I Contracted Myself

【619】Unknown drilling

The death row prisoner ran back in fear. After a while, he grew bigger again and appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone looked forward and realized that there was an unknown force affecting the incoming objects.

Wuming slowly stepped forward, and in an instant his body shrank to even smaller than an ant. He immediately activated his super power to get bigger, but the bigger he got, the faster his body shrunk. This feeling was very special, and in the end he still Maintaining a size of several millimeters.

He flew back, returned to his original size in a blink of an eye, and said: "I don't feel any force affecting me, it's like... a rule."

"Rules? Let me take a look." After hearing this, Gao Shanggong immediately walked forward.

He also shrank instantly, and everything around him grew crazily. He looked up at Wuming and others in the distance, and could only see blurry images at this time.

Not just smaller.

Under the influence of this force, they actually became weaker, but as they became smaller, this feeling of weakening was rationalized.

Gao Shanggong closed his eyes, and a golden vertical pupil suddenly opened in the middle of his eyebrows. The vertical pupil radiated light. Wherever the light went, all power was invisible.

"I see, it's interesting!" Gao Shanggong suddenly opened his eyes and said with a smile.

He took a step back, returned to normal, then waved his hand forward, and a golden power instantly formed a terrifying crescent-shaped shock wave.

The shock wave swept forward, and ripples gradually appeared under the attack of the crescent-shaped shock wave.

This is a kind of power that neither Wuming nor Zhenme can understand. They tried their best to observe, but neither of them saw the reason.

Finally, the crescent moon shock wave bombarded the wall at the end of the passage, and an invisible sphere was instantly shattered. Gao Shangong took a step forward, but it did not become smaller.

"Uncle Gao, what is that?" Wuming asked immediately.

Gao Shanggong replied: "I don't know, but it can manipulate rules to a certain extent. Ordinary methods are probably useless to it. I just used the secret of rules to break its rules."

The power of rules can actually be regarded as the underlying program after all things are composed. As long as any living thing exists in that space, it must abide by the lowest program.

If you break the rules of the space, you will either be killed by the backlash, or you will definitely be expelled from that space. Of course, if you are strong enough, you can ignore everything.

The invisible sphere just controlled the rules of the passage of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. The space of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is extremely solid, and Wuming and the others cannot break it, so they can only abide by its twisted rules.

This is also the reason why Wuming can't get bigger, because if he wants to get bigger, he must first ignore the rules of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

"I don't know if that's man-made, or..." Jinme Sujin frowned.

Gao Shanggong smiled and said: "This kind of thing doesn't seem to be formed naturally. Let's keep moving forward. No matter what the other party wants to do, as long as they don't want the Everlasting Silence Prison Tower to be repaired, we will continue to repair the Everlasting Silence." On the way to the Prison Tower, we will meet him sooner or later."

After hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement.

Next, Gao Shanggong opened the vertical pupils of his forehead to look around from time to time. In fact, it was very dangerous to do so. Once he saw something he shouldn't have seen, the backlash would often be extremely fatal.

But after realizing that there was an unknown enemy peeping in secret, he couldn't care less.

Although he was not sure what the sphere was, he knew very well that it was definitely a man-made product, and it must have been placed there to plot against them.

Originally, repairing the Eternal Silence Prison Tower was not an easy job, but now there are unknown enemies lurking in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower...

To be honest, he was already a little angry.

Tens of minutes later, they arrived at the next cell. Inside the cell was a strange mass of meat.

The seal of the cell has obviously been broken, but there is no sign of the piece of meat coming out. Under normal circumstances, everyone must observe it, but this time Gao Shangong directly waved his hand, and the entire cell was sealed with dense seals in an instant.

"Let's go, it can't come out!" Gao Shangong said calmly.

Wuming didn't understand the seal of Gaoshang Palace, but it could also be seen that this seal seemed to carry the power of some kind of rules and secrets. It might not be that easy for the prisoners in the cell to figure it out.

Everyone continued to move forward, and Wuming fired two shots at the corner from time to time, sealing some strange things in the raw stone essence.

I am still struggling with whether I should exchange things with Wuming for the power of Frog, because this power is really strong. He has swallowed up a lot of pollution in the eternal space in the air, but there is no problem with his body at all. Those All pollution has been eliminated.

If the power of the 'frog' could not change a person's appearance, he would definitely be ecstatic, but now he is half surprised and half hesitant.

"A layman, this kind of power does not belong to you. Your attachment to such a power will only delay your ability to enter the realm of great gods. Think twice before you act." At this moment, Gao Shanggong noticed out of the corner of his eye that the real layman was worrying about gains and losses, so he calmly said said.

The real person was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "Well, I know it well!"

But at this moment, Wuming made a move, and the frog character turned into golden light and flew out of Zhenme Suren's body, falling into his hand in an instant. He said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I didn't know that this thing would affect your progress." territory."

"Actually, it's not that serious." The real person said with a sense of loss and hesitant to speak.

Wuming's reaction was a little strange when he saw the real person. He looked at the frog character on his finger suspiciously. After thinking about it, he pressed the frog character into his body, and his body changed instantly.

But he is different from the real self amateur.

The real self amateur's whole face turned into a frog, while Wuming's eyes only became a little like a frog.

He opened his palm and immediately sucked the surrounding air into his mouth. The air and pollution disappeared instantly.

"This power is not normal, you should be careful when using it!" The real self amateur said with mixed feelings.

Wuming showed surprise, which was different from what he perceived!

In theory, this frog word is completely controlled by his great ability "no words", so he has 100% control over this power, but the information he got does not match this ability!

Something is wrong!

Wuming thought to himself.

This frog word comes with a power that does not belong to the frog word, no wonder the real self amateur behaves so strangely.

In his understanding, the frog word does not have the power to destroy everything, at most it only strengthens abilities like tongue and mucus, but after truly integrating the frog word, he found that the frog word contains another power, which belongs to the power of annihilation.

The strange thing is that this power has nothing to do with the word "frog", but it is perfectly wrapped inside the word "frog", so that he did not notice the existence of this power just now and mistakenly treated the word "frog" as garbage.

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