I Contracted Myself

【623】Wish Come True Elf

According to old legend, there is a human-transforming spring hidden in the rolling mountains in the distance.

Any creature that drinks the water from the Human Transformation Spring will turn into a human. There were no humans in this world at first. Various monsters drank the water from the Human Transformation Spring unintentionally, and each one of them finally transformed into a human.

These people are the ancestors of mankind and the origin of mankind.

It is said that there are still occasional monsters that accidentally drink the water of the Human Transformation Spring, and eventually turn into humans and blend into human villages. However, their nature has not been lost and they will still feed on humans.

According to old legend, humans are the weakest race on the earth. At that time, countless monsters and beasts preyed on humans.

The ancestors of the werewolf and the ancestors of the vampires were a couple. They gave birth to three sons, but all three sons became food for monsters. They were heartbroken over this.

At this time, a ghost floating on the earth appeared in front of them, allowing each of them to make a wish, and it would fulfill their wishes.

The ancestors of the werewolves hoped to have the power to kill monsters, the ancestors of the vampires hoped to gain the power to resurrect children, and finally the ghosts turned them into werewolves and vampires.

This ghost is still wandering on the earth. If anyone can meet it, it will fulfill the other person's wish.

There are many more stories like this, such as the door that can lead to all worlds, the stone tablet that turns people into idiots, the broken sword that turns people into skeletons...

Just a small village has a lot of confusing legends and customs. Behind these legends and customs may be the power left after the death of the third-level prisoners.

When Gao Shanggong and others were discussing these legends, Wuming heard Tianxing Mingyue in the Nameless Sea say: "Wuming, that ghost you mentioned that can make wishes come true, I know what he is."

"You know? Prisoner?" Wuming asked immediately.

Tianxing Mingyue replied: "Yes, that ghost is indeed a prisoner, named 'Wish Comes Little Elf'. It does not have its own will, it is just a prop for making wishes. The problem is that it has many ways to realize other people's wishes." The problem."

"I probably understand. After all, it is indeed a beautiful thing to have your wishes come true, but many people are actually unable to control their minds. Once they have pessimistic or bad thoughts, it will be troublesome." Wuming Ruoyang Said thoughtfully.

This is a good explanation for why the ancestors of werewolves and vampires became werewolves and vampires.

While they were making wishes, some bad thoughts must have appeared in their minds involuntarily. Maybe it was the scene of wolves killing monsters, or maybe it was other messy things.

Eventually, their wishes soured.

"Wu Ming, it must be imprisoned as soon as possible. I don't know how many creatures' wishes it has fulfilled, but there is no upper limit to making wishes to it. I am very worried that an uncontrollable situation will occur." Tianxing Mingyue said worriedly.

Wuming frowned slightly and asked: "There is no upper limit? If I make a wish to it, for example, if I want to transcend, can I really transcend?"

"I don't know, maybe it's possible but not necessarily, but the way of detachment may not be acceptable to you." Tian Xing Mingyue said uncertainly.

Then he warned: "Wu Ming, everyone has the idea of ​​becoming stronger, but never use the elf in your mind. In the past, its existence has caused the destruction of countless worlds. We, the jailers, have stepped into the third level. Everyone has been warned countless times that making a wish to the elf will only lead to your own death. Now that you have such a strong foundation and the potential of great power, there is no need for you to take this risk. "

"Don't worry, I won't make a wish to the wish-fulfilling elf, but even if I want to imprison it, I can neither find it nor know how to imprison it. Mingyue, what can you do?" Wuming nodded, and then said.

Tianxing Mingyue replied: "There is indeed a way. The wish-fulfillment elf will react to the strongest emotions. For example, the grieving couple in the story, their strong sadness attracted the wish-fulfillment elf. You just need to have a strong enough emotion and a strong enough desire. Maybe you don’t need to look for it, and the elf will appear in front of you naturally.”

"Then what? How to imprison it?" Wuming then asked.

Tianxing Mingyue smiled and said: "When it says you can make a wish, just use a box made of raw stone to imprison it. Before you make a wish, or before the box is opened and you meet other beings, it will wait for you to make a wish."

"Okay, I'll find a way to imprison the little elf with my thoughts first!" Wuming nodded after hearing this.

Then he looked at Gao Shang Gong and Zhenwo Suren. He first gave Zhenwo Suren a look, and Zhenwo Suren immediately put the death row prisoner into the gem, and at the same time blocked the gem from detecting the outside.

After confirming that the death row prisoner could not hear or see, Wuming shared the information about the elf in his mind with Gao Shangong and Zhenwo Suren.

After hearing this, both of them were silent for a moment, and then the real person said with a little heart: "In other words, as long as you keep your heart, it is not impossible to use the elf to make your wishes come true?"

"This should be a prop made by a transcendent person, and it is extremely uncontrollable. I suggest you don't take shortcuts. In case of an accident, death may be the best outcome." Gao Shangong warned.

Once anything has something to do with a transcendent person, you can never be too careful. As a scholar who specializes in rules and secrets, Gao Shanggong is well aware of the dangers hidden therein.

"Well, amateur, I think you'd better give up the idea of ​​making a wish. After all, a long time has passed. None of us know whether it has deteriorated. What if some people's wishes distort it?" Wuming agreed.

Zhenwo amateur said unwillingly: "But what if it really comes true? How can there be no risk in cultivation? Cultivation is full of dangers. Compared with the gains, I think this risk is nothing."

"Okay, it's useless to discuss so much now. Let's find a way to lure the wish-fulfilling elf first." Gao Shanggong said helplessly.

Wuming smiled bitterly: "Indeed, we have been talking here for a long time, as if the wish-fulfilling elf can be easily attracted."

In fact, none of the three people present were sure that they could lure the wish-fulfilling elf. After all, no one knew how strong emotions and thoughts were needed to attract the attention of the wish-fulfilling elf.

The three of them were silent for a moment. Gao Shanggong suddenly looked at Zhenwosuren, and Wuming also looked at Zhenwosuren almost at the same time. Zhenwosuren saw that the two of them were looking at him with burning eyes, and suddenly his scalp was numb.

He swallowed and asked, "Why are you looking at me like this? What are you thinking... thinking... about?"

Gao Shanggong and Wuming looked at each other, and then they both showed the same smile.


Isn't it here!

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