I Contracted Myself

【617】Guess the word

too fast.

When the nameless three people reacted, the Cow Rat Man was already gone.

Logically speaking, this distance is no different to them than being at hand, but they just can't react and can only watch the cow-rat man being devoured in an instant.

"It should be a force of cause and effect. When it opens its mouth, it will surely swallow the prey into its belly. No thing or life can stop this cause and effect from happening." Gao Shangong said thoughtfully.

With his strength, it was almost impossible not to react. He was actually ready to take action just now, but when he opened his mouth, he seemed to be a step too late. When he wanted to take action, it was too late.

The nameless palm condensed light, forming a light curtain in a blink of an eye. The light screen played the scene of a cow and rat man being eaten by a frog mouth at an extremely slow speed.

He said: "I saw it clearly this time. The shape of its mouth looks like a bullfrog, and its tongue is also relatively short, which is also in line with the characteristics of a bullfrog. In addition, its hunting rules should be from weak to strong. Squirrel Humans are the weakest among us, so they bear the brunt of being eaten, followed by the cow-rat people, if I guess correctly..."

As he spoke, he looked at Zhenme Suren.

The third weakest person present is the real person. If his guess is not wrong, then Frog Mouth will target the real person next.

The real person was not sure whether it was due to psychological factors or because he was actually aware of the danger. After Wuming said this, he felt as if a pair of eyes were staring at him.

The vague gaze made him feel like a light on his back.

He swallowed his saliva and said, "I feel like... it seems to be targeting me."

"Release a few more death row prisoners." Wuming observed the surroundings and said at the same time.

Zhenwo Suren was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Wuming with surprised eyes. Even if Gao Shangong said this, he would not be surprised, but Wuming said this...

"I'm not a pedantic person. Since the prisoners on death row are called death row prisoners, they must have committed unforgivable crimes. Each and every one of them deserves to die. Now your life is more important than the lives of the prisoners on death row. Isn't it clear at a glance what to choose?" Wuming felt really real. With my amateur eyes, I said calmly.

He had previously forced Pangolin and the others to be cannon fodder, and he had actually made his point of view very clear.

If he can survive, he will give any life a chance to survive, but if there is no other way, he will weigh the weight of two lives and give up the lighter one.

Rescue is not a treat. You must be ruthless when you should be ruthless. Otherwise, you will only be beaten and no one will survive.

After listening to what Wuming said, Zhenwo Mingren somewhat understood Wuming's point of view. He immediately released the two death row prisoners. However, as soon as the two death row prisoners came out, they immediately turned around and ran away, for fear of being targeted by Frog Mouth.

They were actually betting that Frog Mouth was still staring at the True Self, and that they still had a chance to escape.

At this time, two golden lights appeared in Wuming's hand, and he threw the golden light out at the same time.

The next second he threw out the golden light, a death row prisoner was instantly swallowed by the frog's mouth. At the same time, the golden light hit the frog's mouth just right, and the frog's mouth disappeared immediately.

"Don't move. It kills the moving targets first, then the weak targets." Gao Shangong shouted.

The other death row prisoner hadn't run far yet when he heard Gao Shanggong's words, his movements suddenly froze, and then a frog's mouth appeared and swallowed him too.


The three of them fell into silence.

After a moment, Gao Shanggong said: "As long as you don't move, you can delay its attack. Please don't move."

Wuming also finished communicating with Tian Xing Mingyue at this time. Unfortunately, Tian Xing Mingyue didn't know what Frog Mouth was, and wasn't even sure whether Frog Mouth was a prisoner.

"If it has an origin, what do you think the origin should be?" Wuming looked at Gao Shangong and Zhenwo Suren and asked.

Gao Shangong and Zhenwo Suren were both slightly startled, and then they thought of the ability that Wuming used in Aries Palace.

"Swallowing words?" Gao Shanggong guessed.

The real person also guessed: "Could it be the character for frog?"

"We only have one chance. If we can guess its original text, we can kill it once and for all!" Wuming said seriously when he saw the two people giving the answer without thinking.

Gao Shanggong said helplessly: "But even so, it is difficult for us to guess what its original text is."

"That's right, even if we say a word casually, the probability is actually about the same as the answer we can get if we think carefully." The real person nodded.

At this time, he felt like he was being targeted again, so he simply released the two death row prisoners. The two death row prisoners were very smart and immediately stayed where they were.

"Then let's take a bet. Do you think it's the word swallow or the word frog?" Wuming glanced at the death row prisoner and then said.

True Self and Gao Shanggong thought for a while and said in unison: "Swallow!"

"Wait, I think it's a frog." One of the death row prisoners said.

The death row prisoner was only 1.4 meters tall. His head looked a bit like a bull terrier, but he also looked a bit like Sun Honglei. His body was shaking violently, and his heart was beating very fast, as if he was entering a stress response.

"Why a frog?" Wuming looked at the bullfighter on death row and asked.

The Bull Terrier death row prisoner said tremblingly: "Because it has no body, if it is the word swallow, I think it should not maintain the shape of a frog, so it should be the word frog."

"It seems to make sense." Wuming looked at Gao Shanggong and Zhenwo Suren.

But there is only one chance. Before we figure out the origin of the frog mouth, everyone has a feeling that no matter what they guess, they may be wrong.

The main reason is that there are too many possibilities. The word frog, swallow, hunt, eat, and hide are all possible to be its original characters, but Wuming only has one chance.

"Wuming, you are lucky, why don't you choose it." Gao Shanggong suggested.

Wuming thought about it and smiled: "Then let's take a gamble. I will write down all the possible characters and then draw lots!"

"This is too casual." Zhenwosuren couldn't help but complain.

However, Wuming still took out a few pieces of paper in an instant, wrote all the possible characters on them and threw them casually, then bent down to pick up one of the papers.

He opened the paper and smiled: "It's the word frog."

"Then let's take a gamble!" Gao Shanggong also said with a smile.

He took out a puppet that was no different from a real person and immediately controlled the puppet to run and jump.

Wuming immediately wrote the word "frog" quickly, and then pointed in the direction of the puppet. In a flash, the frog's mouth appeared out of thin air, opened its mouth and swallowed the puppet. At the moment it closed its mouth, the word frog fell into its mouth.

The nameless sword that Wuming had thrown out just now had already hit Frog Mouth. Now the word "Frog" was imprinted in Frog Mouth's mouth. Instantly, a ball of golden light appeared, blending with the word "Frog" and spreading all over Frog Mouth.

From the perspective of Wuming and others, countless golden lines formed a bullfrog in the air, and a word "Frog" was emitting golden light on the bullfrog's forehead.

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