I Contracted Myself

【618】Frog Power

After guessing the word correctly, Wuming completely understood the origin of Frog Mouth.

This frog's mouth is called a 'garbage recycling bin'. It was originally a garbage disposal device in a mysterious strong man's home. Later, the mysterious strong man left, and the garbage recycling bin was circulated several times and finally fell into the evil god's cup.

When it comes out of the evil god's cup, it will undergo some incredible changes and will devour everything around it like a bullfrog.

Normally it does not move, but if something passes near it, it will suddenly pounce on the target and then devour the target in one bite.

Probably because it swallowed too many things, it gradually acquired many strange abilities. For example, the target it targeted was completely unable to escape.

This characteristic combined with its garbage disposal characteristics can almost be said to be the king of killing at first sight.

Any creature that is targeted by it will die.

But it is actually very easy to deal with. After understanding all its characteristics, you only need to prepare a rope that it cannot swallow no matter how hard it is to restrain it.

It is not a prisoner of the Everlasting Prison Tower, but has just been teleported here.

With a move of Wuming's hand, the frog character immediately absorbed all the golden lines, and then turned into golden light and flew back to Wuming's hand.

He put away the golden light and said, "There is good news and bad news."

"The good news is that Frog Mouth has been solved. Let's just tell the bad news." Gao Shanggong said with a slight smile.

Wuming said helplessly: "Well, the bad news is... this frog mouth was just teleported here by the enemy, although I don't know who the enemy is."

"Not a prisoner, nor a monster in the eternal silence space?" Zhenme Suren said with an ugly expression.

He originally guessed that Frog Mouth was probably a prisoner of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, or a monster born in the Eternal Silence Space. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be neither.

"You mean there is a mole in the Scholar Foundation?" Gao Shanggong reacted quickly and looked at Wuming and asked.

Wuming said seriously: "Otherwise, I don't believe there would be such a coincidence. As soon as we came in, a monster was teleported from the back."

The transmission of this frog mouth must have been an accident, which also means that the other party did not know how many dangerous things were transmitted to the messy place, and the whole world may suffer.

"Damn it, don't let me know who it is!" said the real person angrily.

Gao Shanggong took a deep breath and said, "Well, it's useless to be angry now. Let's repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower as soon as possible and find the Prison Code. As long as we master the Prison Code, we can prevent this situation."

"Then keep walking." Wuming said.

They came back to find the death row inmate who ran back. No need to guess now, they knew that the death row prisoner who ran back had probably died under the frog's mouth, so there was no need for them to continue walking back.

There were still two death row prisoners, one behind the other, with Wuming and others walking in the middle.

Tens of minutes later, they returned to the location where they had encountered the spider demon. The death row prisoner walking in front couldn't help but slow down and shoot fireballs to bombard the front as he walked forward.

"I don't recommend you do this, in case your attack triggers some counterattack monsters..." Gao Shangong said at this time.

The death row prisoner grinned and said, "It's better than dying without knowing anything. I don't think I can live to the end. There are risks in doing so, but isn't there any benefit?"

There are nine floors in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, and now they are still wasting their time on the second floor. The few death row inmates in front disappeared in a daze. This death row prisoner is very pessimistic and feels that he will soon follow in the footsteps of other death row prisoners.

The ring finger is faintly surrounded by golden light. If you look carefully, you will find that there is a word "frog" in this subtle golden light.

This is the first original text he has obtained. By analyzing this text, he can get a lot of information and understand how this word can be used.

The word "frog", as the name suggests, will turn all things into frogs.

If Wuming puts the frog character into a rock, the rock will turn into the shape of a frog. If he puts the frog character into other creatures, the other creatures will have the characteristics of a frog.

Of course, it could also be a bullfrog, a clown frog, a toad, etc.

However, the frog character has other uses, such as strengthening certain skills. Wuming has a super power that can make his tongue shoot out to attack the enemy.

Because this ability is too disgusting, Wuming has never used it in the past.

He can put the word "frog" into this super power, and then his tongue ejection will be greatly strengthened, and it will even have characteristics such as a sure hit at birth and super stickiness.

Unfortunately, this ability was too disgusting, so Wuming just thought about it for a moment, and then refused.

"Does your great power mean that you can kill someone if you guess correctly?" Zhenwo Suren asked at this time.

Wuming smiled and said, "It's not a good idea to inquire about other people's great power."

"When I enter the realm of the great god, I will tell you what the power of my great god is used for, and then it will be no problem." Zhenwo amateur said directly.

Wuming smiled and said: "Since you are so curious about my great power, do you dare to give it a try?"

"Why don't you dare? I don't believe you can guess what my handwriting is." I said confidently.

Wuming shook his head and said: "No, no, I didn't mean that, I meant...this way!"

As he spoke, he flicked his fingers, and a ball of golden light instantly fell into the body of the real person. The next moment, the body of the real person underwent irresistible changes.

Originally he was quite handsome, but now his face gradually changed towards the direction of a frog, and his eyes also turned into those of a frog.

"You...this..." Zhenme Suren immediately noticed his changes and said in shock.

Perhaps because he was too shocked, he only had time to send out two meaningless words, and then he felt a force in his body. He took a deep breath and found that the pollution in the air was destroyed by that force.

"Is this the power of the frog mouth?" Gao Shanggong asked.

Wuming nodded and said, "Well, but there should be some changes. The amateur should not inherit all the abilities."

"No, I seem to... I really got all the abilities perfectly!" The real amateur said with eyes wide open, surprised.

He took out a mirror and saw his ugly self in the mirror. For a moment, he didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

"Uh... Actually, it's just a joke. Don't worry, I can take out that word at any time." Wuming saw him staring at the mirror blankly, so he explained.

He didn't believe that the real amateur could inherit all the power of the frog mouth. After all, the frog mouth and the word "frog" are not the same thing at all.

The real amateur opened his mouth without explaining. He wanted his original handsome appearance and the power of the frog.

Because this power is so illegal that it can even eliminate pollution.

For a moment, he was in a state of confusion.

Before he could make a decision, the prisoner in front of him suddenly disappeared.

The three people and the prisoner with a bulldog following behind them all reacted and instantly locked onto the prisoner on the ground.

The prisoner did not really disappear, but became smaller.

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