I Contracted Myself

【622】Zombies, werewolves, vampires

Blood Clotting City, Wolf Castle.

The patriarch of the Iron Claw family, Da Vinci Iron Claw, was dying. As a werewolf, he should have an endless lifespan, but Dexar's curse made every member of the Iron Claw family live no more than 200 years.

He knew he was dying, so he summoned all the members of the family to prepare to issue a will.

As one of the four major families in Blood Clotting City, the Iron Claw family must not be in chaos. He has already decided that the next patriarch will be inherited by his eldest son, Byrampu Iron Claw.

Byrampu is tall and handsome, and he is the son with the best fighting skills and the best control of his blood among all his sons.

Werewolf blood gives them strong vitality, unparalleled healing ability, and a lifespan far beyond that of ordinary people. If there were no Dexar's curse, they could be immortal.

But werewolf blood is not without its shortcomings. Newborn werewolves often have a bad temper because of the restlessness of the werewolf blood in their bodies, and even lose their minds because of excessive anger.

The Iron Claw Family and the Wolf Fang Family fell out because the conflicts between the younger generations gradually accumulated, and finally evolved into mutual hostility between the two families.

Bailump's greatest advantage is rationality. He can always remain restrained and will not get angry easily even after being transformed into a werewolf. In Da Vinci's mind, the Iron Claw Family led by Byrum will become great again and become the most powerful family in the entire Coagulation City.

At this time, the members of the Iron Claw Family arrived one by one, and each of them showed sadness and reluctance.

Da Vinci-Iron Claw looked at his offspring and couldn't find Byrum for a long time, so he asked: "Where is Byrum?"

"Bailump went hunting with Gotra of the Spirit Sniffing Family." Da Vinci's second son William-Iron Claw replied.

Da Vinci stared at William, his face became more and more ugly, his body trembled violently because of excessive anger, he couldn't believe it: "Asshole, how dare you!!!"

"Father, Byrampu and the Lingxiu family are too close. If the Iron Claw family is really ruled by Byrampu, I am worried that the Iron Claw family will be annexed by the Lingxiu family sooner or later." William looked down at Da Vinci and said.

Da Vinci looked at the other children and asked: "You just watch William kill your eldest brother?"

"Father, at least William won't drive us away. I don't want to go to the poor and remote places like Ruishi and Meitaijian." A girl muttered in a low voice.

The other members also nodded in agreement with the girl's statement. Although William was the leader of this matter, they actually also fueled it behind the scenes.

Because according to the tradition of the Iron Claw family, except for Byrampu who can stay in the Coagulation City to inherit all of Da Vinci's wealth and power, the other descendants of Byrampu can only go to the villages and towns around the Coagulation City. If they are lucky, they may become a mayor, but if they are unlucky, they can't even be village chiefs.

Besides, after leaving Blood Clotting City, their identities will be different when they come back.

Their descendants must become private soldiers of the Iron Claw Family. They will also be like their uncles, quietly dying of old age in about one to two hundred years, watching Byronpu's son take away everything from them.

No one present was willing to face such an ending, so they supported William to take the throne, watching Byronpu being plotted against by William, and could only flee Blood Clotting City in embarrassment.


Da Vinci was shocked and angry, staring at his children with his eyes.

As a vested beneficiary, he believed that the existence of tradition must have the meaning of traditional persistence, and these children were violating the tradition of the Iron Claw Family from generation to generation.

"Father, you are old, go to bed early, and the Iron Claw Family will be handed over to me in the future." William smiled at this time.

Others also smiled and nodded. Da Vinci wanted to summon his guards, but soon he found that all the guards had lost contact. He stared at William with an ugly face and said, "Did you make a deal with the vampire?"

"Father, please die quietly...." William turned and left, and finally closed the door tightly.

Leonardo da Vinci looked at the empty room, feeling grief and anger in his heart, wishing he could strangle the rebellious sons and daughters headed by William.

But he had no strength left, and in the end he could only look at the ceiling sadly, as if he saw that in the near future, the Iron Claw family would decline under William's rule.


There are many villages and towns outside the Blood Coagulation City, which are all ruled by the Blood Coagulation City. Most of the residents are humans, and there are also a small number of werewolves, zombies, and all vampires rejected by vampires.

Humans are the lowest class in the Blood Coagulation City. Most of them are engaged in physical labor. Above them are zombies, who are extremely powerful. After awakening their memories before death, they can often serve as guards and soldiers.

The four major families in the Blood Coagulation City have been recruiting zombies, and the treatment is much better than that of humans.

Therefore, many people hope that they can turn into zombies after they die, so as to become the best.

However, the probability of humans becoming zombies after death is not particularly high. About one hundred people die and only one person can be lucky enough to become a zombie and live again.

In this world, the most mainstream intelligent life forms are humans, zombies, werewolves, and vampires.

In addition to the mainstream intelligent life forms, there are also some rare intelligent life forms, such as wizards born among humans, zombie werewolves born among werewolves, and skeleton wizards that occasionally appear in mass graves...

Countless strange dark creatures constitute the main theme of this world, and then there are a large number of ordinary creatures, monsters, and ghosts.

If humans want to survive in this world, they can only rely on powerful werewolves or vampires.

In cities ruled by vampires, humans need to pay enough blood every month, while cities ruled by werewolves are slightly better, and only require humans to hand in food and meat.

Therefore, there are many villages and towns ruled by Blood Coagulation City, far more than those ruled by vampires.

It's a pity that humans cannot be used as combat power, so once werewolves fight with vampires, they still rely on werewolves. The strength of both sides is actually comparable, and the gap does not change because of the number of humans.

Wuming and others sneaked into a village ruled by Blood Coagulation City, and it only took one day to figure out the general situation of the whole world.

At this time, everyone settled down at the village chief's house, and when the village chief went to help buy meat, they exchanged information.

"This world is a bit strange. There seem to be many messy genes and bloodlines hidden in humans. I observed the werewolves in the village. The difference between him and humans is actually very small, and he is also eroded by a curse. It is estimated that he only has one or two years of life left." Zhenwo Suren said.

Wuming's observations and conclusions were similar to those of Zhenwosuren. He guessed, "So there are problems with the humans here, or they are not even humans?"

"Human evolution is inherently bizarre. The physical and genetic differences between humans in different worlds are even greater than the genetic differences between humans and monkeys in the same world. As long as they have humanity, they can actually be called humans. The werewolves and vampires in this world are, after all, just subspecies of humans." Gao Shanggong said lightly.

He looked through the window at the mountains far away outside the house and said solemnly, "The humans here are actually not to be feared. What is really scary are the legends passed down by word of mouth."

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