I Contracted Myself

【620】Speed ​​through the second floor

Gao Shanggong saw Wuming's expression was a little strange, and asked: "What's wrong?"

"This power is a little wrong, let me try again!" Wuming said, and then his hand turned into a bigger mouth, sucking all the pollution around.

His hand was like a high-power vacuum cleaner, and all the pollution was sucked into the giant mouth wherever it went.

"It can be used like this!" Zhenwosuren said in surprise.

Seeing this scene, Gao Shanggong thought: "Is there any side effect of this ability?"

"It's not clear yet, but there is none at present." Wuming said as he walked forward.

At this time, a strange finger approached Wuming's palm, but the next second it was swallowed by Wuming's palm without any waves.

"Let me try!" Gao Shanggong saw this scene and said.

Wuming nodded, and the next moment he took out the word "frog", and the word "frog" flew into Gao Shanggong's body with a flick of his finger.

"Sure enough... there is a power belonging to the secret art of rules in it!" After Gao Shanggong took in the word "frog", he closed his eyes and felt the power of the frog for a while, and then smiled slightly.

But then he had a headache again: "This power seems... unable to truly form a rule secret technique, but can only form a rule prop."

"I think it's good as it is now." Wuming smiled slightly.

Gao Shanggong reacted and smiled: "Yes, this is also good."

There is a prerequisite for the rule secret technique, that is, the rules they find must be universal in all heavens and worlds, otherwise the rule secret technique will have great limitations.

Gao Shanggong actually graded various rule secret techniques, but the grading does not affect the learning of rule secret techniques.

It does not mean that the higher the level of the rule secret technique, the harder it is to learn. In fact, some low-level rule secret techniques are more difficult to learn.

For example, there is a rule secret technique called "All Things Prosperous Mane Technique", which can only be used in a world ruled by a pig-headed man. Once the pig-headed man activates this rule secret technique, he will become extremely powerful, and his body will emit a strong life force, causing everything around him to grow wildly.

It's just that this rule secret technique is useless once it leaves the world ruled by the pig-headed man.

Gao Shanggong classified this kind of rule secret art that is limited to one world as the first-world level. There is actually a land level below the first-world level, and above it are the multi-world level and the ten thousand world level.

For example, the "Ancient Cut Eyes Frozen Light Art" that Wuming often uses is the ten thousand world level rule secret art, but such a powerful rule secret art is an entry-level rule secret art.

In addition to the rule secret art, Gao Shanggong also obtained some items that are suspected to have been used by transcendents, and these items often contain strange powers.

Most of this power will dissipate once it is separated from the object, but there are still a few powers that will condense and not dissipate. Injecting these powers into other objects may not work, but injecting them into specific objects will still produce magical effects.

For example, extracting power from a broken pen, this power will not work when invested in other things, but if a new pen is made and the power is injected into it, then the pen will gain that magical power.

There is also a situation where the object cannot extract power, but it is already broken, so the broken object is repaired in the form of transformation, addition, repair, etc., so as to restore its original appearance and enable it to play its effect again.

The props created by the above two methods are uniformly named "rule props" by Gao Shanggong.

Wuming knew that Gao Shanggong had some rule props, but he did not intend to make the word "frog" into a rule prop. After all, it would not be as useful as a prop now.

At this time, Gao Shanggong had already understood the rule power inside the word "frog" and smiled: "This rule secret technique is too suitable for here. Next, we can speed up."

He instantly turned into a huge bullfrog, opened his mouth and kicked his legs, and instantly flashed from one side of the passage to the end of the passage. All pollution was cleared wherever he passed, even the pollution in the air was gone.

Then, he turned around at a faster speed and headed in the next direction.

"Let's go too!" Wuming looked at Zhenwo Su Ren and said apologetically.

Such a powerful force, no wonder it would shake Zhenwo Su Ren's Tao heart. He shouldn't play around and stuff the power he had not fully mastered into others.

However, this was beyond his expectation. The frog character itself should be the power contaminated by the evil god cauldron, and the devouring and annihilating power inside the frog character is the power of the ‘garbage recycling bin’.

After all, the prototype of the frog character is actually a garbage bin, which was later distorted by the evil god cauldron and turned into an invisible frog. It was originally a device for handling garbage in the home of a mysterious strong man.

Wuming guessed that the mysterious strong man was probably a transcendent. The power inside the frog character that could not be rooted in text was obviously the work of the transcendent, which also explained why he could not detect that power.

His level was still too low. If it was Gao Shanggong, he might have discovered the rule power inside the frog character as soon as he started.

Next, Gao Shanggong devoured all the pollution in front, and Wuming and Zhenwosuren followed closely behind. The originally extremely dangerous corridor became clean after Gao Shanggong passed by, even cleaner than after being covered with the essence of Shengsheng Stone.

This is something that Wuming and Zhenwosuren cannot do. Even if they integrate into the word "frog" and master the devouring and annihilating power within the word "frog", they cannot produce such an exaggerated effect.

Gao Shanggong is actually very strong, but in most cases, he is more accustomed to using wisdom to solve problems, so many people will ignore his powerful strength over time.

At this moment, Zhenwosuren truly felt the power of Gao Shanggong. He had also integrated the word "frog". He knew too well that if he wanted to achieve the effect that Gao Shanggong had achieved now, it was far from enough to rely on just one word "frog". Gao Shanggong must have used other powers to make up for the shortcomings of the word "frog".

The biggest weakness of the word "frog" and the rule power inside it is the attack distance. It must be at the mouth of "it" before it can play a role.

It won't work if it is a little further away.

But Gao Shanggong can now absorb all pollution within a radius of tens of meters, and the speed of absorption is super fast.

Wuming and Zhenwosuren gradually changed from walking fast to running, and then from running to flying close to the ground. They still couldn't keep up with Gao Shanggong's pace no matter how hard they tried.

They passed through one cell after another. Some cells had no prisoners, and some prisoners who had not escaped were trembling in their cells. Looking at the frightened eyes of these prisoners, it was clear that Gao Shanggong had frightened them all, even scared them out of their wits.

In addition, some walls had cracks, and they threw a vitality bomb as they flew over, repairing the cracks in a blink of an eye.

A few hours passed in a blink of an eye, Wuming and Zhenwosuren flew at high speed and finally saw Gao Shanggong parked in front of the stairs leading to the third floor.

At this time, Gao Shanggong had regained his human form, and when he saw the two, he immediately narrowed his eyes and smiled and waved.

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