I Contracted Myself

【624】Bailumpu’s wish


The sky was full of dark clouds, and heavy rain fell with thunder. The raindrops hit the endless mountains of the Broken Ridge Mountains heavily. The trees in the mountains drank dew in the rain, and strange crows with feathers comparable to steel sat on the treetops, looking lifeless. His eyes were fixed on the ground, where various animals were running through the forest, looking for shelter from the wind and rain.

A figure was running staggeringly in the rain, clutching his chest and stopping under a tree to rest every few steps.

This man is one of the four major families in Coagulation City, the eldest son of the Iron Claw family, Bailumpu-Iron Claw, known as the 'Beautiful Wolf'.

Because of his brother William's conspiracy, his chest was injured by a silverware. Fortunately, his heart was slightly to the left, so the silverware only injured his lungs, but it was not fatal.

After he was plotted against, he called for the guards, but when the guards appeared, he sensed the danger, so he simply escaped from Wolf Castle, avoiding the guards' search all the way, enduring the pain caused by his injuries, and fled here.

However, he knew very well that his physical strength was about to be exhausted. The self-healing ability that the werewolf was proud of was cut in half due to the restraint of the silverware. He would probably die from the injuries before he could heal them.

He breathed hard, gritted his teeth and walked forward. The rain gradually blurred his vision, and the thunder in his ears gave him a headache. He doesn't want to give up, he doesn't want to die, he wants revenge, and wants to send everyone who betrayed him to hell.


Baylump was very unwilling, but his body was very realistic and would not change in any way due to his will.

He fell heavily in the mud, and his body had no strength to move anymore. He could only let the rain wash away his body. The muddy rainwater flowed from his nose and mouth into his abdomen, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

When his unwillingness and anger gradually disappeared, leaving only pain and despair, he suddenly saw the light.

A group of warm light floated from a distance, and you could vaguely see something swinging left and right in the light group. The light slowly approached him, and finally stopped in front of him.

"Stupid boy, your inner voice is really noisy, so now you can have a wish. Make a wish quickly and stop arguing!" A childish voice came from the light ball.

Baylump's eyes suddenly widened, and the stories he heard when he was a child immediately came to his mind, the stories of their ancestors.

Could this be the legendary ghost that can make wishes?

He didn't know where the strength came from, and he suddenly raised his upper body from the ground and shouted in pain: "Ghost, please give me powerful power and an immortal physique!"

"This is already three wishes, but forget it, let's just treat it as one wish!" said the villain in the light group.

The next moment, the light separated a little ball of light and sank into Baylump's body. Baylump suddenly found that he had turned into a blue werewolf. Before he could react, the little man in the light ball said: "Okay, your My wish has come true, stop arguing, bye!"

After saying that, the light ball sank into the ground and disappeared in an instant.

Only then did Baylump react. He clenched his fists and found that his strength was incredible, his body became translucent, and all his injuries were healed.

He got up from the ground and found that he was light. Only then did he realize that he had become a ghost werewolf.


He didn't want to become a ghost!

Baylump was a little dumbfounded, but he soon realized that he had said the word "ghost" in his wish. Did the ghost regard the word "ghost" as one of his wishes?

Thinking about it this way, it seems that there are really three wishes.

Ghost, power, immortality!

He had it all now.

It just seemed a little different from what he thought.

But forget it, he was already about to die. Now he was lucky enough to meet the legendary ghost and get powerful power from the ghost. That was enough.

He clenched his fists, and his eyes suddenly revealed a strong murderous intent.

"William, you are dead!"

The corners of Bailumpu's mouth turned up slightly, and he whispered with a smile.

After saying that, he turned around and floated in the direction of Wolf Castle, getting faster and faster, and finally turned into a blue light and disappeared at the end of the mountains like a meteor.

"I want invincible power!"

"I want invincible power!"

"I want invincible power!"

At the village chief's house, I was sitting cross-legged on the bed, talking to myself.

Wuming and Gao Shanggong were hiding in another room. They both looked at the sudden heavy rain outside the window, and neither of them spoke.

About half an hour later, Wuming was a little unsure and said, "Is this really useful? I feel... maybe it's not exciting enough." "Well, let's test it until the rain stops."

Gao Shanggong also felt that this was unreliable. Any thought that was strong at first would be difficult to maintain the same level of intensity later on. Most thoughts would gradually become numb over time.

At the beginning, I must have had high expectations, my thoughts were very firm, and my emotions were very intense, but until now... I guess I have become numb.

Both Wuming and Gao Shanggong felt that their true amateur enthusiasm was beginning to fade.

After all, it would be fine if this would definitely succeed, but no one knows whether this would succeed.

This is an illusory attempt. Once you start to lack confidence, failure is not far away.

It rained heavily all day and all night.

The next day, when night fell, Wuming and Gao Shangong breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the rain stopped.

Gao Shanggong regretted saying that the rain stopped after the experiment. He really didn't expect that the rain would last so long. He should have used his ability to observe the rain clouds carefully and confirmed the time when the rain would stop before saying this.

Fortunately, the rain stopped.

Wuming and Gao Shanggong walked to the room of the real self amateur. The real self amateur was still mumbling, but his mumbling was more like a mechanical repetition of the previous operation, without any expectations or ideas.

"Okay, if this goes on, the wish-fulfilling elf will probably not appear. Let's investigate other legends first." Gao Shanggong interrupted the operation of the real self amateur and said.

After hearing this, the real self amateur was relieved and lay on the bed, saying: "I won't make a wish. Making a wish is more uncomfortable than practicing. I would rather read three masterpieces of the Atlan system than make a wish."

The Atlan system is a spiritualist practice guide written by a strong man named Atlan. It is famous for its boring content and lengthy length. Its power is comparable to mental pollution. Many scholars have tried to conquer this masterpiece, but in the end they all failed. Some even gave up becoming scholars and needed to rely on alcohol to numb themselves to forget the pain of learning the Atlan system. They were drunk all day and became completely useless.

So far, only Gao Shanggong in the entire Scholar Foundation has read the full text, and none of the remaining scholars have been able to read the full text of the Atlan system.

Gao Shanggong understood the meaning of the words of the real amateur, so he smiled and explained it to Wuming casually. After Wuming understood what the Atlan system was, he couldn't help laughing.

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