It could also be a lizard like a chameleon."

Because the mouth was so strange, there was only the outline of the mouth, as if the invisible space opened its mouth. If it wasn't for the tongue that was ejected, they might not even have a direction to guess.

What's more terrible is that the mouth ate the gray rat man, and the mouth closed together and disappeared.

Wuming thought about it, raised his hand and fired continuously at the position where the mouth just appeared, and at the same time fired continuously at the position where the mouth might move.

After a round of shooting, Wuming lowered his hand and said, "It's really completely gone."

"Can you avoid the attack of that mouth?" Gao Shanggong asked at this time.

Wuming nodded and said: "It should be okay, I can keep up with its speed."

"It's a bit difficult, but I have suitable props on me to ensure that I don't get eaten." said the real person.

Gao Shanggong, Wuming, and Zhenme laymen all looked at Cow Rat Man. At this time, Cow Rat Man's legs were trembling, and his face was full of fear. He trembled and said: "I...I can't hide, please You, let me go back."

He was about five meters away from the real person. The real person had a headache and said, "You must be within three meters of me before I can send you into the gem. This risk can only be borne by you."

"It's only two meters, I can give it a try!" the Cow Rat Man said excitedly.

He didn't want to die, and the way the gray rat man died was too weird. At the same time, that mouth also aroused his instinctive fear, as if that mouth was his natural enemy.

To be honest, even he himself didn't know that he had such a strange and terrifying natural enemy.

He took a deep breath, and at the next moment he exerted force on his feet, bouncing on the ground as fast as he could toward the True Self. Two meters was too short for practitioners like them.

But with this movement, a strange frog's mouth opened from the ground in an instant.

The Cow Rat Man's eyes suddenly opened wider and wider, and his sixth sense, intuition, and sense of crisis all sounded the alarm.


A soft sound.

The cow-rat man was pulled into the frog's mouth by his tongue, and the frog's mouth closed and disappeared instantly.

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