I Contracted Myself

【625】Bottom line

For the next week, the three Wuming people traveled deep into the mountains, looking for the legendary Spring of Human Transformation.

This spring of human transformation is most likely the body of a prisoner, or even a prisoner. Since we know that it is somewhere in the deep mountains, we only need to search all over the mountains in this plane to find the spring of human transformation. .

However, Wuming and the others didn't expect that after searching for a week, they still couldn't find the Huaren Spring. Instead, they heard news that was beyond their expectation when they stopped in a small town to rest: the eldest son of the Iron Claw family, Byron Pu, was plotted by the second son, William. , when he was about to die, he met the legendary ghost who could realize all wishes. Finally, he gained powerful power and successfully avenged William who assassinated him.

In the restaurant, Gao Shanggong listened to the words of the diners at the table next to him. After pondering for a moment, he looked at Wuming and Zhenwo Suren and asked, "Do you think this is true or false?"

"If they are fake, what good do they do?" Zhenwo Suren asked casually.

Wuming smiled and said: "How can it be useless? The spread of this news can greatly enhance the reputation of Baylump, and the transfer of family power can be passed more smoothly. Other families are not sure whether this matter is true or not, so they will naturally I have some scruples and don’t dare to take action against the Iron Claw family easily.”

"But I think it should be true." Wuming paused, put down his chopsticks and added.

The real person became interested and suggested: "Why don't we go and take a look? It's just right to confirm the effect of the wish-fulfilling elf."

"Have you forgotten what you said before?" Wuming looked at Zhenwo Suren speechlessly.

The real person immediately remembered the experience of making a wish to seduce the wish-fulfilling elf a week ago, and immediately shuddered and said: "I was just curious about its effect, I didn't say I wanted to make a wish."

"What amateurs say actually makes sense. The wish-fulfilling elf has various ways of realizing other people's wishes. Maybe there is something wrong with Baylump.

Okay, anyway, I’m not sure this rumor is true yet. There’s no need to discuss it too much. Let’s go and take a look first! "Gao Shanggong swallowed a piece of meat and continued.

Seeing that Gao Shanggong had already made up his mind, Wuming and Zhenwo would naturally not object. After all, Gao Shanggong was the captain of this operation.

After the three of them finished eating and paid their bills, they set off in the direction of Blood Coagulation City. …

Blood Coagulation City, Wolfsburg.

The walls of Wolf Castle are very high and thick enough to withstand attacks from all kinds of giant beasts.

On the outside of the city wall, many corpses were hung to deter the enemy.

Most of these corpses come from vampires, zombies, and wizards, and all of them have been dried into mummies. Next to these mummies, William and his brothers and sisters were hung on them, after being tortured by silverware and exposed to the scorching sun. Exposed to the sun, they were already dying.

"A ghost that can grant all wishes, please respond to me, please give me strength!"

William was not desperate. The pain stimulated his spirit. He kept recalling the scene of Baylump reappearing and destroying them. He also wanted to have such power.

Now, his only hope is to attract the legendary ghost who can grant all wishes, otherwise he will die.

At this moment, his reluctance was stronger than that of Baylump. His plot against Baylump was entirely the result of his own efforts. He had used all the tricks to bribe his father's guards and even got in touch with a vampire in exchange for extremely precious silver. .

After all the preparations, he finally got the position of the head of the family.

But before he could enjoy the glory and gain the supreme power of his family, Baylump appeared again. His blue body was not afraid of any physical attack, and his terrifying wolf claws could easily tear the heart of a guard into pieces.

If Baylump hadn't wanted to leave them to suffer, he could have easily killed him at that time.

"Brother, are we going to die?"

At this time, William's youngest sister Aurora asked weakly.

William's spirit perked up slightly and he said firmly: "No, we will not die, the ghost will definitely appear."

"But we did something bad and harmed Brother Baylump. Will the ghost hate us?" Aurora's tone gradually weakened, and finally her breath gradually disappeared.

William felt the disappearance of Aurora's breath next to him, and his heart suddenly felt cramped. He opened his mouth, and it took a while before he let out a painful cry.

He understood why Baylump hung Aurora next to him. Such pain was indeed heartbreaking.

Aurora is only four years old, and the whole plan has nothing to do with Aurora. He knows it, and Baylump knows it, but he loves his family deeply, and Baylump also knows it.

They were not born to the same mother. Baylump's mother had been killed by a vampire when Baylump was fifty years old. They were both the children of Leonardo da Vinci-Ironclaw's new wife.

"Ghost, please appear!" William howled.

At this time, Baylump walked through the wall and appeared in front of them. Baylump looked at William arrogantly and said: "How does this kind of pain feel? There will be one, two, three... too many No matter what, you will watch them die one by one with your own eyes, and in the end you will be hung on the wall of shame in Wolf Castle forever, being spurned by my heirs and humiliated by my people!"

"You were just lucky enough to meet a ghost!" William glared at Baylump fiercely and gritted his teeth.

Baylump said proudly: "That further proves that I am the chosen one. I am the only master of the Iron Claw family. You conspirators and traitors all deserve death!"

"If you are really the chosen one, you shouldn't vent your anger on such a young child." Suddenly, a voice sounded behind Byrampu.

The next moment, a ball of light fell into Aurora's body, and Aurora regained her vitality.

In fact, Aurora was not dead, but fell into a state of suspended animation because of the silverware and exposure to the sun. This ball of light only healed her injuries and provided her with enough energy, so her tenacious vitality naturally recovered.

Byrampu turned around and saw three strangers flying in the air, squinting and said: "Three wizards? Do you want to be my enemy?"

"We don't mean to be your enemy, we just come to ask some questions..." said the real self amateur.

Wuming interrupted the real self amateur and said: "If you can give me a face and let the innocent child go, you can do whatever you want with the rest of the people, so we may have a good talk!"

His tone was a little unkind, because the youngest child among the people hanging on the wall was only four years old, and there were also children aged six and eight. When he saw them, he had no good feelings for Byrampu.

Revenge is not impossible.

Wuming is not an unreasonable person, but revenge should have a bottom line.

Taking out anger on such a young child is too much in Wuming's opinion.

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