I Contracted Myself

【621】Third floor

Wuming and Zhenwosuren landed in front of Gao Shanggong. Zhenwosuren exclaimed: "I didn't expect that the second floor was so easy to repair."

"This is all Wuming's credit. If it weren't for Wuming's great ability, I'm afraid we would still be troubled by the invisible frog mouth." Gao Shanggong said with a smile without taking credit.

Although Zhenwosuren felt that Gao Shanggong had made a greater contribution, Gao Shanggong had already said so, and he couldn't refute Gao Shanggong's words.

"Everyone take the Shenlong Body Protection Pill, and the next is the third floor." Gao Shanggong turned to look at the third floor and said to the two.

Wuming took out a Shenlong Body Protection Pill and took it, and asked curiously: "Uncle Gao, why do you have to take the Shenlong Body Protection Pill after the third floor?"

"It is said that there is an evil dragon imprisoned on the upper floor. If you don't take the Shenlong Body Protection Pill, you will be bewitched by the power of the evil dragon. I don't know the specific situation. After all, this is my first time to the Yongji Prison Tower." Gao Shanggong said.

As they talked and walked, the three of them continued to go up the stairs.

However, after walking for a few minutes, the three of them noticed something was wrong. The stairs were too long.

Wuming looked at Gao Shanggong and asked, "Uncle Gao?"

"It should be fine. I didn't notice any other force affecting it. Maybe the stairs from the second floor to the third floor are just longer." Gao Shanggong said.

Wuming asked Tian Xingmingyue again, and Tian Xingmingyue replied, "The stairs to the third floor are too long? Impossible, they were the same length before."


Wuming was speechless.

The problem was that Gao Shanggong didn't notice the problem, so he couldn't find a clue.

He used all his abilities, but still didn't sense any special power. In the end, he had to bite the bullet and continue to go up.

"There should be a force affecting the stairs, not us, and this force has been naturally integrated with the Eternal Silence Prison Tower." Gao Shanggong said as he walked.

They walked for another fifteen minutes, and with the time just now, they walked on the stairs for almost half an hour.

Gao Shanggong wanted to say that this was normal, but he couldn't even justify what he said. This was definitely abnormal, but the eyes between his eyebrows didn't notice anything abnormal, so there was only one explanation, that a force had merged with the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

"If we keep going up, it's all stairs..." Zhenwosuren said with some worry.

But just as he finished speaking, the end of the stairs arrived. It was a piece of silt. The thick silt blocked the way up the stairs. No one knew what was behind the silt.

"Let's go, let's go up and take a look!" Gao Shanggong thought about it and continued to move forward.

Although he could use the frog power in his body to devour this layer of silt, the problem was that this layer of silt was not polluted. He was worried that the situation above the silt was similar to the Great Wilderness Special Zone, so he thought about it and didn't do it.

After all, if the situation above was similar to the Great Wilderness Special Zone, there might be innocent people on it. Although he could control the rule power inside the frog power to a certain extent, if he sucked people into his body, he would still annihilate the other party instantly.

This was a rule that he couldn't stop either.

Wuming and Zhenwosuren were aware of Gao Shanggong's concerns. Zhenwosuren released the two death row prisoners and said, "It's the same as before, one in front and one behind."

Just now, the two death row prisoners were safe and sound. Zhenwosuren put them into the gem belt when he accelerated at full speed to prevent them from getting in the way.

"Same as before, I'll be in front." The death row prisoner who was very depressed before said.

The Bull Terrier death row prisoner had no problem, so he fell behind the team. Everyone flew up and plunged into the mud.

The mud had an unpleasant odor. Wuming and others covered the surface of their bodies with energy and even supported a small space, so they didn't really touch the mud.

In the dark and sticky mud, the five people were like loaches constantly drilling up, and the pressure gradually became less and less. Finally, they popped up from the surface of the mud one by one.

They were in a swamp, with withered trees and strange creatures not far away.

A large bird with a skull-like beak landed on a withered tree. It noticed Wuming and the others at the first moment. It stared at them, but did not take any action.

"It's really the same as the Great Wilderness Special Zone." Zhenwosuren said.

Gao Shanggong frowned and said, "No, it's different. This place...something is wrong. You all check how much of your ability is left."

"I only have one-third left." Zhenwosuren's face changed slightly and he said immediately.

Wuming frowned and said, "I don't seem to be weakened."

"I was suppressed by 90% of my strength." Gao Shanggong said seriously.

The other two death row prisoners also reported that they were suppressed. Then everyone looked at Wuming. Gao Shanggong confirmed, "Wuming, are you sure you are not suppressed?"

"Yes, I can be sure!" Wuming nodded.

He was also very curious why he was the only one who was not suppressed.

"Let's go ashore first!" Gao Shanggong couldn't figure out the reason, so he had to start from the reality.

Everyone went ashore, Gao Shanggong immediately flew into the air to observe the environment, Wuming and Zhenwosuren followed suit. Even though they were weakened, they were still very strong and could easily smash the planet.

Looking around from the sky, Wuming and Zhenwosuren opened their eyes wide and showed incredible expressions.

Tall towers were built on the ground, and the light beams on the top of the towers penetrated the sky, surrounding the towers, forming huge cities one after another.

Mountains, rivers, sky...

Everything is real.

This is like a plane, not a layer of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

And it is different from the Great Wilderness Special Zone. The Great Wilderness Special Zone is a man-made space, but this space is formed naturally and has been integrated with the entire Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

Wuming smiled and said, "So that's why it can't suppress my strength, because it is part of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, and my Great Wilderness Special Zone base is also part of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. As the controller of the Great Wilderness Special Zone, I will naturally not be suppressed by the Eternal Silence Prison Tower."

The relationship between this plane and the Great Wilderness Special Zone is like brothers. Everyone is free at home, while Gao Shanggong and others are uninvited guests, so naturally their strength will be suppressed.

"Where are the prisoners on the third floor?" Zhenwo Su Ren thought at this time.

Gao Shanggong guessed, "It is estimated that some of them are dead, and some..."

"Don't think so much for the time being. It would be better for us to find a place to stay and observe before discussing." Wuming suggested.

They had a lot of things to investigate, such as why the third floor had evolved into a plane, where the prisoners on death row had gone, and where the stairs to the fourth floor were.

Because the third floor had undergone earth-shaking changes, they could no longer easily find the stairs to the next floor along the passage.

All of this required them to explore slowly.

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